VN - Unity - Out of Touch! [v3.36] [Story Anon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hey, this was a really nice surprise.

    I saw this game mentioned in a thread as a "Look at this dev, he's a really solid dude" - comment so I got curious and more or less marathoned the entire thing. I wondered what the hell the dev meant in the description by " Out of Touch is an extremely odd journey through several genres from teenage romance to existential horror. " but after having caught up, this sums up the game so far pretty much exactly. I'm not even really sure it counts as a porn game, rather it is one of those few clearly "adult game" but not something to likely get your rocks off (as of [v1.55 Public]).

    It really is a strange but enjoyable romp. My only real complaint that bugged me was that I thought it felt as though CJ kinda disappeared as the MC for fairly long swaths of time to be replaced by Jamie or Sarah which while understandable made me feel a bit less invested. A minor gripe as well is that so far choices haven't really seemed to matter but given the massive amount of content there is, I can see why.

    Anyway, kudos to the dev on this one, looking forward to what comes next. He also seems like a worthwhile dev to support if you are able to.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a solid game story wise. I don't really ever rate games unless i think they're amazing and this one is by far one of my favorites. If you're here for great characters and stories this is a perfect game to try. Unlike a lot of games on this site this ISN'T a sex game with a story. If you're here to fuck a bunch of women you won't be happy. This game is a story with some nudity it in. Usually i want some sex in my H-Games but honestly id give up all sex in this game to continue the amazing story (not because the sex scenes are bad but because the story is THAT DAMN GOOD). This is by far one of my FAVORITE story on this website, I do hope the dev keeps up his amazing writing on the story and characters!
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Bard Jesus

    Really great game with a great story. Be warned that the adult part of the game is more of a small detail in the game so far as the focus is mostly on the story still. Its a good game, just dont get into it with the same expectations you may have from other games on this site.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Joey's Conscience


    The story revolves about a guy named CJ, who comes back to his hometown 5 years after an event separates him from his closest friends, but you do play as multiple characters, to follow their perspectives.
    For better or worse, the story gets pretty insane. Lots of ethereal experiences, mind trips, and general crazyness. It helps set the game apart, lots of bits are very creative and interesting, but the game doesn't establish many boundaries to it's setting, or logic to it's events. You kinda just roll with the mystical explanations the game gives to what's happening on screen, and things do get convoluted. It's certainly more artistic than cohesive.
    From the character relations perspective, the story is very dramatic. The characters are great, and the highs and lows of their relationships make them more genuine. However, it does go overboard with the drama at times. I don't think I've ever seen a work of fiction with more frequent crying than this one.

    The game is a very linear story. There are some segments when you can choose to have extra dialogue, but not really any story-relevant decisions. The game does have a combat system, but as of the writing of this review, there's only one combat segment, so it's hard to gauge how it will impact the experience as a whole.


    The game has very solid visuals, that manage to capture the trippy feel the game is going for. Some of the most unique I've seen from a Koikatsu engine. The battle sequence has fantastic custom animation and camera movement that gives the battle almost a AAA RPG feel to it. But again, so far there's only 1 battle and it's very simple. So it remains to be seen if the technical archievement will translate into fun.
    The sound is also fantastic, one of the best soundtracks I've experienced on this site.
    If only the same care was given to the lewds... Let me be blunt, there's barely any adult content here, in several hours of gameplay. The sexiest preview pictures actually aren't in the game yet. And the little there is, isn't great. There is no animation for lewds, which is strange, since Koikatsu comes with several standard animations that would be way easier to implement that what the game already has for battle scenes. I like slow burns, and games that put story above the lewds. But in this case, it feels like the adult aspect is more of a marketing choice than anything. So much passion shows into every other aspect of the game, that it's jarring how little goes into the adult content. It's a real shame too, because the girls are absolutely stunning.


    This is a hard game to rate. The characters and off the wall story did manage to keep me interested all the way. The visuals and music are great, the girls are gorgeous, and the battle system archieves things I've never seen done on a Koikatsu engine. As a VN, it has a lot of strenghts.
    However, this is being promoted in an adult site, and the preview pictures leads you to belive there's more erotic content than there actually is (I'd advise the dev to remove any picture not yet in game, as to avoid expectations). Fact is, there's barely any adult content here, and when you finally get there, the execution is below average. So I can't really bring myself to give 5 stars. If you wanna go into the game, keep that in mind. It's a pretty good VN, but a pretty poor h-game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I came for the memes, and I stayed for the plot, the writing, the characters.

    You made me feel some kind of way when I was having a rough night.

    Don't go into this for lewd stuff there's not much, but go into it for the story. Trust me.

