Hey there, I'm Snow the programmer. Just wanted to answer this so people will understand exactly what this is all about. It is indeed correct that it will require more work than a typical apk install as apks have a 4gb limit and basic apks have to contain all the assets in that 4gb. This is because an apk is just a variation on zip32 files which have that limit. Unity's way around this is with downloadable asset packages, of which we are using the asset bundle format. Normally I would just code the game to download these automatically, but we aren't exactly funded to support a live file delivery server like that(maybe someday), so instead those bundles will need to b downloaded manually and copied to the correct place on your device's file system. I'm hopeful this won't be too difficult for the average user, but I just won't know until I actually start assembling that build.
Real life issues and other obligations have been slowing up my work and likely will continue to do so for the next several weeks but pending the last cleanup for QoL features I'm working on, Android is next on the list. Beyond that however, I can honestly give no idea how long it will take until I've done it. Anyone wanting to keep tabs on the progress, I urge you to join our discord server where I'm much more readily available.