Let me preface all the below by saying, as always, this is just my opinion and speculation based off my understanding of story flow. There's a good chance I'm totally wrong and Eva isn't thinking anything like me, so yeah - take it with a grain of salt.
I personally don't think Cindy will stop modelling, not even temporarily - but let me explain. If you recall, even though Wade wasn't happy when the secret of Cindy's modelling behind his back came out, he eventually came to terms with it and accepted it on the condition that he was allowed to sit in on her shoots. Axel mentions this in the club on Wade's birthday, when he recognizes Wade from Cindy's last photoshoot (where apparently Wade was cramping his style a bit). It's quite possible Wade makes a habit of sitting in every time now, and so is okay with Cindy doing it on that condition.
If Wade wasn't there and wasn't okay with it, then I'd totally agree with you, but to me that seems like an arrangement that has made the idea more palatable for Wade, because he retains some actual control in the situation and Axel can't do shit. Cindy is given freedom, but within reason (that being, Wade's comfort zone).
(Also, her new outfit just adds to my suspicion that she won't stop, and it's going to be in the next episode, so again, probably not even temporarily.)
In light of what I just mentioned, I don't think Cindy's guilt conscience will effect her modelling that greatly when the real guilt in her mind -- the elephant in the room -- is her attraction to Ian. Despite her attempts to focus on Wade, we all know the greater interest lies with Ian now, especially after their moment together that left so much unsaid between them (and let's not forget the potential of having been caught by Ivy and Jeremy). Dunno about you, but if it were me I'd probably be thinking of little else on my 'romantic weekend away'... and it would probably be even worse when I laid eyes on the guy in question when I got back.
I hate to be so contradictory about all this, but IMO that seems way too convenient to push that narrative along. The only way I can see that happening is if something comes up at the last moment and Wade can't go with Cindy (and she's gone already gone ahead), so asks Ian to go in his stead simply because he
really doesn't want Cindy to be alone with Axel. Maybe Ian has the option to say no, but if he does go at least he has the convenient excuse that he was doing a favor for his friend.
There is also the possibility that Wade will choose to spend a bit more time with Ian to smooth over their friendship (after Ian kept Cindy's secret from him). Perhaps Cindy even suggested the idea because she was aware of how her secret had made things awkward between the two friends and wanted them to strengthen their friendship again. Quite likely her guilty conscience would play into that as well. But by spending time with Wade, it just so happens that he ends up at one of Cindy's photoshoots, too. Ian can't be blamed for that.
Or perhaps Eva will take the opportunity to explore the friendship between Axel and Ian a little more (I feel sure it will happen at some point), and when Axel invites Ian to hang out at his his place, Cindy happens to be there for a photoshoot, too. Ian couldn't have known, so again, it's hardly his fault.
This could happen with or without Wade in attendance, but if Wade isn't there and Cindy is doing it behind his back because he wanted her to stop but she went against that, perhaps Cindy keeps it from him by not posting any of her photos on social media for the time being.
Oh I agree, it wouldn't make sense for her to send Ian photos when she's trying to pretend nothing happened between them - that wouldn't fit with her intent at all. She also wouldn't want Ian anywhere near her photoshoots. But sometimes life has a funny way of giving us what we don't want exactly when we don't want it... especially in stories where drama is the spice.
I don't think it would be that hard to arrange it. Cindy just needs to have a reason to be apart from the group and for Ian to be able to join her - maybe she's picking up a round of beer and he helps her carry them, maybe Ian decides to join her side for pool, maybe he manages to pull her aside when Wade and Axel are discussing something about her photos at a photoshoot. Ian insists that they should talk (because Cindy has been avoiding him and people are starting to notice). They could have one or two instances of this with Cindy avoiding each time before they actually get their moment, which might be the chapter after. I could speculate on
the moment, but that would be getting
way too ahead of myself considering this is all complete speculation right now. Just my writer's brain getting carried away with it. lol
Can't disagree with this! I love me some juicy drama and this seems a pretty good formula for it.
For me the problem with Lena's male choices is that, with the exception of Ian and
sort of Mike so far, they're almost purely sex and no personality (as well as being douchebags). When you compare that to the girls that Ian gets, it's a bit skewed cos every one of them has personality.
I'd love my Lena to have a guy other then Ian who actually has some depth to him. Hopefully Axel and Seymour will fit that bill when their routes are fleshed out.