Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
I don't think the animation works at all in Android version, it's just black screen from the scene starts till the end. The voice runs, but black screen for visual.
That’s strange, I’ve tested out Ouro on 6 different phone models with different Android software packs and animation ran smoothly on all of them. Which model do you use? Did you try both scenes or just one? If it’s single then which one it is? Did you get any errors before or after the H scene?

Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
That’s strange, I’ve tested out Ouro on 6 different phone models with different Android software packs and animation ran smoothly on all of them. Which model do you use? Did you try both scenes or just one? If it’s single then which one it is? Did you get any errors before or after the H scene?
AndroidOne; Nokia 7 Plus. Up-to-date. Both scenes went black, no errors in everything else, I also tried the gallery after clearing the game. The only things I haven't tested out are the weapons in the shop, I don't have enough gold to purchase all of them.

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
AndroidOne; Nokia 7 Plus. Up-to-date. Both scenes went black, no errors in everything else, I also tried the gallery after clearing the game. The only things I haven't tested out are the weapons in the shop, I don't have enough gold to purchase all of them.
Yeah, I found a potential logic problem for some models. Please, try out - it should fix the issue if I understood it correctly. Your hardware should be more than comfortable running Ouro.


Active Member
Oct 28, 2017
On my PC, there is a long delay between the start of the animation and the actual animation...
There is the text dialogs, but no video, just a black screen...
Didn't know if this is "normal" or not because (I think) Yorna did the same thing on some, (but not all if I remember correctly.)

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
On my PC, there is a long delay between the start of the animation and the actual animation...
There is the text dialogs, but no video, just a black screen...
Didn't know if this is "normal" or not because (I think) Yorna did the same thing on some, (but not all if I remember correctly.)
Yeah, both scenes will start with a black screen and it will persist before the text reaches the starting point of the sex. Like both girls getting into bed, etc.

If you feel it’s taking too long to start you can decrease H scene length in the options - this will reduce the amount of text in them. You can check other special features .

Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
Yeah, I found a potential logic problem for some models. Please, try out - it should fix the issue if I understood it correctly. Your hardware should be more than comfortable running Ouro.
Thanks, it worked, as you mentioned in the other replies, the animation started with a bit delay (especially for Gallery-->Animation Only). The only bone I would have picked out of everything so far, the male on the left of the title screen, is he drawn by a different artist or is the team are drawing males in shoujo manga style on purpose? I have no opinion on that (I am not picky when it comes to shoujo or shounen) but I figure someone might questions that later.

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Thanks, it worked, as you mentioned in the other replies, the animation started with a bit delay (especially for Gallery-->Animation Only). The only bone I would have picked out of everything so far, the male on the left of the title screen, is he drawn by a different artist or is the team are drawing males in shoujo manga style on purpose? I have no opinion on that (I am not picky when it comes to shoujo or shounen) but I figure someone might questions that later.
Guess I need to make a loading screen so people could easily distinguish between animation loading and potential problems. Thing is, Ouro loads animations on demand and this takes a bit of time to do properly. The only alternative is to load them all up during the startup but it’s not a scalable solution since after a few updates you’ll get 100+ MB of deadweight RAM usage.

Yeah, Prince was drawn by a second artist and while he’s not 100% the vision I imagined, he’s decently close. This rather specific look is part of his character design.
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Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017

Ouro v0.1 release and full changelog

Alright, it’s the magical time of the month and the new update is ready! Meet a new character, Alice, and learn more about old acquaintances in the new part of the story.

You can get the new version .

Some players expected more direct combat and you will see it v0.1. Kira will get her first ”real” task and unlock the option to take missions from Freak. These will be primary ”battlegrounds” for the start of the game with their own local goals and options to reach them. Which one will you pick? It’s up to you.

Also, Ouro v0.1 will introduce the first classic puzzle. These will be close to Yorna’s, with Kira interacting directly with puzzle pieces to solve it. I believe it interesting to mix classics with hacking to keep the gameplay dynamic puzzle-wise.

H content

As always, the new version brings a fresh H scene to the table. Unlike previous scenes, this one has 4 phases instead of 3. It’s part of Dan’s line and features another filming with him in the club. This time he has a plan to stage a small story episode with endurance training for a screwed-up athlete. Guess what? Kira’s got the main role :)

The scene is completely optional and won’t count towards the “cleared” counter.

New features

All weapons received new animations for their shooting options. Some animations received timer tuning so players will see the full playthrough but, at the same time, won’t have to wait a lot for the game to display damage results for long bursts.

Kira’s apartment got a new optional upgrade - a sound system available via online shopping. With its help, you can switch background track for your home to suit the mood. Plus, Wrench will add new ones to your collection after you’ll get him old CDs. The first one is available on the secondary mission in Ouro v0.1. I wonder - will you recognize which retro game used it?

