VN - Ren'Py - Pale Carnations [Ch. 4 Up 4 Public] [Mutt & Jeff]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent graphics and storyline, as well as a strong music. There is something for everyone, with well-designed and fascinating characters. The in-game universe accommodates a broad range of fetishes, physical kinds, personalities, and scenarios. The game is quite enjoyable to play.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    first time play this game, love it . everything is amazing.
    story:5(so many option)
    fetish:5 (so many fetish in game love it)
    very enjoying when iam play this game, keep good wok, and thankyou for made this beautiful game
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything about this game is amazing.

    The story - Good
    The Characters - Amazing
    The Choices - Worthy
    The Animations - Amazing

    All in all, it is easily a top tier game with amazing renders and depending on how it ends, possibly good storyline as well.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean what else there to be said? This game is the epitome of weird fetish/bizarre sexual desire done right. What I love the most about this game is that you got the actual options on what your characters behave towards the others, where its not some heartless motherfuckers hanging around without some actual explanation or else, or even bland characters that doesn't have any feelings or empathy to it, even though the overall settings might suggest otherwise but the overall writings and executions made this specific game/vn leave such an impacts to its players,

    I can't write a full review yet about this game cause it's not fully finished yet, but if you're not sold yet with this VN, I can assure you this is the best game on this platform, so don't hesitate to try it
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The author of this work definitely has a lush imagination.
    I had a great time, really all the characters along the way screw with the story.
    However, I don't like one thing, that's why I can't give the maximum rating, I would give four and a half stars, but it's impossible.
    Why do all the chicks in this game have disgustingly large breasts?
    If you had added diversity it would have been more fitting, I'm not a guy who likes big hang-ups, but well, you can see that this game is aimed at such, nevertheless I had a great time and will definitely play at least two more games because I'm curious beyond Hana's story how the story with Mina and Bromance will turn out.

    Edit - I played another game, a typical bromance freak and I'm upping my rating to 5 stars, this game deserves it
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a solid game, in the 3.5-4 range, I'll round up to 4 since it made an attempt at lactation content and the BDSM/domination is aplenty and not just a lip service barely BDSM scene like some games with the tag cop out with. It could use some compression, no game like this needs to crack 5 gig, but since other people have done that I won't dock it any points for it. It's worth a try if you haven't played it, it lives up to it's preview info.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Pale Carnations is something special.

    In some games, the writing is good. In some, the humor is good. In some, the visuals are good. In some, the music is good. In PC, nearly every aspect is flawless. TD and GIL manage to make the game flow together as a unit, to an extent which I think no other game on f95 does right now.

    The music and the sound effects fits each scene. I remember just staring at Hana for minutes after all the rough sex following the date, as she rides Edwin, piano music plays gently, the soft notes really letting you feel that moment of love and intimacy. That was the moment which gave me a new appreciation for the medium, which is evolving beyond just being something to turn to when we are horny. The power of music in a visual novel. When chosen appropriately, it enhances the whole experience tremendously and immerses you in the world of the characters.

    The renders are visually stunning. GIL pushes HoneySelect to its limits. This is one of the best looking games out there. The art style is unique. All the menu buttons are flowery, to fit in with the "Carnations" theme. All of the main girls look very beautiful. I especially love Hana and Felicia's looks. Veronica is built like a bodybuilder and wears glasses. How many games do you get a main girl like that? The women at the club are all very sexy. The costumes of the house girls are super hot and really give you a sense of the club's decadence and the power of its members that they can get them to be wearing these and serving them, indulging in their every depraved whim. Playing Go with uncle Chuck using a beautiful woman's ass as board. Hot! The animations are smooth and fluid. Especially in the later chapters.

    Every single character is interesting. The girls each have problems like real people and are not there just to be conquered, as in a dating sim. Hana with her diseased mother and father whom she despises. Under her hard exterior, she needs comfort and love. Rose with her daughter. The one thing in her life which keeps her going. Veronica with her gym. That is all she has. Felicia with her need of independence and some power for herself after realising she has zero ability to protect the things/people she loves. Mina as wholesome and adorable as she is, still sees her boyfriend cheating on her with his old maid, which leaves her scarred and never having experienced true romantic love.

    The other characters at the club are interesting too. Kathleen with her sadistic pleasure, gets pleased and acts like a mentor to Edwin if you go on her path. Ian goes far beyond the usual supportive male friend character who is there just for comic relief, having existential and family problems of his own. Even though he's an asshole, he's a true bro in every sense of the word. In my opinion, Edwin doesn't appreciates him as much he should. I really like it when Ian says under his breath "I don't like it when you bend over for that bitch". More subtle moments of friendship please.

