Speaking of Emma. I'm kind of wondering if there will be the choice for something more serious down the line for her relationship with Ian. I'm more just wondering about it then seriously considering or hoping. Just how she mentioned that if she ever found the right guy she'd consider a relationship, but for now she's just happy to be a free agent (or something like that). Perry being the right guy for a firecracker like Emma just feels so... I dunno, wrong somehow (maybe it's just because I don't like him, or at least that adds to it). It would be pretty amusing for Ian to get into a serious relationship with a Perry who was pining after her though - and then him finding out. lol
I haven't noticed anything particular that points to a more serious relationship between them (except the "right guy" comment), but the same could be said of Ian/Minerva and Lena/Mike before it suddenly happened, so who knows. I also agree with you regarding Perry. I can see why he likes Emma, but I'm struggling to see why she would like him.
It's also interesting that she's starting to get involved on Lena's side of the story. She's a free spirit, so it might turn out to only be a sexual thing between them, but I'm curious about her part in the bigger story with Seymour as well. All the conversations about her political activism and her confrontation with Seymour before the concert could point to Emma being given a more significant role as the story progresses. But I think one of reasons I like her is exactly that she's a bit chaotic and unpredictable, and her overall role in the story is still a bit mysterious.
And about that "right guy" comment: She already knows that Ian is pretty skillful in bed, and if he at some point ends up being the person who brings down Seymour as well… I suspect he'll check two of the most important boxes for what Emma considers the perfect partner.