VN - Unity - Out of Touch! [v3.36] [Story Anon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is great, the memes are great, the music is an absolute banger.

    But honestly my biggest compliments are for the team and their support, I had a world of trouble making the game run (my own fault, don't use blank folder names for your file paths) but they worked at it for 2 days with suggestions until one of them spotted the issue.

    Its a real work of art coming from an absurd storyteller.. its great.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Real talk, I thought this story was just going to be a series of dumb memes after the first couple of chapters, but I stuck with it because of the high overall rating and the fact that I liked the art and character design.

    The truth is that it takes a bit to really get rolling, but the story actually slaps, and the over-the-top memeyness is actually a story element that is worked into a deeper and more serious narrative rather than the whole gimmick. I'm excited to see where it goes as I continue playing and it continues getting updated.

    Edit - I did continue playing it, and it did continue getting updated, and it only got better from there. I can't give more than the 5 stars that I gave before this edit, but I would if I could.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I've played.Reasons:
    (version 2.0.7)
    1)story is written with so love and so good for a romantic game.
    2) so much funny stuff and nice jokes
    3) nice diffrent characters ,character development and nice personality to be specific with
    4)music is nice and support situations
    5)I really enjoyed reverse trap content (Based Jamie)
    6)characters are so cute and Art is so nice.
    7)scenes are greatly done and are so hot and sexy.
    8)Gameplay is nice and have so freedom to explore.
    9)Story is logical ; world and surroundings are done nicely and diffrent nice challenges story has.
    10) I really liked sarah and her true dedication for MC.

    I really hope we can bend Leah loving for Vec to MC and be her first lover ( if she loves Vec it's no bad but she should love MC more.)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Dismissed this this along time ago, BIGGEST MISTAKE I EVER MADE!! The story was WAY better then I initially gave it credit for. This story is worth the look. In the description they mention world going sideways when they all meet up again. Oh yeah going sideways is putting it mildly.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    (Copying from :x )

    I gotta say, this might be one of the best experiences I've had of this genre. The game has brought me to tears multiple times in multiple ways. The comedy, the heartwarming moments, the melancholic moments. The writing has just been a pleasure to read through.

    The world that the game is set in is also genuinely interesting and I can't wait to see the lore of the universe fleshed out.

    Each character has felt unique and exciting to see more of. A lot of times with these types of VNs, I end up enjoying Character A, and finding it a slog to get through Character B's story to get more of A. I've never felt like that playing Out of Touch, not a single time. Every character is a blast to learn more about and have on screen.

    I can't wait to see how it all progresses, and I'll definitely be doing my part of sharing this game with others.

    (Big Hall & Oates fan too!)
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I mean, I hate being harsh on something that is free. It uses models in screenshots sourced from Koikatsu, although it lacks the animated sex scenes that most Koikatsu games have. It runs in unity instead of Ren'py, because the developer decided to remake the entire engine from scratch for a really undercooked JRPG sequence a third of the way through the game, which is never revisited or expanded upon. Unfortunately the JRPG sequence is the only part of the game that is animated, and it really has amazing animation, but it lasts only a few seconds and is never revisited and feels completely removed from what is otherwise essentially a very linear visual novel. There is an "explore the world" sandbox element that is thrust upon you once in a while, but it's only there to allow you to miss some minors scenes or content and/or skip some expository dialogue as there is no branching story, decision making, or gameplay.

    The choice to go with unity instead of Renpy means that the game is missing tons of the quality of life/convenience features you might expect from a visual novel of this size. The decision to animate the ONLY fight in the entire game when none of the sex sequences are animated, repeatable, or available in a gallery, goes to show that this game really is an experimentation by the creators instead of something they have approached with a concrete plan to produce something quality.

    Unfortunately, the story and characters are also poorly designed and written, although if you find yourself impressed with Dragon Ball Z, 50 Shades of Grey, or Pokemon fanfiction, you may find the writing compelling. The story begins very clearly tongue in cheek in a comedic harem style, but quickly drops that tone in favor of attempting to make you feel some connection to cardboard characters who primarily seem to cry in an attempt to get you to empathize with them before having progressive sex sequences where a group of women join you in discovering extremely convoluted and virtually nonsensical "lore" of a fantasy/science fiction setting that seems to have been made as the game progressed without much of a common thread other than justifying very cheaply that your harem have some deep spiritual connection to you and that's why they are okay with all doing various sex acts with you.