    11/10 cannot recommend more
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Speechless !!!!

    I've been playing Out of Touch since it first appeared. I became a patreon and even upgraded my subscription.

    I just finished playing 1.48 and I am mentally and emotionally overloaded. This VN is not what you expect. It is a wild ride that leaves me craving for more.

    This is the first VN that has driven me to actually write a review. Absolutely recommend playing this and making up your own mind. If you feel it like me, please support Story Anon so that we can continued to be carried along with the story.

    So much for being speechless.........
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm writing a review on the latest version, 1.34.5.
    I started the game a few months ago, back then I wasn't expecting much, but I was more than positively surprised. The game relies heavily on quality instead of quantity, so there is a really good trailer and a good introduction to the story. In addition, its own soundtracks are used, so it creates its very own varied atmosphere. Another positive thing to mention is that the English used is advanced and error-free, which makes the dialogues a lot livelier.
    The most important aspect is certainly the story, here we have an exciting story that, without wanting to spoil, does not get boring and in many parts also incorporates funny aspects, mixed with tension and of course sexual intercourse ^^
    The animations are lively and don't have any annoying stutters.
    Ultimately, this game doesn't do something half-living, you can tell how much work is put into making almost everything perfect. The strongest point compared to other games is that it is something new and there is a lot of attention to the little things.
    If you are in the mood for a bit of psycho-drama comedy sex, then I definitely recommend trying this game.

    Cro aka Hicks ^^
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel like I'm in a mall lost in time, but very stuck in the 80s. Story Anon totally nailed the atmosphere. The cast is fun, each diverse and unique enough to not feel like come carbon copy space filler. The story is taking me on wild turns and I just cant wait to see it totally unfurl. also that soundtrack, delicious.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    When the game first showed up on F95, like many others I got interested by the visuals but ultimately ignored it due to the lack of sexual content. I do really regret that decision wholeheartedly now. While the game feels like it has some pacing issues (length of earlier chapters compared to later ones) overall it has been a really enjoyable ride that made me curious for more.

    I’ve spent roughly 12 hours on the game today and my reactions went from “oh boy, depression time” and “even for a comedy this seems kind of too meme-y” to “Sound of Silence”. That’s only the prologue by the way. While the following chapters mellow out the fairly radical tonal shift of the prologue, the closer the game gets to the latter double-digit chapters the more serious it becomes while still sprinkling in its humor. The characters are all enjoyable both personality and design wise, however three so far have been lacking in screentime and therefor more characterization outside of the stereotypes they are associated with in manga/anime. Regarding their designs, the more mature look provided despite being made with Koikatsu gives the visuals a fairly unique touch as well.

    The BGM fits the vibes of the MC, JC, perfectly and while I found some pieces to be somewhat misplaced at certain moments that give off a different kind of mood, it has been really good and unique as well compared to other visual novels in that regard.

    There are currently some quality-of-life issues on PC like fixed window sizes (either fullscreen or 1680x945 (?) windowed but nothing inbetween) a sluggish skip mode especially compared to Renpy, as well as minor bugs when it comes to the scroll back where I had the game bug out on me entirely not showing any scenes. There’s also some more or less obvious clipping in the renders that I am sure will be eventually tended to but outside of one or two cases none of them have been actually glaring so far.

    This game is a gem. If you want an erotic game whose focus lies primarily in the story, then check it out. There aren’t many sex scenes at all yet as of version 1.34.5 (1 ½-ish at best?), so it may not be worth if that’s all you want. However, the tiny bit that does exist acts more of a cherry on top that marks an advancement in character development, so I can absolutely recommend it despite the games on this site usually having far more sexual content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute fantastic mix of 80-s, japaniese culture and memes!
    Would you ever wish for more?
    8+ absolutely stunning girls, fights with demons and SWAG!
    Comments are unnesesary - just try it. After 10 mins you will love it and ask more.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The key thing to know going into this game as a user of this site is that the sex is in service to the story; the story is not in service to the sex.

    This is a character-focused, story-heavy game. Sexual content has only recently been added to the game, and you'll have several hours of reading before you get to it (the amount of sexual content looks like it will be increasing significantly moving forward, however.) It's well worth that time investment, but if that's not what you're looking for, it would be better to move on and play something else.

    The term "slow burn" has become pretty abused lately and is frequently used as an excuse for devs to essentially maintain the status quo for update after update. That's not the case here; the story moves forward at a good pace. It's just that sex is only part of the story.

    Everything about this game exudes quality. The story and characters are great, the graphics are probably the best Koikatsu graphics I've ever seen, and the soundtrack is more than just an afterthought. The game also has a decidedly unique aesthetic sense to it.

