Haha, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
When I set out to make this particularly strange brand of smut, from day 1 I wanted it to be for your heart-boner as much as for what's in your pants.
Sorry about the following wall of text, I think you brought up a really good point.
You're right that it's a bit of a slow burn as far as h-content goes but that's for two important reasons and I think you'll understand why:
1) I want the first h-event for each girl to be very significant both emotionally and in terms of their plot. Part of that is building tension until it's ready to explode, but another is to make it as impactful on the reader as possible.
Some of my absolutely favorite VNs have some pretty god awful sex scenes that feel like they're complete after thoughts, forced upon the creators by their producers (*Cough* Muv Luv *Cough*). That's something I really want to avoid by making the physical intimacy a key part of the relationship between those characters.
The only downside is that takes some establishing to make work, thus the apparent dry spell of h-content. If you've played Chapter 15, the ending scene with Sarah really shows what I'm trying to do with every girl (in their own unique way, of course).
2) I actually want to tie most of the h-content in the game to the upcoming gameplay mechanics. In the adventure segments and in other places you'll have opportunities to connect to the girls and build your relationships with them as CJ.
Or not.
I want the player to be able to pick and choose what h-content they receive. Want to go full Leah route? Sure.
Want Vic and Ashley? Go for it.
Feel like having the whole harem experience? Absolutely. But I want that to be your choice.
The currently released content is what I would consider "mandatory" content, while each girls arc will be somewhat like a very long, time gated side quest that's rewarding but is ultimately optional.
Because it's mandatory content, I didn't want to start shoving h-content down the players throat lest I contradict that player choice philosophy I just outlined.
Anyway, sorry again for the word vomit. I hope that helped explain everything a bit.
In other news, here's some of what I was working on over the weekend! Dialogue writing is going ahead at a good rate and I made a few more lewds just to keep things interesting.