
Feb 5, 2021
ROFL I'm with you, my primal instinct is to corrupt her as well, but logically, it's just unnecessary. The game needs a grounded love path, and Hana fits the bit so well I'd definitely do an exclusive playthrough with her in a pure love route, despite my degeneracy.
My primal instinct is the pure love route, but I want to see how kinky the other way can get too, haha.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2019
My guess is both things will be possible. A pure route with Hana and also a route where you help get her more involved in the club. Both would be interesting to see, and make multiple playthroughs more worth it.
I'm all for more than 1 path with each girl, the more choices the better.

That said, I see Mina is a prime corruption candidate. At least compared to Hana. She's made it pretty clear she detests everything about the club, whereas Mina is just sprouting her sexual exploration wings.


Feb 5, 2021
I'm all for more than 1 path with each girl, the more choices the better.

That said, I see Mina is a prime corruption candidate. At least compared to Hana. She's made it pretty clear she detests everything about the club, whereas Mina is just sprouting her sexual exploration wings.
True. Though that could make it even more interesting if you somehow get Hana involved in it.

I think I'd actually feel worse about getting Mina involved because she's more innocent. Hana going from actively hating the club to being a large part of it seems like a more interesting journey to explore than tricking the innocent girl into becoming a part of it. We've seen that story so many times before, but I haven't seen the Hana one much.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2019
True. Though that could make it even more interesting if you somehow get Hana involved in it.

I think I'd actually feel worse about getting Mina involved because she's more innocent. Hana going from actively hating the club to being a large part of it seems like a more interesting journey to explore than tricking the innocent girl into becoming a part of it. We've seen that story so many times before, but I haven't seen the Hana one much.
Given a purely 'corruption' context, I'd still argue Mina's the better candidate.

That said, you raise a good point. Hana's essentially already resisted the corruption as a result of working at the club at the point Edwin enters the scene, but given his guiding hand going forward, she could be made to 'fall' to the dark side as a result of player choices, which has the potential for some ultra hot character corruption action.

Definitely a more unique and rarer circumstance in the corruption genre than we see with characters like Mina (which like you said, are a dime a dozen.)
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Feb 4, 2018
Yep. If you are running Windows 10, all your saves are stored in %appdata%\renpy (paste the link in an Exlorer window to find it), so you can safely delete your game directory. Whenever you install the next version, your saves will show up. It is probably similar with other OSs.

Very occasionally, a dev will do something crazy with the save name, and change the %appdata% name of the game, and I've had to find the old name and move the saves over, but in the hundreds of games I've played, I think this only happened once or twice.
Ah too bad doesn't work for me(lies) I guess I'll just have to replay from the begining all over again when it updates. So sad. Oh well I will do what must be done!


Jul 3, 2020
hi, anyone knows similar games(doesn't have to be 3D) because I need something to do till next update XD


Active Member
Sep 26, 2020
How will it exactly look like?
The only ones you may not see having any sexual interaction with anyone else are Mina and Hana. As stated, you know Mina and Killian are having sex, it's just not shown (so far.) And it seems the general feeling is Hana isn't seeing anyone else. If she's your choice, you can probably keep her to yourself.

For the Carnations, who are all main characters with at least as much content as Mina and Hana, there will be all sorts of sexual as well as bdsm content for them which includes other men. This is not avoidable. You may be able to avoid taking part, but you can not avoid seeing it happen. The game is centered around the club and its activities. So you are going to see them giving blowjobs, getting fucked, cum on by more than one man, tied up, and more, all for the pleasure of the club's members who, if not taking part, are in the audience ...

If seeing any of the Carnations be sexually involved in any way with others is something you wish to avoid, this is not the right game for you. If you're interested in Hana or Mina, and are comfortable with seeing the rest, you may enjoy it. If you're like me and enjoy seeing it all, it's a lot of fun.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2020
I see Mina with potential for a more interesting "corruption" path. I think underneath her bubbly seemingly innocent exterior is a kinky sex goddess, a personality with whom she's intimately familiar, but only reveals to those who prove themselves worthy. You think you're corrupting her but really you're just getting to know her inner sex fiend.

On the surface that maybe doesn't seem much different to the usual corruption route, but the usual is "she really was totally innocent until you got your dirty hands on her" and yet she corrupts so easily it's ridiculous. If she does have an underlying kinky personality, it's not previously known to her.

The "good girl on the outside until she shows you how dirty she can be" is a fun character that I've not often seen in these parts.

I also think the corruption of the girl who has resisted all prior influences, aka Hana, is fun, and I'd equally enjoy seeing both. But Mina over Hana for me :love:.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
My guess is Hana is the one set up for a more vanilla love route. For all intents and purposes, she's the only one that is seemingly exclusively for Edwin. The only mention of her past sex life really is a retelling of an experimental night with a rockstar chick she liked (which was great btw lol)

Throw in her and Edwin's situation at the end of the last update and that only seems to confirm her as the 'choose me if you don't want to lose yourself to depravity' route.

