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With Chapter 13.2 finished, it’s time to talk about the next update. As I mentioned before, Chapter 13.3 will switch back to Ian’s perspective to reflect roughly the same timeline as Lena’s. This means the next update will focus on advancing key plot points for Ian’s story before returning to Lena and the events of Billy’s long anticipated event.
Releasing a new chapter always gives me a boost of morale and energy, and so far, I’m making great progress with production. Some of the art for key scenes was almost finished during the development of 13.2, and this past week, I’ve been focusing primarily on writing. Assuming the script’s length is similar to the last release, and with around 2,000 lines already written, I’d say I've written about 20% of the update. More importantly, the structure of the update is clearly mapped out, which is helping me move forward more quickly.
I hope to be able to keep this pace and motivation to publish again as soon as possible. Once again, thank you to everyone who has been supporting this project for a while, and to all the new people who’ve joined recently; I hope to keep delivering more content for you to enjoy and that you continue to have fun with this little madness that is Our Red String.
More updates next week!