First some thoughts on the ratings discussion:
I agree with the majority here that basing your ratings on personal likes/dislikes ranges from to silly to unfair, esp. since I am a hobby writer and have tasted my Schoppen of headscratcher critic too. It is one thing to praise or criticise how you made the characters or plotlines from an artistic standpoint (and it sone of the best feedback we can get) and a wholly other one to downvote some story because of your personal preferences! If you cannot stand e.g. strawberry shakes or thriller books, why do you order one? Please base your thumbs up and down on the quality of the game/book/music in question.
One example: I consider "PC" to be among the Top10 games on F95, for several qualities. It is a game which does not have to hide behind bigger studios´productions. Still, there are a couple scenes, which I blitz through (if I need the points) or avoid (if I do not need the points), because they depict things I do not like. But that does not impact my rating, because the current art and writing of Pale Carnations is just great and deserves the 5 stars.
For Hana´s story I estimate 4 major branches with variants depending on how strongly (or not) corrupted she is at the end.
- One is the pure Love route with the possible mending of fences between Hana and August in addition. No to just slight/medium corruption of Hana (if MC and Hana want to test out a couple things, if they like it).
- Next is a Love route with MC and Hana being groomed to be the successors of August and Chuck at PC. There are hints of this if you play the Hana route and talk to August and Chuck often. And it becomes clear that August wants to repair the damage in his relationship with his daughter, he just does not really know how, cue us MCs.

Corruption could range from zero (Hana is shown to be pragmatic and thinking clearly on most things) over some/medium corruption (encouraged curiosity despite not convinced at start) to full corruption, if the MC likes his SO to be a loose cannon in bed, e.g. testing porn acting (too much hints of it not only for Hana but others as well), girl-girl, sharing/swining or a couple shifts in PC to see how it is. (while the majority does not, there are, most often hobby, prostitutes who like doing it)
- Another path would be the Dark Love one, Hana and the MC are a couple, but the MC likes Hana to be as uninhibited and slutty as she can be. This path naturally would feature major corruption efforts, like the ones above and additional ones like e.g. Hana "testdriving" August.
- The final path would be two-pronged depending on corruption level. In this storyline MC and Hana would be friends (maybe with benefits) and if Hana stays uncorrupted or just a bit, then MC helps her getting free of PC, in the case of a strongly corrupted Hana she is in PC for longer.
Generally I find characters like Hana, who is a dedicated music/rocker girl, but pragmatic/clearthinking/intelligent with some "shockingly standard" values for the image she projects most of the time, to be far too rare in games of F95 (and partly in mainstream games too). While Life made Hana rather hardboiled early on, she still retained some warmness, curiousity and as can be seen in a few scenes, a kind of nerd in her. And a sharp tongue with a slightly wicked sense of humour.
Hana is a good girl with a tough exterior, which is part true, part fassade.
As said, a far too rare character type in erotic games or games in general.
And with a "Fuck you for the coffee then"

, we go to the next "outsider character".
As some other mmebers correctly said, Mina is the most cute and innocent of the main cast of PC. Mainly because she finished graduation on a rather removed all-girls school. But even here we can see some darker twist. Outside her friends from the Bow Club, Mina´s school seems to be mostly attended by as.... As has been hinted through the flowers, bullying on Mina´s school was worryingly common. How much of Mina´s innocence is true and how much is circumstantial is debatable. There are several scenes which hint massively in the direction that there is a wild side buried in Mina.
There is a clear curiosity due to Mina´s upbringing here. Mina is definitely bi-curious, whereas Hana is straight. Best seen during der birthday party. While Hana found her sole bi/lesbian encounter ok and great fun despite being seduced, she does not miss it and strongly prefers hetero sex.
Mina on the other was clearly interested in testing out Bi-play, so much that all party goers saw it.
For Mina I see 2 main paths with a division on how strongly corrupted Mina gets and one path where Mina leaves everything PC behind her.
Path one is Mina staying with Killian. If she has no or just some/medium corruption, Mina stays outside the PC for good and since Killian has his own kinky sides, he might find real happiness with a Mina as she is now, but with some fun corruption mixed in.
The other variant is a heavily corrupted Mina, who likely is pulled into the PC orbit by it.
Path Two is Mina becoming the MCs girlfriend, with roughly the same division as on Killians path.
Path three would be as said Mina leaves everyone behind, finding her fate elsewhere.