Just speculation on my part, mind.
Depravity Table for One please!!
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Very well written and extremely fun. I will be following this one closely.

Ayhsel's seal of recommendation :lepew:

Hana>Mina>>Felicia>>>>> All others, at least for now.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
First some thoughts on the ratings discussion:
I agree with the majority here that basing your ratings on personal likes/dislikes ranges from to silly to unfair, esp. since I am a hobby writer and have tasted my Schoppen of headscratcher critic too. It is one thing to praise or criticise how you made the characters or plotlines from an artistic standpoint (and it sone of the best feedback we can get) and a wholly other one to downvote some story because of your personal preferences! If you cannot stand e.g. strawberry shakes or thriller books, why do you order one? Please base your thumbs up and down on the quality of the game/book/music in question.

One example: I consider "PC" to be among the Top10 games on F95, for several qualities. It is a game which does not have to hide behind bigger studios´productions. Still, there are a couple scenes, which I blitz through (if I need the points) or avoid (if I do not need the points), because they depict things I do not like. But that does not impact my rating, because the current art and writing of Pale Carnations is just great and deserves the 5 stars.

For Hana´s story I estimate 4 major branches with variants depending on how strongly (or not) corrupted she is at the end.

- One is the pure Love route with the possible mending of fences between Hana and August in addition. No to just slight/medium corruption of Hana (if MC and Hana want to test out a couple things, if they like it).

- Next is a Love route with MC and Hana being groomed to be the successors of August and Chuck at PC. There are hints of this if you play the Hana route and talk to August and Chuck often. And it becomes clear that August wants to repair the damage in his relationship with his daughter, he just does not really know how, cue us MCs.:cool:
Corruption could range from zero (Hana is shown to be pragmatic and thinking clearly on most things) over some/medium corruption (encouraged curiosity despite not convinced at start) to full corruption, if the MC likes his SO to be a loose cannon in bed, e.g. testing porn acting (too much hints of it not only for Hana but others as well), girl-girl, sharing/swining or a couple shifts in PC to see how it is. (while the majority does not, there are, most often hobby, prostitutes who like doing it)

- Another path would be the Dark Love one, Hana and the MC are a couple, but the MC likes Hana to be as uninhibited and slutty as she can be. This path naturally would feature major corruption efforts, like the ones above and additional ones like e.g. Hana "testdriving" August.

- The final path would be two-pronged depending on corruption level. In this storyline MC and Hana would be friends (maybe with benefits) and if Hana stays uncorrupted or just a bit, then MC helps her getting free of PC, in the case of a strongly corrupted Hana she is in PC for longer.

Generally I find characters like Hana, who is a dedicated music/rocker girl, but pragmatic/clearthinking/intelligent with some "shockingly standard" values for the image she projects most of the time, to be far too rare in games of F95 (and partly in mainstream games too). While Life made Hana rather hardboiled early on, she still retained some warmness, curiousity and as can be seen in a few scenes, a kind of nerd in her. And a sharp tongue with a slightly wicked sense of humour.
Hana is a good girl with a tough exterior, which is part true, part fassade.
As said, a far too rare character type in erotic games or games in general.
And with a "Fuck you for the coffee then";), we go to the next "outsider character".

As some other mmebers correctly said, Mina is the most cute and innocent of the main cast of PC. Mainly because she finished graduation on a rather removed all-girls school. But even here we can see some darker twist. Outside her friends from the Bow Club, Mina´s school seems to be mostly attended by as.... As has been hinted through the flowers, bullying on Mina´s school was worryingly common. How much of Mina´s innocence is true and how much is circumstantial is debatable. There are several scenes which hint massively in the direction that there is a wild side buried in Mina.
There is a clear curiosity due to Mina´s upbringing here. Mina is definitely bi-curious, whereas Hana is straight. Best seen during der birthday party. While Hana found her sole bi/lesbian encounter ok and great fun despite being seduced, she does not miss it and strongly prefers hetero sex.
Mina on the other was clearly interested in testing out Bi-play, so much that all party goers saw it.

For Mina I see 2 main paths with a division on how strongly corrupted Mina gets and one path where Mina leaves everything PC behind her.

Path one is Mina staying with Killian. If she has no or just some/medium corruption, Mina stays outside the PC for good and since Killian has his own kinky sides, he might find real happiness with a Mina as she is now, but with some fun corruption mixed in.
The other variant is a heavily corrupted Mina, who likely is pulled into the PC orbit by it.