    Oh, and if you're the kind of person who bitches about MCs being "beta cucks" or the like, you should probably give this one a pass.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Out of Touch, although still a newer visual novel, breaks away from the normal Koikatsu (K.K.) art style with a more realistic character design over other K.K. games. The effort put in by the Main game developer and the few other devs definitely shows in the recent unity rework.

    The novel, like many others isn't going to be perfect for everyone but it still deserves 5 stars for its well thought out story and strive to bring heartfelt characters to life. It's still early on in the story lead-up to the R18+ content so there is not much available now, but the game shows good promises on what's there so far. The Harem like cast has backstory and development that you would come to love from good anime shows and yet is still expecting good Adult game content.

    The Dev (Story Anon) shows a strong ambition to provide wholesome content to those that want it yet is also catering to those that love raunchy love scenes and dramatic events that put you on edge. The dev's goals with making a K.K. character design that looks nothing like every other K.K. novel, means you'll expect a more anime like appearance and there are not too many good novels like that out there.

    There is a good community of followers and friends on the game's discord. Active devs and patrons talking about novels and games alike almost 24/7, giving and receiving input on developing their own novels or just chatting. The game has room to grow but needs more traction and feedback, so if you are reading this, check it out and follow along on the discord and ask about the game's future goals to find out more.

    So far it's gone through a unity redevelopment and now it can only get better from here! And of course go sub on Patreon and support the dev if you like the game and want to get access to the roles on discord! There's plenty of lewds and good stuff there as well!

  13. 3.00 star(s)


    [v1.34 review]
    Ok first off regarding my rating: I'm here on f95 to play and review adult games. If a game has no adult components then it's an automatic 3/5 at best. The last 2 points are reserved for games that are hot as shit, in addition to having a nice story and visuals.

    What it is: Angsty teen drama with at least half the scenes being dream scenes and/or flashback scenes. Neither of which I'm a fan of. At times this VN is very wholesome and sugar sweet, other times spooky and schizofrenic. There's some light teasing in here but it's faaar from an "adult" game. Well, there's one explicit sex scene (which is the epitome of loving Christian missionary) and one scene involving the MC happening off camera (what?! WHY!?!)

    For some reason there are a number of explicit pictures on the front page which I didn't get to see during my playthrough. I'm feeling very cat fished right now.

    The story could be setting up some really hot action going forward, but I doubt it. There is attraction, and plenty of opportunity but nothing is happening! MC is the son of Chad Thundercock but he is thoroughly a pussy ass bitch white knight who can't take sexual initiative to save his life. Instead all we get is an endless stream of flashbacks and dream scenes.

    How this game is scoring so high on a site dedicated to adult content, with as little adult content is in here, I will never know. There was not one fap worthy moment at all going through this 10-hour slog.

    If you care at all about the adult component of the games you play, then I suggest you steer clear of this one. Don't be fooled by the images on the front page. There's nothing sexy going on here.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    if you just need to fap this may not be your type of game . while that most other game claim to be "Oh we will focus on story and build up the world first make player understand each character blah blah blah so don't expect to much sex scene blah blah blah "but after some light introduction the character just remove some brain and only fuck mc hard. this game is not thats type of game. just try it for yourself
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay first off, someone back this Dev they hella deserve it. The amount of effort they have in this game shows. I'd love to see this project hit all new heights cause it is definitely something new to find on this site. I highly recommend giving this game a try.

    This game by far is one of its own kind and it truly deserves the 5 Star rating the player base has consistently given it. After playing this it actually made me want to post a review on the experience. To start, this game has some very amazing storytelling to it. The immersive atmosphere and one that sinks you into it the longer you play. I had started at night and found myself still up in the early morning playing. Definitely, a game you'd want to finish once you've started to play it. Emotionally investing af. Like most would say they came in here with a boner and horny but, when they left it was with an emotional erection and happy.

    One of the things that stood out when I first peeped this game a while back was its genre of Psychedelic something I can't really say I've seen on this site. The style of art and renders are pretty phenomenal and the best of what I've seen from most koikatsu based games I've seen on here. There is a ton of character development that shows from prologue to current update as of 1.34. The humor in this game is also flexible to the point where anyone can laugh and have a great time reading the dialogues. There is a bunch of small details that can be found just by roaming around in the game.

