The way I see it, in the bottle game you can make her actively insist on sucking his dick (Jeremy is the one hesitating), so rather than lacking the willpower to hold back (I wouldn't particularly like that either), I think it will take the direction of her actively wanting BBC. Also because technically she is not engaged or married with anyone yet, so from her point of view the idea of having fun with multiple guys at the same time makes clearly more sense than if she were engaged.The problem for me, story wise, would be if Lena immediately threw herself upon Jeremy because she just doesn’t have the willpower to hold back once she sees a big cock. The BBC trope is usually someone fucking a big dick; a LenaxJeremy scene in the next episode would be Lena fucking a person with a big dick.
But I also guess there will be new opportunities to make Lena take more of the molly drug, that will definitely become a significant factor in her future behaviours.
Don't know if Holly is based on a real woman, but she gives me the vibe of a very casual type of quiet girl. If I meet a Holly IRL I might fall in loveI heard that Lena is based off of an actualy pornstar. Is Holly the same? If so, what is her name?
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