Hmm interesting. This option simply flags Lena has romantic interest in Holly,
which, if we use Lena/Ian and Ian/Lena as analogy doesn't necessarily have to be reciprocated. The check also filters out the case where Ivy got her hands on Holly (either in Ch.8 or in Ch.11 in the showers):
# holly dating
if lena_holly_dating:
if holly_ivy:
$ lena_holly_love = False
"{image=icon_love.webp}I want to be with Holly" if lena_axel_desire == False:
$ lena_holly_love = True
"{image=icon_broken.webp}It's not made for me":
$ lena_holly_love = False
//... given this, i'd tentatively write it off as intentional opportunity for the player to make (potentially foolish) one-sided choices towards people who won't necessarily return it.
And yeah, it makes a plot where Lena has feelings for slutty Holly who will instead sneak into Ian's bedroom and bang him after Lena/Ian breakup quite hillarious. Though obv. not for Lena.