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Chapter 7 weekly status report (7)
Hello everyone! Work on Chapter 7 is ongoing. I've finally managed to get out of that block I was having and I can finally progress on the next set of scenes, which are the real meat of this update. I'd say I have around
65% of the script ready, with a total line count of 10.400 so far. Chapter 6 had a whooping 17.500, and this chapter promises to be as long, or maybe even more... But those are just wild estimates.
Let me list the tasks that I have been working on:
- I've been tiding up the first part of the chapter with the help of BloodyMares to make sure there are no bugs and it runs smoothly. I'm trying separate the work on the script in two chunks, so testers can help me play-test the completed part while I work on the other character's script.
- Wrote two new, multi-layered and multi-part sex scenes. I'm quite pleased with how they turned out! There's still a few more of those to write, though.
- Worked on finishing some code and scenes and tying up all the possible branches in a coherent way.
- Finished editing some illustrations and drew a couple extra ones. I work on these when I find myself having trouble pushing through the writing on some scenes, but ideally I will save this part for last, this way I can edit the images while proofreading and bug-testing of the finalized chapter is being done.
My initial goal was to publish Chapter 7 by the end of February's first week, but
that's not gonna happen. I'm making good progress but there's still quite a lot of stuff to do, plus testing. I'm kicking myself in the teeth because I'm falling off schedule, but it can't be helped. Development is plenty challenging but most importantly, I don't want to cut planned story content to fit a deadline. I've always tried to be consistent with those and push out content as fast as I could, but the level of quality I'm trying to provide with ORS takes some real time...
I don't want to make any concrete predictions as this point because setting myself an unreachable deadline will only stress me out even more, but I can assure you Chapter 7 will be out
before February ends, hopefully much sooner than that. All I can do now is keep working and writing something worth playing! If everything comes together as I'm planning, this next update will be worth the wait.
Thanks for being there, keeping your support! I'll keep you posted.