    The music is definitely wild and great and it comes with its own OST that is gradually being put together. Like bruh, the characters got their own themes and all. The dedication the dev has for this game is wild and vast. I deeply recommend going to their youtube in the main post and subscribing to check it out firsthand also peep their twitter they post neat updates on there as well alongside the discord. That's another thing they are hella active in their discord and the community that was built around and off this game is hella chill and funny. Check that out as well. StoryAnony's pixiv also has more amazing renders to peep at in there. Discord has its own w.i.p channel for those curious about where things are going or how it's coming along. They truly keep their environment well informed. I definitely will be pledging to my second gaming dev this month and I recommend anyone to do the same.

    Designs and the glow-ups of the characters throughout the game's progress were also what captured me. There's a great deal of attachment one can develop for who they decide is best girl or if they all are because they each have their own distinct personality. This story alone has the atmosphere of a visual novel that's really well constructed and put together, but then the fight system in it brings us into this middle ground of eroge and video game. Like I have NEVER seen a fighting system done like this in a Koikatsu game. The animations are so clean and well put together. Shit is amazing, seriously to say more would be to spoil it but once you see it you will be wowed. The music during it too for the battle was also crazy good.

    The lewd content comes in impactful ways and moments. It's not just simply a quick to fap game and move along. It's one that takes you on a psychedelic journey of heartwarming and aching moments through trials of error and struggles to success and growth alongside the protagonist CJ. The main character is one that you'd feel closer to anime like and honestly, the game itself feels like you're watching an anime episode each update and they keep getting better after every release.

    Keep up the great work StoryAnon, this game was truly a gem to find on this site. Can't wait for the next update.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    DISCLAIMER: This game is not for fapping.

    It's an incredibly well written visual novel, with probably the most amazing visuals I've seen in this sort-of game ever.
    the story will get you hooked. I know it did for me. It's funny, dramatic and really heartwarming at times.
    I've played most of the top rated games around here and story-wise, I can say that this easily trumps all other vns around here.
    I highly reccomend you give this a try.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v1.34 Public:

    After having completed the current version's content, this game is something else. The story is a mix of serious, with absurd (in a good way) and light-hearted moments mixed in, with a pretty amazing soundtrack choice. The characters are cute and expressive, adding immensely to the game's story, and delivering the emotional moments on queue.

    I also had a good amount of laughs throughout my playthrough due to clever writing.

    I'm keenly looking forward to further updates, as it's getting better and better the further in the story we get!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is beautiful and I highly recommend it! Keep in mind it's very much a comedy and story focused. If youre looking for a quick nut it may not be the best choice, but if youre looking for a very fun and maybe dramatic group-centered story with tons of character development (and mostly wholesome sex), you should have your pick. As of 1.34, gameplay is mostly just exploration and conversation (may change). Only real complaint is interface related, some menus look and feel a little clunky, but no real deal-breaker. Looking forward for more!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply amazing .
    Just bored and wanted to let some steam off , i check this game out :
    -eh , seems cute , why not
    15 minutes in ....
    wait a minute , wasn't i here for the fap ? and why is there a chad god here ?
    i want spoil anything ( sorry for the small spoiler ;) ) but this is genuinely a very well crafted , tight , engaging , well paced and sometimes very touching and relatable story (story more than a game really ) the lighthearted mixed with serious themes that the story conveys is just on point and to be honest shows a level of maturity to the writing that had me captivated .
    i hope the dev of the game would read cause i would like to say thanks for the ride thus far and i support you fully ,
    its pretty obvious you have a talent for writing that i wish you can develop more , and to those checking for reviews , you can already tell that most if not all ( unless those who are just here for porn ) are just amazed by how we just fell to the trap that is this amazing story and i cant wait for more , i love reading stories already and sir you got me hooked .
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I gonna be soft with this cause its not Devs fault that this game ispublished here, or maybe it is, but this game is not porn, its not even erotic, it has some Lewd elements but thats the end of it.

    The images folder has 17300 files, which 10000 must be renders, i checked and i spotted few vaginas, and maybe 6 nipples, it may be more, i didnt check throughly but thats what it is.

    Storywise is different, characters behave like 8 year olds duing the prologue. Weeb slang doesnt help me with the inmersion issue.
    Psychodelic may be one way of naming it, but confusing is another valid word, if you disconnect for one second, for whatever reason, you wont understand shit of whats going on.

    For me the characters are a little uninteresting, maybe cause tof that start and i cant root for anyone there.

    It looks good though but all this close shots make me feel uneasy and trapped. The overall excess of bloom doesnt help either, when the free roam started i didnt know what character i was playing and that finally killed the game for me.

    This narrative, if you want to call it, could and should be a standar for games, but, tuning down the psycholdelic, which is all over the place for me, like 80%. and turning aup the adult like 50%, and "MC cool" like 80% , cause he overdoes and most of the times makes me cringe.

    In the end all these factors threw me off, Thats my opinion.