
Active Member
Jul 21, 2017
All I did was download the game that's it, this what I get! View attachment 3188641
You could be more polite when asking for help and give some more details. Not sure why you are opening 00console or if it poped up by itself, but console is enabled by default.
And this garbled up mess might be for number of reasons, for example file might be corrupted and you need to download it again.
Apr 11, 2021
Is it just me or there are no animations for the dildo scenes? It just says something like "Progress scene by pressing SPACE." and after that there's only an image.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
You could be more polite when asking for help and give some more details. Not sure why you are opening 00console or if it poped up by itself, but console is enabled by default.
View attachment 3189654
And this garbled up mess might be for number of reasons, for example file might be corrupted and you need to download it again.
View attachment 3189664
looks like they opened the rpyc not the rpy that will give the garbled mess.

All I did was download the game that's it, this what I get! View attachment 3188641
in game press shift plus the O key to open console.
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Sep 22, 2020
So I'm a bit confused. Is there a walkthrough for the game? I think I have encountered several glitches that have halted progress. I have the Aces at Rank 2 with the first Lt captured and the 2nd and 3rd revealed, but I cannot progress because it says I need to focus on freeing Alex. No idea how to do that. I had to use the console to get them to level 2 because they were stuck at level 1. I have the Drift Punks stuck at max bar 1, completing their mission didn't do anything. I don't have the Outsiders leveled up yet though so maybe thats the missing link here.

Also, I wasn't able to figure out how to free agents from mind control. Searching the thread I saw I needed to throw dirty mags at them but clicking the basement door just tells me its a basement and nothing else so I had to console in some freed agents as well.

EDIT: I actually figured out how to progress a little bit, I talked to the hacker guy and now I have a mission to find Alex at the school except I have completed that school mission 3 times now and it always just ends with a big brawler guy at the end. Alex is nowhere to be seen.
Last edited:


Active Member
Jul 21, 2017
So I'm a bit confused. Is there a walkthrough for the game? I think I have encountered several glitches that have halted progress. I have the Aces at Rank 2 with the first Lt captured and the 2nd and 3rd revealed, but I cannot progress because it says I need to focus on freeing Alex. No idea how to do that. I had to use the console to get them to level 2 because they were stuck at level 1. I have the Drift Punks stuck at max bar 1, completing their mission didn't do anything. I don't have the Outsiders leveled up yet though so maybe thats the missing link here.

Also, I wasn't able to figure out how to free agents from mind control. Searching the thread I saw I needed to throw dirty mags at them but clicking the basement door just tells me its a basement and nothing else so I had to console in some freed agents as well.

EDIT: I actually figured out how to progress a little bit, I talked to the hacker guy and now I have a mission to find Alex at the school except I have completed that school mission 3 times now and it always just ends with a big brawler guy at the end. Alex is nowhere to be seen.
If you use console to progress then you should expect more stuff to fuck up if you don't know what you are doing. That's all I can say since I don't remember anything about this game. You could download renpy and read code yourself to see what is what, but I think it's a lot more effort than it is worth it.


Sep 30, 2017
Anyone know how to get all of the different lore. I always miss out on some of it and it drives me nuts.

Also Happy Holidays to everyone out there.
Mar 29, 2022
Guys I don't know why, but I tried to do the picture quest of topless girl by clicking on Alex/Sam/Clover bra to make her topless, but it won't register as completed and I don't understand why. 1705454180927.png


Jun 11, 2019
Soo.. I'm guessing there is no way to rewatch the scenes/pics from the strip missions where MC needs to either give the girls permission to do lewd things with others or stop them?

Harem Route

Jan 13, 2018
Just started this game. Had the same problem with this eye-burning red color. I doubt that you still need it after two years, but, in case someone else has this problem, I am sharing a quick recoloring I made for myself.

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Archive: - simply put it inside this game's main folder.
I know it's been ages, but is there any chance you could reupload this? =)
I don't even mind the UI much, but the red tint is horrible...


