Eh, girls go for bad boys not only because they are attractive, mysterious, dangerous and unpredictable. It's because of the desire to tame them, hence the term I can fix him. Of course, it's proved that's usually only a fantasy and girls get burned.
That's a bit of a general statement, sometimes we go for bad boys because we expect a specific outcome too. The reason can sometimes be simple, but it depends on the individuals involved just like anything else in life. I happen to lack romantic interest in men so if I - at least back when I was single - ever went for a stereotypical bad boy it was exactly because I expected a certain kind of explicit outcome.
I don't know about mysterious, but at least the attractive and unpredictable parts are correct in my experience. If you want to, ahem, "get dicked down" as you might say, you'd go for someone with a flirtatious attitude towards you, someone who wasn't shy about showing his interest.
I guess because of my homoromantic view of men I never cared to wonder about the mysterious part of a bad boy? To me the endeavour was entirely physical and I guess flirting with bad boys gets easy when all there is to it is sex.
You'd be surprised. I mean, I don't know about physically repulsive but women are attracted to men for plenty of reasons other than physical attractiveness. Money, power, charisma, self-assurance, authority... or a mix of several of them.
I think the main values that attracted my interest besides the physical aspects was a certain level of boldness and some humor too. A bad boy buying into their own hype is pretty cringeworthy. Using a word like "chad" or "alpha" unironically isn't very arousing imo.
So the whole game of secuction wasn't
just about physical aspects either I suppose. Less attractive men caught my attention if they were smart, funny and confident in a laid-back manner. And you can basically find individuals of this kind within all groupings, not just bad boys and the like. But of course someone who looks good and knows it might at least more easily come by the confidence part.