It's unclear that his initial intentions were to "Spy on Lena". If they are talking, and being friendly, he may very well have just been headed to her room to ask her if she wanted to watch TV, or grab a bite to eat.I know that there are 3 variants and still in none Lena gave permission to peep on her.
He doesn't spy or he is just not shown peeping. Both are different. Nonetheless, the question still persists if you're nice and flirty he will spy and that was not good on Stanny boy's part that's the reason Lena is given the choice to let Stanny boy watch or not.
Also creepy fat dude peeping vs. sexy model girl, way different.
Upon hearing noises he decided to investigate. He may not have been sure if she hurt herself or she was getting beat up or whatever.
He was standing there like a deer in the headlights. He wasn't beating off, he was just standing there surprised.
No, it is not different at all if a fat man is peeping or a pretty girl is peeping. It's the same behavior. An individuals gender or physical appearance has no effect on the morality of their actions. We can toss race in there as well.
If a super model shoots a fat man on the street it is the same crime if a fat man shoots a super model on the street.
I understand that the legal system, and individuals may have biases. For example, women don't tend to face as long of a sentence for the same crime as a man, and 95% of people killed by police are men. There is also some disparities when it comes to race in that regard.
Gender, Race, & Level of attractiveness should not factor in to punishments for crimes or other bad behavior.
Hypothetically If you were dating "Rosa" that fat chick that Lena can punch, and she cheats on you... It's the exact same thing as if you were dating Cindy or Lena or any other girl in the game and they cheated on you. Cheating is cheating. You don't get a pass for being hot, although you may get more opportunities to cheat.
The only time it is fair to make an exception for bad behavior is if the individual perpetrating that bad behavior is a minor, mentally ill, cognitively impaired, or perhaps extreme circumstances could be considered as well.
Being hot and female is not an excuse for bad behavior.
Lena should be charged for stealing from the register just like anyone else in that line.