    I can't help but think that the developers would have done a better job if they decided to commit to making a visual novel that is comedic. The elements of other styles of play detract from to the experience, undercooked as they are. The writing drastically falls off the face of the earth after the prologue when the game shifts from the comedic to the "serious," as the writer is neither skilled at world building or at creating believable characters that you can feel actual empathy towards. The fap quality is not very high, as there are no animations and there is hours of content to wade through for a few still sex scenes with no gallery, although they aren't bad as at least they are posed well and made with good koikatsu models.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Unironically one of the best VNs I've ever experienced. Story and characters both engaged me and even the memes in the story's premise made me chuckle. Even without the porn I'm intrigued, and that takes some skill. Godspeed man.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: v2.0.1 Public

    Story: The story is quite gripping and actually touches on themes and ideas that are fascinating. It is a very over-the-top and bombastic Anime-style but things stay consistent in-universe, and there aren't too many leaps of logic.

    Music: The music is surprisingly good, in that vaporwave sort-of-way. It adds a lot to scenes and some of it is just motivating/hype-inducing.

    Content: As of this version, 28 chapters are in the game and they're often quite considerable in length. There isn't a ton of "lewd" content, but that actually probably works to the games benefit. It is definitely a bit of a slower-burn, and the story is (currently) fairly linear, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if the story is good, compelling, and interesting. Which it is.

    Originality: Not quite sure how to grade this. It is bombastic and Anime-as-fuck, but it is still fairly original, even when employing the usual tropes and memes of the genre. It uses and subverts tropes in about equal measure to keep things from being too predictable, but it doesn't try too hard to be too "lolrandom".
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Came in expecting porn, got slapped with really dark opening like a jock swinging his dick in the shower room, and then Chad Thundercock embraced me lovingly into the wonders of this game.

    This is a game that makes that 80's sound it's loving cumdump, character and outfit designs that would fit right in with the likes of David Bowie's crotch and Freddie Mercury, and renders produced at such speed and quality each update it makes your GPU sweat thinking about it.

    While RIP AND TEARing is currently limited and simple, given everything else those should only improve in time while we experience our loveable shonen idiot become a god.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing story. The story take priority in this game, and the buildup to any lewd content is well paced. Lewd scenes feel earned and real. Amazing character development. Absolutely love this game. Can't wait for more!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hey guys,

    First time for me to leave a review but i think this is one of the few games out there that are worth it.

    This isn't your typical H-game - it's something much more. It focuses a lot on char development, visuals and story. It's not that bang-bang thank you m'am type of game. The H-scenes that are present feel natural (and for me very sexy) because you get to know these characters and see them grow and love each other.

    What this game does better then others is the soundtrack. You are missing out if you decide to play the game with no sound. The music is AWESOME and it fits every important scene. There are AAA productions out there with millions of dollars in budget that do not come close to this game soundwise (as in the scenes having the apropriate soundtrack).

    I could write much more but i don't want to spoil it. Give it a try - join the discord - engage with Anon and Snow (the devs).

    Have fun!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 1.93
    There's something that just doesn't click with me. I think the beginning is a bit too rushed and doesn't leave enough room to get attached to anybody, which just makes it weird when the characters change half an hour in. It did make me laugh at the start though.

    The graphics are good, but nothing too extraordinary. The music is a bit off (sometimes lagging behind) but alright nonetheless. At some point I just have some kind of default background (maybe it's just a bug on my side ?) but it didn't really make me want to push through.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review and Critique for Out of Touch v1.93

    Review contains no major spoilers, but may spoil some of the sense of discovery and mystery Out of Touch has.


    Out of Touch is a genre-bending adult mostly-kinetic novel that is part coming-of-age, melodrama, comedy, fantasy, action, horror and psychological/psychedelic thriller, all with a healthy dose of anime influence. While this may sound like an eclectic and contradictory mix of genres, Out of Touch manages to mix all these elements to create a unique and engaging story.