    The dialogue is funny, and self-aware. It is written the way people would actually speak. I love Kat's monologues at the start of an event. The banter with Hana is fun. The characters feel like actual people , when they speak. Especially the women, which is very hard to do, for a male writer. TD is really good with dialogue.

    Cons: I genuinely find it hard to think of a fault. Maybe that the affection numbers don't make much sense relative to each other in the statistics menu. That is a minor gripe.

    I've seen the argument that the women doing all these depraved activities for money is not realistic and there are other ways. It doesn't really matter at all. Events which seem overly convenient if you analyse them further, will be there in every story, be it Star Wars, or Jurassic park. Its there for the story to happen, in an entertaining way. Assume it and move on to what actually happens to the characters and how they react to the events.

    Final thoughts:
    I have played this game 6 times now. That's how much I like it. It gets the highest recommendation from me. If you think you can get used to the brothel setting and the kink, you definitely owe it to yourself to play through this masterpiece.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I am not a fan of the extreme sexual torture and other tags. In fact, I am pretty vanilla in my tastes. Anal sex is the most extreme thing I am into.

    Despite this "drawback", when it comes to this game, I think this is incomparable to any other porn VN. People have gone gaga over several other games in the past. They absolutely blow in writing compared to this game. Yes, even the ones you are thinking about.

    But the key is to approach this game with reading in mind.

    Despite the heavy dose of sex scenes in the game, which are often full of content. If you know anything about good books and good writing, you'll appreciate the pacing -- the ebb and flow of events and dialogue. As far as Porn goes, this is god-tier.

    Granted, it's not actually flawless, as I am not a superfan of the premise or the extreme sex. But I still think this is one of the best things out there. It's definitely worth a try, as the depth of characters and plot can't be beat. But again, within this genre -- which is saddled with such a shitty writing standard that several games are supposedly amazing in their writing, when they're actually well below average in any other genre.

    Despite the graphics not being amazing technically speaking, the visual design is actually top notch. Each character stands out, have their own look, and are easily recognized. The overall look of the game is consistent with its characters, and everything fits perfectly. There are several games that match the visual design, and also top on the graphics. But that hardly matters with the best writing in the genre.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's the best adult visual novel I've ever played
    The story is good and imporant in this game
    The production team has perfected the story through quality animation, rich dialogue, and great character design
    The different backgrounds of the female characters, their personalities and the stories that accompany them are well presented throughout the game and stimulate the player to think
    In this process, the producers have also kept the importance of player choice in check, no more, no less.
    For some moment, i feel like I was in MC‘s position facing hard choices, amazing experiences
    Have a try, this is the best you can find on the market
    is a crying shame that this game could not on steam.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A very, very decent game.
    "But there's one thing. The game reveals itself at its best only if you are able to put yourself in the place of the character. Live his life and empathize with him. If you, like the main character, are able to watch in disgust as a woman tries to provide a better life for her child by putting herself on a wooden cock in front of a crowd of elderly rich men, or as an "Amazon" drinking rotten sperm for her lifelong dream, but feel the base lust reinforced by the opportunity to take advantage of women's vulnerability - you'll love it.
    Animations are very good. Models are decent. The music is nice. Playing and supporting the author is advised.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Ch. 4 U1

    Nothing overly interesting about story, but for some reason I was hooked on reading.

    I'll cut to the chase: Team Mina 'n' Hana. These's just crazy. I'm sure there was steam coming from my nose and ears.

    Carnations written interesting and each of them feels unique.

    Didn't like Killian's character. Very contradictory person with balance of the scales is leaning to the dickhead much more.

    A lot of intimate moments without sex. Not a fan.

    Game is pretty big as of now, I've spent several nights going through.

    TL;DR: try it, it's good.

    PS: Steam release pretty please. Godspeed.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Good game. Good animations, nice and detailed faces. The Character Story is reasonable and exciting. Sex Love Drama in a nice mixture. A little more copmplications, a littel more kink puts this game much closer to normal reality (for a sex game) than those smoothe running novels.
    Performance is good, no blueecrren or anything
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    EDIT: Unfortunately this game loses a single star and gets this added qualifier. The latest updates have shifted the focus from grotesque kinkiness to boring character relationships and the main plot. There's still a lot of good here, but it is headed in a disappointing direction.