The “skill growth” system I talked about in dev’s plans is in the game. From shooting to salvaging useful materials – keep doing it and Kira will get passive perks depending on your activity. But don’t be afraid to check out other weapon or playstyle options.

Ouro received a new pack of weapons and mods for them that will unlock after the first story mission. You’ll find them in the specialized shops in the trade quarter and Wrench’s garage. Also, Wrench has a new option to purchase crafting databases to unlock more options during manufacturing.

New clothes

v0.1 will bring 2 new clothes. Yoga sportswear that players picked during the poll will be available in the armor and clothing shop after you finish the first story mission. Kitsch gear will be awarded as a present during the story along with some visual changes for Kira.


The feedback poll is over and looks like most players want to have sound support in the ”Animation only” mode from the gallery. Sure thing, I’ll use it as the default option for the new toggle. Ouro won’t forbid you from switching it anytime you want - just use the ”Options” menu.

Fixed a rather strange bug with the Alt button activating ”Auto battle” feature. Some players were surprised the game won or lost battles for them after they Alt+Tab’ed out of Ouro. This will no longer happen from v0.1 onward.

Also, I made a pack of minor improvements to the player’s GUI. There is a pack of small tweaks like showing HP and EN bars in the items menu so you can see Kira’s status before and after using medical supplies or batteries, formatting for the main on-map menu, etc.

Adjusted combat menu for mobile versions so it wouldn’t require you to scroll to see all basic options.

Changed “Dev’s log” button’s link to Ouro’s FAQ section.

Adjusted mouse/tap zone for the equipment menu. Now, these will properly cover the whole plate.

Small changes & fixes

Fixed a pair of problems for Ouro’s mobile version. These issues were tied to logic quirks between Android studio and apk packing scripts and could prevent the animation from playing.

Fixed combat GUI bar’s visual shifting after using some items and skills.

Adjusted Kira’s sprites so she wouldn’t look like an actor from “Mars attacks” during her faded-out dialogue state.

Fixed shop/crafting confirmation window. Now’s working properly on mobile devices.

Removed chance rolling for all material nodes in the sewers to provide a reliable “parts” source for crafting. “Freeroam” zones will introduce richer options later in the game.

Fixed typos and NPC/map inconsistencies during the intro section.

Expanded the description window so long vertical characters like y or g could properly fit without clipping.

Fixed rat’s sprite. It no longer has extra pixels during the movement to the right.

Added sound effect to all SecuLink conversations to mark these as external communications and not regular dialogue.

Gave a proper name to Doctor Gut’s assistance and added more German hints to his initial dialogue.

Starting with v0.1, Patrons with Master tier or higher will receive movies with looped animations along with the usual screenshot. Also, I’ll make a poll to discuss it further during the next month.

That’s all, folks! As always, tell your friends if you liked the game or tell me what you didn't like so I could fix it. Stay tuned for upcoming dev’s plans and other updates!

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Dev's plans for December -> January period

Hello! Let’s see what you can expect outside of the mandatory story update in Ouro v0.1.5 with a new puzzle, implants, software and other toys to play with.

The upcoming release will bring freeroam zones. Similar to Yorna’s territories, these will be open for free exploration, farming or combat training for Kira. Just like in Yorna, enemies and resource nodes will respawn after you leave the map.

Some players mentioned that they would like to get a place to play with new guns - here’s your chance. New freeroam zones will unlock with plot advancement, featuring new enemies and resources.

Players will meet new characters, one for the main storyline and another one for a side story. Gai Noob is back from and already working on their prototyping. Keep tuned for updates - I’ll post them as soon as I’ll get new art.

I didn’t have enough time to update main city zones with new visuals so this change shifts to December - January period. This should add a more fitting image of some parts of the N city like the trade district.

In v0.1.5, I’ll work on cleaning kits to remove existing weapon upgrades from the gun so you could try different combinations and pick the one you’ll like best.

Some players mentioned they wanted to see more lore about Ouro’s world. I’ll try to implement it at least partly in v0.1.5 to ease getting into the game and understanding what’s going on.

Monthly polls are a good tradition, you can pick a new dress for Kira in . It will stay for about a week so everyone could participate.

I want to run another poll a bit later. This time it will be about Master+ tier rewards. Since Ouro has fully animated scenes, HD art reward looks kinda weird there. I put loops from each phase of the H scene along with the usual HD art to test the waters and want to discuss it with patrons. The main question will be "do you want a full scene put into a movie or loops are more than enough?".

Patreon page got a new update on the goals tab. The next one will allow me to prepare 2 fully animated H scenes per update instead of one. Detailed Live2d animation takes a lot of time and effort but we can do it with the help of talented people.