    The story of Out of Touch concerns our young teen male protagonist CJ who is sent away from his home and his group of all-female friends after a tragic event and subsequent misunderstanding between himself and one of his friends. After several years in exile, CJ returns to his hometown now a grown, if immature, young man eager to reconnect with his friends and mend the divide between them. However, this is only where the story begins, and soon CJ and his friends are taken down strange and mystical paths where they must contend with mysterious cosmic forces…

    Overall, Out of Touch is an astoundingly good game that represents some of the best storytelling that can be found in AVNs. It is also a well-made and presented game, with pleasing art and an incredible (partially) original soundtrack. This is not to say Out of Touch is a perfect game however, and there are some criticisms that can be levelled against particularly its pacing and its how it handles conflict between the characters. Regardless, I believe Out of Touch greater than the sum of its parts, even in its incomplete stage.


    The prologue of Out of Touch may be slightly misleading, though not necessarily in a bad way. Going in blind, the story initially appears as a standard coming-of-age melodrama with the expectation that the story will resolve around CJ reconnecting and rebuilding his relationship with his friends. While this does form a central part of the story, it is later placed in the context of supernatural forces and fantasy elements. While observant players might be able to spot some clues to the true nature of setting early, even when the supernatural elements in the story to reveal themselves, it’s not exactly clear if they are actual real events occurring in the story or whether they are metaphorical (or CJ’s fever dream). Even when the supernatural elements are become more concrete within the story, there remains a degree of uncertainty to it – how much is “real”, how much is CJ and his friends’ perception of their events and relationship, and how much is meant to be a metaphorical representation of the characters and their relationships.

    This uncertainty, in combination the mix of genres, gives the game a very psychedelic - or my preferred description, surreal - feeling. The surreal atmosphere of Out of Touch is what makes it really engaging. It really allows the story to take some unique and interesting directions through mixing those realistic and fantastical elements, while providing believable explanation for some of the more unbelievable tropes of AVNs. Personally, I view the fantasy elements of Out of Touch are meant to represent the real relationships between the characters, and they metaphorically represent the trials and tribulations they experience.

    While the eclectic mix of genres generally works well, there is occasional issues with tonal whiplash where the story will quickly jump from one genre to another without sufficient motivation narratively. This is most obvious in CJ himself, given he is both the primary protagonist of the story and the primary comic relief. He quickly switches the tone between comedy, sentimentality, and nerve-wrecking thriller. It can undermine some of the more dramatic elements of the story because CJ’s often comedic and unaware nature means those dramatic moments have difficulty sticking.

    Out of Touch is also planning to expand way from a pure visual/kinetic novel formula by including some turn-based battle mechanics. This seems like it would accentuate the eclectic and surreal elements of the game, however currently this is currently underdeveloped so it’s hard to comment on it at this stage.


    The writing of Out of Touch is consistently good. Dialogue feels organic, if often surreal. The writing is quite funny and lighthearted when it needs to be, and sincere when it needs to be and nothing feels out of place. The major characters of Out of Touch all fill the stereotypical roles (archetypes), but once again the surreal elements of the story elevate this. While many stories use character archetypes as a crutch, here they are integrated well into the story and make sense in context. I found all the protagonists very likeable. Even the characters that have deliberately unlikeable qualities are easy to sympathise with and have a good amount of depth. Though, CJ never really taking a firm interest in understanding what the hell is going on can occasionally frustrating.

    Out of Touch has adopted an episodic or pseudo-episodic format to its story. There’s a kind of ‘villain of the week’ element as antagonists (actual or metaphorical) are periodically introduced or reintroduced, CJ and his friends must face the threat posed by the antagonist before then gett a period to cool off, regroup and reconnect. The stakes are slowly raised as each antagonist is more dangerous than the last, and more of the mystery around CJ, his friends and the universe are revealed. It’s an enjoyable structure to the story, as it regularly allows our protagonists small victories, if only temporary.

    The writing does have some issues, however. Pacing is sometimes inconsistent. It’s hard to describe without referencing major spoilers, but there are some subplots (or ‘episodes’ if applying an episodic view) that often are resolved far to quickly for my liking without being fully explored, while other subplots seem overstay their welcome and could have probably been edited down or broken up to maintain their punch. While it does have its positives, the episodic writing can lead to the greater narrative feeling disjointed, as it provides periodic pauses which break the flow of the story. Some of the characters have received significantly more screen time and development than others, though thankfully this seems to be improving. There is also the issue of arbitrary power creep that is common in fantasy and anime. It’s harder to be invested in the stakes when every antagonist has increasingly abstract levels of power.