    Pale Carnations may not be the best game on this site... yet. Because it certainly promises to beat its competitions by leaps and bounds. Currently it is a fantastic effort with loads of choice, believable characters (despite the outrageous and hyperbolic premise), extremely hot models and creative sex scenes. Despite all the insane fetishes and lewdness, I find myself remembering the first bathroom sex with one of the female leads the most; compared to most of the game's sex, it's very basic, but it is set up so well and plays into the primary kinks at play so well, it just shows this game's massive potential better than anything.

    The game's only weakness is basically that you have to suspend your disbelief at times to make some of the female leads' motivations make sense. Well that, and the stereotypical dudebro "best friend" of the MC. Besides that, this is just a great game which might become my favorite NSFW-game ever once it's finished.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Choices had impact, which made each roadblock of answering a question that much more engaging. The elements that made the game pop is the renders that give suburb ability to judge motion. Having a sense of direction while being realistic enough not to be seen as a over reach of the human frame.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Update 08/26/2023, Chapter 4, Update 3: Since the time of writing, update 2 gave us more Mina followed by update 3's lengthy date with Veronica, and both continued the previous trend of lengthy, well-written, well-animated thrilling updates put out in record time. Everything I've written below still holds, and I'm tempted to call this game the GOAT. While Veronica's scene wasn't exactly my cup of tea, it was still exceptionally detailed and written, from the set up to the pay off to the important moments after, and the same is true of the Mina update prior. Not much else to add. Still 5/5.

    TL/DR version: One of the best adult visual novels currently in production. An excellent moral choice system where you can reasonably choose between being a nice guy or an easily corrupted asshole with rewarding adult content no matter which way you lean, spectacular best-in-class adult scenes with believable and lengthy setups with excellent dialogue, gorgeous stills, and multiple stages of high quality animations, all of which are held up by a well-written and engaging story result in this being one of my all-time favorite finds on F95. 5 out of 5.

    It's almost unheard of for a game to be accused of containing adult scenes that go on for too long, but this is an accusation I’ve seen levied at Mutt & Jeff’s Pale Carnations. To me, these claims read more like high praise pretending to be criticism. In the latest update (Chapter 4) the focus is almost entirely on one date with one character, and the payoff of three previous chapters of off-and-on introductions, flirting, and courtship. Mutt and Jeff clearly wanted to reward players for following this character’s route and for sticking with the flirtations up to this point with an end-of-date payoff that probably took them months to write, frame, and animate. It seems to go on forever, and I love them for it.

    There are already hundreds of reviews saying roughly the same thing that I’m about to write, so I’ll keep this brief.


    Character design is top notch. Characters are distinct and, after playing through roughly 80+ visual novels, have no equal in terms of rendering quality and design. You’ll never mistake one character for another, nor will you find yourself thinking, “Hey, haven’t I seen her in *insert other VN here*?”

    Adult animations are fluid, have a high frame rate, are well-staged, and are bracketed by exceptional dialogue and still frames which connect them. You’ll never find a character jumping from a blow job animation to a missionary sex one, but will have important still frames and dialogue maintaining the flow of the scene. Characters also do not instantly lose all their clothes. Scenes progress naturally as they might in real life, and it makes the payoff all the more satisfying.

    I won’t go into details about the story as that would ruin one of the best parts of the game. You’re a somewhat nerdy college student who agrees to help out at a high end brothel during a time when they are hosting a rather brutal game. Several contestants are subjected to various humiliations in front of a crowd once a week with the promise of their (usually) financial debts being settled. You can either help out somewhat half-heartedly and play as the nice guy in a tough situation, or you can embrace the humiliation and even make it worse if you so desire. Do you want to lovingly masturbate a voyeur on stage while whispering sweet nothings that bring her to a spectacular orgasm, or do you want to roughly rail her against a beam before tossing her to the ground in front of the audience? The authors clearly have a destination in mind and put a great deal of time into writing a compelling story. The adult content comes organically from the story rather than feeling tacked on, and it makes a big difference.

    Music and sound effects? Hooray! Background music is well-chosen and sets the mood for scenes, with some of them gaining some fame in the community as being a signal that an adult scene is about to get to the good part. There are numerous sound effects, but the one for cumming? Perfect choice. Not too cheesy or over-the-top but just right.

    I began playing Pale Carnations over a year ago before Mutt & Jeff had begun using animations, and it was a 5 out of 5 then. I initially criticized their switch to animations as I found their use of dialogue and still frames were more than enough to get the job done, but I’ve since reversed that position. A great story, good audio, and well-written and animated adult scenes that check all the right boxes. Throw in a moral choice system that is equally rewarding to the nice guy as it is to the corrupt asshole, and you’ve got a solid contender for the GOAT.