Path Two is Mina becoming the MCs girlfriend, with roughly the same division as on Killians path.

Path three would be as said Mina leaves everyone behind, finding her fate elsewhere.


Feb 5, 2021
whereas Hana is straight
You had me until this. Yeah, she may be more into guys than girls, but she's definitely somewhat into girls too. Not only did she have the lesbian experience, but she groped the hell out of Mina in that scene and then couldn't stop talking about Mina afterward when you were in bed with her.

Also I think the total pure route with Hana is going to involve the destruction of the club (possibily literally burning it to the ground, as has already been hinted). I also see a route where she takes over leadership from August as you do (possibly making it a better place), and then a darker route where she either takes pleasure in abusing other girls or she becomes a participant herself.

Also there's definitely going to be some stuff with her and Mina, but I'm not sure that will be it's own route. A threesome could take place before a route is decided, and a three-way couple could be a spinoff of the pure route. Maybe she could even run off with Mina alone if you chose one of the other girls.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
You had me until this. Yeah, she may be more into guys than girls, but she's definitely somewhat into girls too. Not only did she have the lesbian experience, but she groped the hell out of Mina in that scene and then couldn't stop talking about Mina afterward when you were in bed with her.

Also I think the total pure route with Hana is going to involve the destruction of the club (possibily literally burning it to the ground, as has already been hinted). I also see a route where she takes over leadership from August as you do (possibly making it a better place), and then a darker route where she either takes pleasure in abusing other girls or she becomes a participant herself.

Also there's definitely going to be some stuff with her and Mina, but I'm not sure that will be it's own route. A threesome could take place before a route is decided, and a three-way couple could be a spinoff of the pure route. Maybe she could even run off with Mina alone if you chose one of the other girls.
Thanks for your comments!
While there is some Bi-curiosity in Hana too, it is far less than in Mina to the point Hana should be considered straight with some fantasies she might act on under rare and specific circumstances. She liked her one bi-experience, yes, but she does not miss it and neither does she search out new ones.
Hana´s groping of Mina was, as she even explained herself, teasing the hell out of Mina´s blatant interest in her story. And it should be noted that we, the MCs, do NOT get RPs with Hana if we "jump on" her Bi/Les talk later, but only if we show interest in Hana herself.
You have all the right to see it differently, but IMHO this all hints towards a possible three/foursome in the future, if we as the MCs work seriously towards that direction and Hana likes Mina. But that is something that will not happen without clear pushing by the MC (and maybe Killian too), because Hana´s Bi-Interest is very limited.

I agree with your theory that the fully pure routes involving Hana mean the destruction of the Club, maybe "flame up high" as we have seen hints, with the possible exception of MC/Hana as successors. For all the loathing she has for what happens at the club and some of the people there, Hana is a proven pragmatist. Working at PC gives her the money to care for her Mum, she would otherwise be hardpressed to raise. So becoming the successor of August on full pure path would mean PC lives on, but with massive changes how it is done. If she becomes successor with various levels of corruption, these changes might be smaller.

While a Hana on the darker love (or lighter love paths with the MC liking Hana letting really loose) might be ranging from little kinks up to full wild slut, I do not see her abusing others. Even morally bankrupt people normally have some lines they do not cross, "chaotic evil" is rare thankfully. Considering her history and convictions, I doubt even a fully corrupted Hana would abuse someone not into it.
But our speculations aside, I truly look forward to the coming update.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I see Mina with potential for a more interesting "corruption" path. I think underneath her bubbly seemingly innocent exterior is a kinky sex goddess, a personality with whom she's intimately familiar, but only reveals to those who prove themselves worthy. You think you're corrupting her but really you're just getting to know her inner sex fiend.

On the surface that maybe doesn't seem much different to the usual corruption route, but the usual is "she really was totally innocent until you got your dirty hands on her" and yet she corrupts so easily it's ridiculous. If she does have an underlying kinky personality, it's not previously known to her.

The "good girl on the outside until she shows you how dirty she can be" is a fun character that I've not often seen in these parts.

I also think the corruption of the girl who has resisted all prior influences, aka Hana, is fun, and I'd equally enjoy seeing both. But Mina over Hana for me :love:.
I don't think Mina has a hidden dirty side per se, but I do think she's a curious girl with an active imagination. It's just that she feels she "should" keep a lid on those sort of fantasies and thus tiptoes around them without ever embracing them. She's a bit like the MC in that regard, just less conscious about it (and a lot less extreme).