The New Year is just around the corner - this means both I and artists will have less time on their hands. I’ll try to minimize the effect on the update though. Anyway, if something big happens, I’ll make a post to update you beforehand.

Also, I would like to mention that some players experienced problems with animation. If you encounter any kind of weird behavior - please contact me with the info so I could look into it.

That's it for the main goals. Stay tuned for news, updates and previews and don’t be shy to share your thoughts or problems via comments or messages.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Interesting game. Neat setting, neat mechanics. Art is good, though I don't really care that it's animated.
I do like the mechanics. Hacking is just taken from fallout, and i can't really tell how easy/hard that's going to be later on. Weapon modding is an interesting concept, we'll have to see how useful stuff like concealability and weight reduction really are.

I do like the fact that all software has active bonuses from equipping, and passive bonuses that you get to keep even after you take them off. Lends a feeling of character progression.
... Though now I'm wondering if there's going to be a section where she gets infected with a virus or something, and every time she fights and gains LP, it gets a little closer to installing some sort of negative passive effect into her.

As for the sex stuff. It feels kinda abrupt. You've got this serious story about her place of work being attacked and her coworkers being slaughtered, but then your first real mission is 'Go pretend to be a prostitute' followed up by 'Haha, it was a test, I just wanted to fuck you.'
Feels like the sort of thing that she should maybe hold a grudge about.

The actress job similarly seems to come out of nowhere.

Combat is... you don't have a lot of health, or a lot of ammo, and enemies don't give a lot of money. The whole thing feels very small-scale.
Which is good, actually.
There's something about a game where single digits matter, instead of just having 2000hp, and healing 25% at a time.

Reminds me of another game called Ouroboros, By Sierra Lee, which IIRC, had the player start with like 10 hp, where attacks did like 2 damage per hit.
I don't know why that feels 'better' to me than having 1000 hp and losing 200 per hit. It just does.
There's no need to inflate numbers, I like a game where gaining +1 attack is a noticeable increase.
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Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Hello! Master’s release wave is - don’t forget to claim it! Now, let’s see what we’ve got during the first week.

Artists are hard at work, including the returned Gai Noob. He’s finishing Eye - new story character for the upcoming release and then we’ll start working on the guest character, Sarana. She will have her own story with H scenes and unique rewards. Also, you can expect a very interesting enemy to pop up as a boss. We’ll start working on the new dress as soon as the poll ends.

As for my part, hidden caches will come back in v0.1.5. I’ll use a logic very similar to Yorna’s. Players will be able to find or buy maps with caches marked on them. Get to the correct place, use the ”beeper” (new equivalent of a shovel) and if you did everything correctly - loot the booty. Arr! You can find pretty much everything in these caches - from money to supplies and upgrades.

I already prepared and tested out a new puzzle. It will be another ”Net Dive” with figuring out a sequence for the correct start-up algorithm of a software. Solve it to gain a new software package and some cash. Who knows, maybe working with Onyx will turn out to be a real gold mine?

Players who tried out weapon modifications mentioned that experimenting with different guns and attachments gets expensive pretty fast. I already thought about it before the v0.1 release, just didn’t have the time to implement a solution. v0.1.5 will bring it in the form of clean-up kits. These will allow you to uninstall all attachments on a weapon and return it to the original state. You can reuse the attachments gained this way. Ask Wrench about these.

Also, I made some minor improvements to the interface – rearranging some menus and texts in the tablet screen + energy costs. Now, if a skill needs some energy to be used, you will see a blue text like “1 EN”. Yeah, just like with ammo.

Fixed a rather annoying visual bug in the club. NPC characters could disappear or appear after Ouro loaded the zone. The problem was in the priority of the random generator for the visitors. Now they properly generate before the camera fades in.

Fixed new clothes from v0.1 – they didn’t have icons in the inventory though this didn’t affect their gameplay functions.

New H scenes 0 / 1

New puzzles 1 / 1

New clothes 0 / 1

New characters 0 / 2

New missions 0 / 2
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Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Scenes are not working
If you are talking about the mobile version, I already posted new links with a fixed version for Android. The topic should be already updated with it. If not, I need more info. Which version do you use? Did you try to play scenes via a gallery or directly on the map? Any errors? What happens on the screen?

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017

Hello! It’s time to check what new clothes players picked for Kira in the upcoming v0.1.5 release. The first place goes to bold “Risky breeze” with 60 points while leather “Valkyrie” garb occupies the second place with 30. Neo casual and Alita are just 1 point apart – the have a score of 6 and 5, respectively.

Don’t worry if your favorite didn’t make it in the next update. I’ll make a lot of such polls during the development - stay tuned for updates! You can easily check for new posts with the ”Poll” tag filter by simply clicking it on the left part of Patreon’s page.