    5 out of 5.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Yet another porn game where I don't even feel required to have my cock out, simply because the story and characters are so good I don't NEED gratuitous smut to keep playing.

    But for real, these models are my absolute favorite for porn games, and these girls are definitely beyond attractive, Veronika and Hana in particular. Yum. I also love that the MC isn't some giga chad, and you get to sorta shape him as a character, not many games like this give you that freedom. I really appreciated a game where the goal wasn't 'sex up everything' but actually feels like you're taking part in an unfolding narrative, making the story the focus instead of the porn. Very brave, and it definitely works.

    The biggest thing I appreciate about this game is that, while most games with choices I feel like playing the 'good guy' angle, in Pale Carnations I didn't feel like there WAS good or bad choices, and even when you take a negative hit with a character all it does is take the relationship in a different direction.

    So yeah, there's SEVERAL serious topics in this game, a lot of which I think are meant for we, the players to reflect on even as we enjoy this game, but the smart and witty writing, realistic personas and gorgeous art all wrap into a very enjoyable package.

    My only complaint would be the animations. The few that there are, are most definitely rocky...but nothing that truly detracted from the game.

    EDIT: I take the last bit back. The animations take a CONSIDERABLE jump in quality in the later chapters. Like night-and-day.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This might come off as pretentious but tbh, I don't know any other way to respond this game lmao.

    The Meiko Kaji avatar, the Fulci reference... Those who reject this game out of hand due to some tags they might disagree with are missing out. This is probably, at from the visual preferences that guides me in choosing a game, the only well-written game of its kind. Even disregarding the transgressiv performance of the narrative and its parts... The pacing is on point, the ebb and flow of the interactions, the retreats and pushes, not letting the electricity of touch come its full conclusion, playing around the erotic, slowly tracing a path toward its implosive moment. Pure lust, pure eroticism.

    The explicitness of the show juxtaposed with the personal, the two parts of the erotic, of its wish to be as close as can be, of pushing boundaries and thereby reaching a fulfilment of a person, which is the breaking of the taboo. I couldn't bear to finish. I stopped in the middle of the Hana scene, after just having cried and laughed at the same time. Both because of the reminisence it evoked, the very real feeling of that moment in a distant past. Especially that sequence when the MC urged Hana to release her grip, as he wanted to resume control, ringed so true, that primal moment of pure eros, if wanting to become one with the other which is so incredibly real, which drives these relations... Very well-done.

    Really, even if someone balks at some of these tags, at least give it a go, skip through Carnation events and the "NTR" or whatever you want to call it, and relish in the more normalised events. They are for sure without comparison in this space. If they don't evoke memories of your own, know that they are true to life in a way that nothing on this site comes close to.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best porn games I've played. The renders and animations are stunning and the writing is excellent. If you like S&M and overall debauchery, this game is pretty much a must. I can't wait to see it continued, I don't think any other porn game has ever immersed me to this degree.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5259050

    Edit: Bumped up to 4 stars after playing 0.4 + exploring a few other paths. Although I still stand by the points I made, after spending more time playing 3 stars felt a bit harsh - its a solid 7/10 for me right now and with future updates I see it going up to 8-9/10 in the future.


    I feel conflicted about this game because there were parts of the game I really liked and other parts that I found boring to the point where I wanted to read as fast as possible so the scenes end.

    One of the things I liked about this game is the development of the male characters which surprised me because in these types of games, the girls get all the attention. That is not the case in this particular game the main character's evolution and how he comes to adapt to the situation he is in is very well done. The game seems to offer you the option to either stick to your values or slowly take the MC down a darker path (however just how dark things will get I dont know - there has been no payoff for this yet).

    The other standout character to me was the MC's best friend Ian who is a deeply flawed and hedonistic individual - on the surface he is just another rich and good for nothing douchebag however there are hints of a good person in him. I love flawed characters and I love the way he is written.

    I also want to briefly mention the visuals - while I dont think this game is the best looking game out there I do think that a lot of thought and care has been put into the smaller details from Hana's shirts to the expressions of the characters.

    The real focus of this game is the brothel the MC is employed in and sadly here is where I feel like the game falls a bit flat.