When I reviewed the last update I mentioned that Mina's scenes were great but didn't really make me see her any differently than I had before. On reflection, I did notice one thing that does put Mina in a new light:
Mina_no_baggage.jpg Mina_outside_her_head.jpg
It's hardly a major revelation, but I think the idea that Mina herself feels she has a lot of hang-ups nicely explains a lot of her behavior. It also illustrates why rehearsing a risque skit with the MC is so appealing to her: it's a chance to indulge her forbidden imagination in a way that is nominally "acceptable," and thus fair game. (Killian insists on demolishing the barrier between Mina and her character when he does it, which ruins the opportunity.)

That's probably also an easy hook for those interested in corrupting her: get her to start imagining all those things she feels she shouldn't then provide opportunities to try them out in controlled circumstances. Indulge, rinse and repeat. Again, it's rather like what Kathleen was trying to do with the MC.

Personally, I'm more interested in de-corrupting Killian than corrupting Mina, which seems like a tougher nut to crack. But that's my advice for those looking to lead poor Mina astray. You monsters! :p
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I don't think Mina has a hidden dirty side per se, but I do think she's a curious girl with an active imagination. It's just that she feels she "should" keep a lid on those sort of fantasies and thus tiptoes around them without ever embracing them. She's a bit like the MC in that regard, just less conscious about it (and a lot less extreme).

When I reviewed the last update I mentioned that Mina's scenes were great but didn't really make me see her any differently than I had before.
I don't know if you did the practice scene with Mina but she knows full well what she's doing and what her "assets" do for her.

Her tits got her the gig and she full well knows it.

She's embracing things just fine, she is just subtle about it.

People keep talking about corrupting her but she's using her body to get what she wants and knows exactly how to play the game.

She's only surface level innocent, you don't hang around a mega slut without knowing what's what and considering she's close with her friend who goes through cock like candy and a boyfriend like Killian....

I put money on it now she's one of the dirtiest girls in the game but hides it well.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
They are both bi curious.
Hi! As I wrote in my post above, it is very much debatable how bi-curious Hana is. Her bi-curiousity is definitely very limited. She even explains that she vastly prefers men as sexual partners and was not even trying to test the bi-waters. Her one experience came to be under special circumstances. While she is ok with her encounter and had great fun despite being seduced into it, Hana does not miss it nor does she search for further experiences.
That does not sound like her bi-curiousity is strong, rather the opposite. Hana might have some bi-fantasies, but she will only act on them if she likes the girl in question quite much and very rare circumstances allign with it. So it i debatable if Hana has bi-curiousity or does just fantasy fulfilling.

Personally, I'm more interested in de-corrupting Killian than corrupting Mina,
I agree with this. Killian has proven himself to be a real friend of the MC. Helping him get away from the kinky party lion path and save his realtionship with Mina, is something a good friend would at least try in return.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
I am on Windows 10. So even if I delete the game and the next version of the game doesn't come out for a year later, my computer should still have all my saves in app data?

Ah too bad doesn't work for me(lies) I guess I'll just have to replay from the begining all over again when it updates. So sad. Oh well I will do what must be done!
Not sure why it doesn't work for you, but I, and I am sure most people here, regularly delete our completed games, and the saves work completely fine for the next version, whether one month or one year later, as long as you aren't using a different Windows login or reinstalling Windows or something unusual. Try it yourself with Pale Carnations. The saves are in:
%appdata%\RenPy\PaCaGame-(10 digit number, random?)

If you are truly worried, you can just zip the ..\game\save directory from the Pale Carnations install directory (or any other Renpy game), which is just a few megabytes, and save it for later.

Hi! As I wrote in my post above, it is very much debatable how bi-curious Hana is. Her bi-curiousity is definitely very limited.
Hana seemed to really enjoy her time with the woman rock musician. To me it seems to have awakened her kinky side. I can't imagine this would happen unless someone were pretty open to same-sex experiences. It certainly didn't seem like she had a lot of second thoughts. I can easily see her with another woman if the opportunity presents itself, and she finds her attractive. Mina or Felicia seem the most likely candidates, probably with the MC as a willing participant. If I had to guess.
Last edited:


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Hi! As I wrote in my post above, it is very much debatable how bi-curious Hana is. Her bi-curiousity is definitely very limited. She even explains that she vastly prefers men as sexual partners and was not even trying to test the bi-waters. Her one experience came to be under special circumstances. While she is ok with her encounter and had great fun despite being seduced into it, Hana does not miss it nor does she search for further experiences.
That does not sound like her bi-curiousity is strong, rather the opposite. Hana might have some bi-fantasies, but she will only act on them if she likes the girl in question quite much and very rare circumstances allign with it. So it i debatable if Hana has bi-curiousity or does just fantasy fulfilling.
I hate to nit pick but that's exactly what bi curious is, it's just a curiosity and maybe a dabble, nothing more.

If she was actively searching she'd be bisexual.

As it stands she's prefers men but isn't afraid to dabble with women which is all bi curious is.
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4.80 star(s) 524 Votes