    Character conflicts and arcs sometimes feel insufficiently resolved before the plot moves forwards. Part of this is a deliberate thematic and writing choice, where past conflicts are never truly settled and require periodically revisiting as they develop (discussed in the Themes section). I don’t think this is a bad thing per se, but sometimes it misses the mark. Some of the advancements of the plot and character relationships are dependent on previous conflicts having been resolved. So, when the story invokes a previous conflict or insecurity that was ‘resolved’ it can feel like the character or relationship is returning to square one rather than building upon to the conflict.

    Out of Touch is roughly a quarter the way through its planned 100 chapters. Personally, I found the more recent chapters to be the most well-written, which suggests that game will continually improve, and the best is yet to come.


    To put on my analytical cap on briefly, I think there are three major themes present within Out of Touch. First, the importance of communication in relationships and how a lack of communication leads to conflict. Second, how lingering trauma (or conflict) is and how it requires ongoing attention with no easy fixes. Third, the virtue of the simple and mundane in face of the face of the grand and powerful.

    Communication is a key theme, most of the major character conflicts are driven by a failure of communication between characters and therefore an inability to connect to one another. Only once characters are able to get past the physical and mental blocks to communicate their feelings are they able to resolve the conflict and connect, which in the context of the fantasy elements represents CJ’s and the character’s growing powers.

    Most of the characters have experienced some form of trauma or are troubled by a negative experience of some kind. While the story has already progressed to addressing some of the trauma experienced by some of the characters, the story makes it clear that this is not an easy fix, and that the trauma that they experience can easily be reawakened by new events. Thus, trauma is not something fixed by through a once-off (even if magical!) event, but something than needs to ongoing attention, love, and care to address.

    I think the most interesting theme is emphasis on the virtue of the simple pleasures of life in contrast to the dramatic stakes and awesome power that CJ and his friends constantly face. CJ (and other characters) have enormous power and potential. They are presented frequent opportunities to abandon their normal lives and embrace their power, but this is always rebuked. Despite the dramatic stakes at play, there is a sense of optimism from CJ enjoying the simple pleasures of his friendships (and romances) and is relatively unambitious. The regular simple life of the protagonists represents the good, and the meddling supernatural forces represent the bad, constantly trying to pull our protagonists away from their lives.


    I am personally not a huge fan of anime or the anime/manage art stye in general, this is not a slight against Out of Touch, but just my personal preference. That being said, I think the renders are all really nice looking. Ever character has a unique and interesting design which conveys their personality well. The graphical design is clean looking and suit the game well. The handful of animations in the game, while not perfect, are great, ambitious, and well above standard AVN fare. The only major complaint I have is that renders that contain multiple characters are noticeably grainy, presumably a hardware limitation. The game is relatively light on H-scenes at this stage, and while I would like to see more (the circumstances the characters find themselves in is the perfect excuse narrative), it doesn’t really detract from the game and I can see merit in the slower approach.

    Other than that, I don’t have much to say, I’m not a particularly artistic person and you can view the preview images yourself.


    The music in Out of Touch is incredible and deserves huge amounts of praise, and a far cry from the usual generic open licensed soundtracks typically found in AVNs. The soundtrack is predominantly a mix of synthwave and vaporwave, with the occasional foray into other (mostly 80s inspired) genres when appropriate. As a huge fan of synthwave and vaporwave, I found the soundtrack amazing and is definitely my favourite of any AVN. Better yet, the soundtrack contains are a number of original songs that are superb and could easily be part of an excellent standalone album. The music is also used very appropriately throughout the story and really helps to draw you into the story. There’s only so many ways one can say the music in Out of Touch is super-duper good, but it’s super-duper good.


    Out of Touch an incredibly engaging and well-written AVN. While not perfect, its flaws are easy to overlook in favour of the greater experience. The surreal atmosphere that Out of Touch has makes it unique and enjoyable, and its greatest strength.

