Ian tell her shes beautiful and should be a model(Museum), Axel is just there, a desperate photographer doing his job.
Ian tells her to try it and accompanies her to the photoshoot. Axel is just there, a desperate photographer doing his job.
Ian shows she's desirable and can go pro, (Go read again IanxCindy sex scenes and conversation in museum

Axel is just there, a desperate photographer doing his job.
Again, Ian encourages her. Read their conversations. Axel is just there, a desperate photographer doing his job.
Ian+Cindy route is literally Ian encouraging her to come out of her shell and showing her the passion, love, care, emotional and physical support she was lacking. Axel is just a desperate photographer doing his job

She literally is about to be burst and can't contain her emotions, herself both physically and emotionally whenever Ian and Cindy are alone. You can clearly see it in their conversations. Heck I dare and say that Ian is more emotionally supportive and there for Cindy. You can see emotional and physical connection between them clearly.
Again, how's that different than with Ian? Heck Cindy is more emotionally invested in Ian while
Axel is just a desperate photographer doing his job.