New Member
Feb 26, 2024
Can't be that hard to make a walkthrough / guide of the conditions to advance the quests in a google doc that you update when ever you post your changelogs.

For instance

How to get Clover:

Play for X days Sam will tell you to plan a mission at the school.

How to get Alex:

Check on Mathis's progress on hacking WHOOP database. Unlock and build the VIB and do talk to the girls about the VIB in the double trouble quest.

First Ace Lieutenant:

Have Sam go undercover with the Aces X times.


Would probably take you less than 5 minutes to update every patch and help reduce the amount of time you have to answer questions about how to do something. Cause people can just look at the guide themselves and other players can then help you answer questions. We can also report bugs easier since we would know what the intended behavior is suppose to be. I think it would be a win win for everyone.
i cant plan the mission to get clover, when i try to plan it i choose sam, a gadget that i crafted, no backup cause i don't have it and I can't choose the place, it's locked


New Member
Mar 7, 2024
Até agora, as pessoas que estão enfrentando problemas semelhantes, vamos detalhar um pouco:

> As roupas de Clover e Alex foram redefinidas
Eu fiz alguns testes e deve ser corrigido principalmente em Você tem a versão mais recente ou existem roupas específicas com as quais está acontecendo?

> Roupa inicial de trevo, macacão Alex não estão disponíveis
Será corrigido em

>Bate quando os espiões te perdoam
Isso não é real. É um evento de insanidade. O jogo continua após 3 segundos.

>O jogo congela durante o VIB.
Vou pedir para alguém dar uma olhada nisso, porque isso não está acontecendo comigo (na v0.8.1.1). Isso acontece apenas com uma formação específica ou com todas elas? Se você puder compartilhar seu jogo salvo, isso pode ajudar.

>O moral cai rapidamente
As quedas de humor são afetadas por algumas coisas. No entanto, nunca deve cair mais de 10 pontos. Aqui estão algumas coisas que você pode fazer.
1. Defina os níveis de supressão de espiões como Baixo no menu Status.
2. O humor é restaurado em 1 a cada noite, portanto, não enviar seu espião para trabalhar aumentará um pouco o humor dele.
3. Explorar a cidade pode lhe render cupons de smoothie, que podem ser trocados por um smoothie aleatório no shopping. Dar esses smoothies aos seus espiões aumenta um pouco o moral deles. Encontrar o smoothie favorito de um espião irá aumentá-lo um pouco mais.

No futuro você também poderá decorar as celas das meninas para aumentar o moral.
Se realmente cair para 1 para cada ação que você executa, então está com defeito. Vou passar algum tempo investigando isso. Se alguém tiver o mesmo bug, por favor me avise.

>Ganhando dinheiro
Enviar seus espiões para trabalhar no bar de milkshake é a melhor maneira de ganhar dinheiro. Lembre-se de visitar o bar algum dia. Novas opções de menu são desbloqueadas e, se ativadas no menu, aumentarão o dinheiro que seus espiões trazem.
View attachment 655841

>O jogo é chato
Isso ocorre porque o jogo ainda está em alfa. Coisas como moagem e custo do item serão equilibradas mais tarde.
Também haverá maneiras de aumentar passivamente a reputação sem enviar seus espiões disfarçados, mas elas ainda não foram adicionadas.

Portanto, este ainda está longe de estar concluído, mas no final será semelhante ao que é agora. Estarei trabalhando em:
  1. Diferentes obstáculos
  2. Mais interacção
  3. Usos de gadgets/equipamentos
  4. Talvez planos de fundo extras
em atualizações futuras.

>Por que falar com Silva
Principalmente apenas história. Ela é um contato social com quem você pode conversar. O mesmo que falar com os espiões.

>Evento de queda de humor
Eu pensei sobre isso também. Portanto, a queda de humor existe principalmente para ensinar ao jogador sobre a mecânica do humor. Deve ser necessária apenas uma viagem à praia para cada garota trazê-lo de volta.
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