    It’s a really good game. Go play it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Much. veeeeeery much better than expected, actually i skip sex scenes to continue with chad macthundercock heir history, 10/10 i just the lvl of meme shit that i see on the story, the combat part is a little wird but ok
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a tough one for me to review. I'm a huge fan of psychedelic journeys as a semi-regular LSD user myself. While the game explores some very interesting ideas with interpersonal sensational and emotional connection, I found the story to be a bit unpalatable for my tastes.

    I'll preface this by saying that I love almost all of the characters, I think they all have some very well defined goals, fears, and personalities to the point where no one feels like they're just an archetype. The main character's lack of awareness is written in a way that I found endearing, and I think that he is a great lead for the story. The female LI's are very well modeled and very well written, with my personal favorite being
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    The story itself is where I find myself torn between having an interest in continuing the game and feeling like putting it down or skipping through the scenes. I think there's some great ideas in spiritual explorations with insecurities, fears, and emotions. That being said, I can not get behind all the different spirits that keep popping up, all the side characters that have a big revelatory statement to provide before they slip back away into obscurity for a dozen chapters, and the excessive exposition of events that feel like they're taking away time from the interactions between the main characters themselves.

    I'm in Chapter 26 as of now I believe, and I will say
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    was a really well written character, but everything else in that arc just bored me for the most part. I'm finding myself loving all of the interactions between the characters in the real world, but as soon as they go back into the other world I'm letting out of a sigh of disappointment.

    Why am I giving the game a four star rating if I've been more or less complaining about the story throughout? Because I can see the passion and care that has gone into this project, and although there are a lot of aspects of it that don't quite hit home with me, the effort and skill that went into the renders, writing, and coding is very evident and well done. As far as Unity games go, this one utilizes the engine for a VN format better than I have seen from any other erotic game.

    Regarding erotic content, I will say it's been very sparse thus far, and honestly pretty lackluster. That being said, I'm not as bothered by it since I'm not playing through this game looking for it. I hope the author of this story continues to get support, and I hope that whoever's reading this gives it a try for themselves, as I see this as being a very divisive, but impactful story for whoever's willing to sink their teeth in.

    EDIT 1: After finishing Chapter 28, I can honestly say that I'm finally engaged and interested in the direction that the story is taking. I will say that it took me a while to get there, but there was something cerebral about this story that kept drawing me back in. I think that those of you with the same complaints/concerns that I have should do their best to stick with it at least through this chapter, because I think the author has found their rhythm in humor, horror, romance, eroticism, and suspense. I can't wait to see what happens next. Updated to a 5 star review.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Just what I was looking for, a game with an entertaining story !
    I look forward to the next update!
    The story is fun and entertaining and you don't need a lot of heroic scenes to get you hooked unlike many other games.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This has to be one of the best VN's in terms of character, plot and story I have ever had the pleasure of reading and playing through, other than the whole running gag about Chad Thundercock.

    Every single character has growth, a developed backstory and personality other than Ashley so far. They are all likeable and human, but still broken in their own ways and I have to say this deserves a 5/5 for the storytelling alone...

    However the biggest issue in the VN is there is very very very little erotic content, I counted around 9 Sex scenes wtih 3 of them fading to black or being interrupted right at the start, so only actually 6 sex scenes, in around 8-10 hours of gameplay.

    I wish i could give it a 5/5 but since this is a erotic VN without erotic content it gets downgraded to a 4/5, honestly i would give it a 2/5 since there are so little scenes, but the story IS JUST THAT GOOD that it carries the barely any porn in the game.

    Plot: 6/5 -Best VN plot i have read so far
    Characters: 6/5 - best fleshed out characters of any VN
    Renders: 5/5 - They are really good quality
    Sex scenes: 1/5 - Almost non existent around 9 scenes in 8-10 hours with 3 being fade to black or interrupted

    Overall: 2/5 if you are here for sex
    or 5/5 if you are here for story so
    4/5 if you care about both like me
    Also i hope there is pregnancy content in the future XD
    Likes: Ooh
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Edit: This review is now pretty outdated. After playing through Chapter 40, I can safely say that I treated this game a bit too harshly. While I still think the game could be paced way better and there are some eye-rolling anime tropes, the writing is really phenomenal and some of the best character work I've ever seen in an adult game (CJ is still not the best though…). The sexual content is becoming a bit more frequent, but it's still definitely not the focus, which is okay; it just means it's not as good of an adult game as it could have been. Moving my rating from 3 to 4 stars.

