VN - Unity - Out of Touch! [v3.36] [Story Anon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I gave this game a good rating a while back, but now that the discord has clued me in on future content I can be nothing but hyped to the max for what's to come. I am awestruck with the direction this game and its mechanics are taking and only expect quality to skyrocket as development goes on. The characters are loveable, believable, and adorable. The story is nothing but an entertaining rollercoaster from start to end of current build, and the writing is only going to improve from here so download this if you haven't already! (Also consider the Patreon, this game all but deserves it and beyond).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    FENOMENAL! BRILLIANT! First the renders got me, than the soundtrack (loved the city pop in the soundtrack), than the story made me play non-stop and than the animations, battle and effects of this game was something i never knew was possible in a Ren'py! If you are in doubt if you should play this game, start downloading it right now! It's not just a VN or a game, it's a UNIQUE experience. Seriously, download it now
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's like a good book, can't stop reading.
    The multiple points of view to tell the story was quirky but well realized, in my opinion at least, there is only 1 protagonist but not everything is always told from his POV, I like this since it moves the story without the need to actually move it.

    All in all is quite different from what a VN usually is and I'm loving it!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. It went by way too fast, I wish there was more! Not a fap game by any means, it's a serious VN with a very promising gameplay system that just hasn't been fully integrated yet. The setting is super cool, it's set in the future but has an 80s revitalization kinda vibe with a well fitting soundtrack featuring some classic city-pop and synthwave jams among other stuff. The characters are the high-point of this VN, they're all complex and well fleshed out with their own personal goals and issues. Lots of drama, emotional moments, and humor but it never feels cheap or half-assed, the bonds that the characters share with each other are genuine and can give some intense feels at times. Character renders and facial expressions are absolutely gorgeous and well varied, it's really amazing what some devs have been able to do with Koikatsu. No sandboxy time wasting or grind here, the story flows extremely well with no repetition or filler. Obviously I'd like to see more sexual content(you know where we are, right?) because the girls are super hot, but this VN doesn't even need it with the quality of writing it delivers. I heard this game may end at 100 chapters which makes me quite sad, because after 19 it feels like things are just getting started in this awesome world.

    TLDR - Read it, enjoy it, sub to the patreon
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This story is tender, raw, and emotional. It does not shy away from touching on sensitive topics. At times, it is insanely beautiful. The art is also done very well. But the thing that stands out to me the most is the music selection: that is truly excellent and elevates many of the scenes.

    But don't let that fool you. It's not a completely serious story. It's also lighthearted at times, silly even. There is not a lot whole lot of erotic content at the moment but personally, I don't think this story even truly needs it. It is quite unique and imaginative.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Very engaging and compelling first chapter. Wasn't too big on the shift in tone afterwards, but it doesn't take away from the artstyle, and cool characters. There is a lot to offer in this game, but it is definitely an acquired taste of sorts. That being said, the dev clearly knows what they're doing and I look forward to see what content they'll put out in the future.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Out of Touch! By Story Anon is a psychedelic melodramatic and comedic visual novel with a few other mechanics. As of right now it is 19 chapters long with the average chapter taking about 20 minutes each to finish, with exceptions of course. So let's hop into the fun stuff, yeah?

    The story is a little "wacky", so there's your fair warning to those of you who are into the "super serious" kind of shit, it jokes around and it enjoys doing it. That's not to say there aren't emotional scenes that are ruined by jokes, because there are and they are written pretty damn good. The characters are fun.

    Fair warning for the coomers; it isn't swimming in sexual content. If you're looking to splooge inside for girls at a fast rate either look elsewhere for that fix or accept the little it has and enjoy it for what it is, yeah?

    I'm not gonna spoil shit, play the game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    one my favorite games by far. love the combination of its lighthearted and goofy moments along the more risky topics.its great to see it being more story driven getting you attached to its characters rather then just sex. makes the sex more believable and impactful. hope to see more good things from this dev. (y)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I... I don't even know where to start, this game has plenty...
    It's an emotional rollercoaster.
    It's loving and understanding and beautiful.
    I've never seen such originality in a game before, the artwork, the characters, everything is so... fresh?
    I have -never- seen a game this high quality before...
    The story is great so far, I can't complain about a single thing.
    The renders are so on point, you'd think this was a AAA game, but no!
    I can't recommend this enough to anyone out there, if you want to feel something, if you want to witness something truly beautiful...

    Download it, like, yesterday.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Warning, this is not a porn game, there's almost no sex scenes or nudity!

    Damn, it's been a while since I enjoyed a story that much!
    The characters are cute and interesting to follow, the musics are pretty good, the scenario is amazing and talks about some serious topics, and the realization, for a Ren'Py game, is absolutely incredible! The devs are masters of Koikatsu's CharaStudio, and even managed to implement some gameplay styles I didn't think possible in Ren'Py (but you have to wait until almost the end of the first part (chapter 14 or 15, if I remember correctly) to see that).

