Don't forget the collar Lena bought last update!
Axel and Seymour were the only characters not in chapter 7 (besides Cherry) so they are guaranteed to make an appearance. Also Lena can literally be dreaming of Axel so something is bound to happen!
Don't you forget Emmy's 'surprise'.
I can't remember Lena being dismissive to Louise, she was mentally dominating her. She never put her down, in fact she is quite appreciative of Louise's efforts.

Louise completely and unquestioningly submitting to her makes it obvious how their relationship will evolve. Lena will probably have the choice to openly dominating her (DID I MENTION THE COLLAR!!!

Don't forget there are 2 main characters. So 4 relationships each (Lena, Holly, Alison, Cindy + Ian, Holly, Louise, Axel) is 7 relationships total. I don't believe there can be much more.