    First thing that needs mentioning: if you're going into this game expecting a lot of sex, you will be severely disappointed. There are some steamy scenes here and there, sure, but they are few and far between and you will have a struggle getting off to this game if that's what you expected to be able to do. So if that's the kind of game you're looking for (and there's nothing wrong with that), just look elsewhere because I don't see this changing anytime soon.

    But let's focus on what the game is. It's basically a kinetic novel with very few choices. You're in this for the story it wants to tell and that's pretty much it. If that's not your thing, again, this game isn't for you.

    The renders are some of the best I've ever seen, very high quality. The game is very psychedelic with its visuals and that can be a good or bad thing depending on the viewer. Me personally, I didn't really care for it.

    The main characters are multi-dimensional and likeable for the most part. Can't complain here. Honestly my least favorite character is CJ. He is absurdly idiotic and while I understand that that's kind of the point (because it's supposed to be funny I guess?), that doesn't take away from the fact that it is incredibly frustrating to sit there and watch him be a clueless dumbfuck about his best friend's gender for half the game. It's a ridiculous plot point in itself and I audibly groaned every time it was brought up and wasn't resolved. It's like something that you'd find in a childish slice-of-life anime, and this game is trying to take itself at least somewhat seriously so there's no excuse there.

    There is clearly an intent to make a compelling story, but honestly, it just didn't get me invested at all. It tries to deal with heavy themes and - on paper - interesting ideas, but it does it in such a strange and confusing way. It can be very hard to keep track of what is going on at times because the game is so psychedelic in nature. It will slow down at times and get you invested in the actual main characters that you care about, and then it will go 80 miles an hour on a long tangent about some side character's story that you really don't give a damn for, and you're just left in the dust wondering what the hell is the point of all of this in the first place?

    TLDR: There are some things that the game does very well, but the story tries way too hard to do way too much at once, and there are some plot points that are just flat out ridiculous and (quite literally) unbelievable. The characters themselves are good and the renders are beautiful, but the story is definitely hit-or-miss. You may like it, you may not. Personally, I was a bit disappointed considering how highly-praised this game is. And if by chance you're looking for a fap game, don't let the lewd preview images fool you, this is DEFINITELY not it. The dev certainly has potential though and I'm interested to see if they decide to try any other projects in the future. The dev's dedication alone gives this game an extra star from me, I respect it a lot. It's honestly what has impressed me the most with this whole project. I'll definitely be staying on the lookout.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Licky Slime

    I wasn't a big fan of unity games, but after playing this game I gotta say I don't even know why I didn't like unity games and glad I play this one.

    What I can say about this game is that it is one of the best games I played made with Koikatsu, it has a really interesting story, funny and full of references, but even with all that is still one of the few games that makes me go on a feels roller-coaster, the story has some heavy themes on the beginning but after that seems a really nice story about friendship and love, but oh boy how I was wrong the story is much more that it seems and keeps only getting better, Anon keeps introducing twists and always catches me off guard.

    About the characters, they are just amazing each girl is unique and also stunning and/or cute, some of them have some real sad background or having a hard life, but I'm sure with the help of our MC, CJ, they will find happiness, with some really nice lewds scenes, although not animated that didn't affect how good they are.

    So with all this said in my opinion everyone should try the game, or at least everyone looking for a good story should try it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, this is an incredibly great story!

    However, my first start was finished after not even 30 minutes...
    My second start barely lasted longer....
    After a long break, my third attempt came and it "clicked" in my brain! The story totally captivated me and I spent an entire weekend with this masterpiece.
    The graphics along with the incredibly awesome music, the special humor as well as the excellently written characters more than thrilled me!
    While reading I had several times "Brain.exe doesn't work anymore", because I just couldn't follow the multilayered story and the mass of characters... Must be because of my age ;-)
    In retrospect I only noticed that there are practically no decisions to make, so practically it's a kinetic novel and there's not really much sex to see either.
    Mind you, after I reached the end so far I had only realized this! I don't know how else to describe it, that the story captivated me so much. Am I missing this content and possibility? Did it bother me? A resounding no! I was more than compensated by all the other content!

    Probably this work of art is not for everyone, but those who can get into it will not regret it at all.