    I highly recommend this game!
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex Lem

    You can talk a lot about how juicy and beautiful the renders look in this game, and that these are the most beautiful anime-themed renders in the history of Ren'Py games, and how well the characters are written, and what a good story this game has, but one word is enough - MASTERPIECE. It would also be nice if the Story Anon would add character sheets to the game with updated information as the game's plot progresses, for example, how the character thinks about the MC at the moment, or who she is for him, a friend, or already a girlfriend, its already clear, but adding such a detail to the game would be nice, something like that Braindrop also plans to add to his game. I would also like to add that waiting for a love scene with a "certain character" was very worth it, beautiful scene
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're after a quick wank this isn't for you.

    It's a sloow burn with a nice combination of comedy and drama, really taking its time introducing the lovable characters making you invested in them. So far the game feels like an introduction, setting the stage for what's gonna come. That's why I'm fine with the very linear story thus far.

    I fully expect the game to really take off now (post ch.18) and introduce more choices and diverging paths. Maybe that's not what the writers have in mind, but I do get that feeling from playing the game and I hope that's indeed the case. If so, this game is going to become the best damn game on this site.

    The art and writing in this game is excellent. Some of the best I've seen in a VN. The music is also on point, really well matched with what's happening on screen. These three components really come together to create a whole that's consumed like a finely composed dish.

    If that's an experience you can savour, you'll love this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    When I found out of touch I had little expectations. I was on the search for new games and had come out disappointed or empty handed on nearly every one of them, Out Of Touch was not one of those games. This game has a plot that just pulls you in. The characters are brilliant and the story has the perfect balance of comedy and emotion.

    I have played a lot of games since I joined f95 and this is one of the best!
    If you're looking for new games to try give Out Of Touch a chance, you won't regret it
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    So this is extremely good. Give it a shot. You will be surprised. If you liked Katawa Shoujo you will like this. It also should have an Isekai tag (but actually I'm not sure if that exists). There is a lot of humor in this as well, which is actually great. It comes unexpectedly and I loved it. The music is incredible. However I guess be warned there is almost no sexual content, if that is what you are looking for then this is obviously not for you. I hope the dev can keep up this quality, it seems like the story is just starting after a terrific setup. So far as of version 1.14 there is a good 6 hours of content if you read everything.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Out of touch is now tied for my favourite AVN. It is a special game, the amount of investment I have in this game is pretty much unrivaled. It's so wacky and crazy at times. But under the skin, it has something that is so human, so real.

    It's my first Koikatsu game, And I sure picked a hell of a Gem for my first one. The MC and other main characters have so much depth, more than even some AAA games can offer. The story is both so personal yet otherworldly and spiritual that it's hard to describe. It's a story that can only really be felt, not told. The music choices are the best I've seen in a AVN. The songs always hit exactly the right emotion that should be felt during the scene they are used in. Some of the music is shared from other games that I love, and that just connects me to the game even more. I got so invested that a particular moment even made me cry, I can firmly say that not many AVNs can do that. It is quite a personal and visceral game. So if that isn't your thing than I suppose you should stay away.

    Quite simply, the game is a masterpiece in the making. It is not a porn game, It is an Adult Game. One of the few games I've seen that truly deserves that title. It is dark, it is sad, it is hard to play at times. But it is also Happy, fun, and oh so wholesome. Also the Dev is great, Loves talking about the game and interacting with fans.

    This is one game that you don't want to be "Out of Touch" with. Enjoy
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    this is seriously a great game and definitely worth checking out.
    the renders are top quality and the writing is up there as well.
    the dev is also doing weekly updates now so there wont be a long wait between updates.
    i would definitely recommend playing this one.

    also dont trust the no sexual content tag, there is some minor stuff already with plans to add more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good. If I wasn't a broke neet I would give story anon money. Just the right amount of sensible drama. Humorous in the appropriate places. All the girls are cute and I'm looking forward to the lewd scenes in the future. And to be honest even if the lewds are bad I would keep reading if the plot maintains it's quality. Only gripe is that animations during the battle couldn't be skipped but it's minor.

    I'm glad this is a poly game because I don't have the heart to turn down any of the girls. They are just too precious :love:
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games out here that immediately inspired my patreon-age. I was in a bad place and reading this story has helped to bring me out of that funk.

    With a heartfelt story, fitting soundtrack, and a lovely cast, this game hits all the notes. Props to the creator for the gripping plot without resorting to cheap narrative devices for filler. I can't wait to see where you go next!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I really can not say much about this game, except that it is SERIOUSLY underrated, deserves WAY MORE praise and attention than it has gotten. The renders are absolutely beautiful, the characters are unique and the storytelling is just amazing.

    It's an experience. A lot of story and not focusing on sex (initially), but it is doing everything right.

    Aspiring authors and game creators, please take a look at this game and get an idea of what quality looks like. It belongs on my list of games I'd recommend without skipping a heartbeat if you are up for a very unique experience!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    All i can say is that, this game is amazing for its comedy and romance. Like for real, the moment i saw the story, i got hooked on it and just wanted to play more. In fact, i could play this for like 10 times non-stop. The horror genre is the one big twist for me and im a scaredy cat for horror games. There is not much of a lewd scenes but i find it relieving since it gives me a good time.

    Overall, this game is very nice for its story. Of course, there is a room for improvement but its very nice.

    Also Sarah best girl