    I am not the biggest fan of the villains so far. Kathleen the MC's boss feels a little one dimensional to me - the game does a great job of showing how evil she can be but I feel like being evil the the only personality trait she has which makes her uninteresting to me. I have liked characters like her in other games when the actions of the villains were directed towards the main character and we were a bit more emotionally invested in their actions however watching from the sidelines where she does her thing does not make me as emotionally invested in her actions - yes she is ruining the lives of the carnations and is slowly corrupting the MC however it is not enough for me. I have also really liked villains in other games who do stuff in the sidelines however most of these villains had a bit more nuance to there character where being evil was not their only personality trait - the best description I can think of for these types of villains I can think of without mentioning other games are more evil versions of Ian - deeply flawed individuals whose actions are interesting to watch. The other villains (Chuck, August, Warren, Abel, club patrons etc) are interesting but they do not have enough screen time for me to have a solid opinion on them.

    I also did not like the club events very much - this may be a matter of personal taste but the sexual content (specifically the sex scenes in the club) were boring to me. The problem for me is that I feel like the carnations/whores are not emotionally invested enough in the sex for it to be appealing to me. The emotional investment comes from the situations they are in but not the sex itself. They are simply putting up with whatever happens to them because they need to do this to achieve their goals - there is little to no passion to it.

    I have played other games with similar themes where the sex scenes worked for me however some of the reasons these senes worked for me was because: 1) The MC in those games was more emotionally invested in the characters - for example Victoria being a carnation would have a lot more emotional impact than three strangers the MC just met. 2) The scenes were either more taboo, more kinky or more disgusting in nature - Veronica's scene where she was forced to consume things was one example of a disgusting scene that worked however everything else was a bit tame in comparison. If the game showed warren beating up Emma or a patron abusing a whore to the point where she could not work for a month (events that happened offscreen) then that would have worked too but the scenes we currently have with the exception of the veronica scene are not enough for me. 3) The kinky scenes involved happened either without the consent of the participants or the participants were doing it out of their own volition and not because their circumstances forced them to do it - in this case the carnations have consented to whatever is happening to them and are just putting up with whatever happens to them. The renders and the situation involving Sophia (a side character) are far more appealing to me than anything involving the carnations because she is not being forced into them.

    If the MC was female and a victim of Kath's games the sex scenes would have worked for me but as a third party observer watching three girls simply put up with what happens to them I am not as emotionally invested in the sex scenes.

    I do not have this problem with scenes outside of the club though - the scenes involving Mina, Hana and Felicia that have nothing to do with the club are great.

    The above summarizes most of my thoughts for this game. Given that the game is still under development my opinions are likely to change over time. I have a feeling that assuming the game is not rushed, towards the end I will like the game a lot more as things get more intense and when it does, I will change the contents/rating of this review. But in its current state the game is between a 6-7/10 for me.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Pale Carnations is a VN in which you play a poor student attempting to pay his way through school by working at an extremely exclusive brothel.

    It's a game about corruption. The MC and most of the main cast of girls are stuck on a slippery slope where they're all constantly asked "how far will you go for what you want?" As a result, you get to know each of the characters quite well, their histories, their goals, their personalities, just about everything you could ask. It really lets you see the cogs in their head turn when they're confronted with another challenge.

    I think the MC and the circumstances are what makes it a cut above most other VNs. While the MC isn't necessarily the deepest or most interesting character, you're constantly pitted against interesting choices who help define who your MC is. Will you placate your domineering bitch of a boss and help push the girls into deeper depravity, or will you act in their best interests, despite risking your job? Will you abuse the women around you to help them win the game, or restrain yourself, gaining their appreciation but risking their futures? There is a constant push and pull in the various relationships in the game, and there's more depth than simply "do people like you" or "will people fuck you?" While big pay-offs are a little sparse as of yet, I'm looking forward to advancing the story and seeing how my choices affect the plot.

    As to the circumstances, the sexual situations in the game are basically fire. While there's a pretty large number of girls, each of them gets at least a little bit of focus if you invest even a modicum of attention towards them. The circumstances themselves, especially the exhibitions, are absolutely wild, though strangely not my favorite scenes. Regardless, I can't recommend this game enough for exhibitionism fans.

    The renders themselves are absolutely gorgeous, and a lot of attention is paid to the girls outfits as well. I have absolutely no complains about the appearance of the game, and have gotten a little lost in various girl's eyes an uncomfortable number of times. I can't tell you how much of a game's appearance is the software versus the dev, but Pale Carnations looks better than any other game I could name on this site.

    Overall, I have a lot of difficulties coming up with complaints about this game. It's by far one of the best erotic VNs I've played. If you have any appreciation for VNs whatsoever, you owe it to yourself to play the game.