Hey Jiggly, I enjoyed the update. Although you caught me by surprise despite your earlier pitch of the changes and expectations. Frankly, based on your explanation of "phat ass" and "jugs" I was expecting one of those blown ups that I see popping up like whack-a-moles all over the place (hate those over-inflated balloons people call jugs).

you hit the bull's eye with what's humanly acceptable in my own humble opinion. So to all the kink fans, don't go flaming me for my personal preference. A few issues though I've spotted:
- Without a backdrop story, we've made to assume a lot, hence, on the issue of driver's license - do we assume everyone above 18 owns one? What's the criteria? We don't have a back story to Jade compared to the little bit we have of the MC or maybe I just missed her age. But despite they being good friends, do we assume they're the same age and of driving age at that?
- Parking lots, lol...do they just park on a street corner or side walk. They've got police so no traffic police?
- There's a mix-up with either the speaker or gender mismatch during the dialogue: MC speaking while carrying Sylvie just outside of the store before entering:
"Don't listen to him, he's just a big baby"
Was it the MC or Jade speaking here? The caption says it's the MC speaking. Jade isn't a shemale as far as the story goes so it should be "she" or it is Jade speaking.
That's all for this update that I've spotted. Oh, if you rather I post those on discord, which channel should I use? Haven't opened discord for the past few days as I'm trying to complete the final two chapters of my novel.
Talking about novel and writing, I find it quite weird for non-content creators who hardly ever pay for a game to come here bitching as to how short an update is. I'm not a developer. Heck, the little code I know outside of writing shell and bash scripts as a former Linux Sysadmin, is html and css for web development when I first got started and then python which I gave up on because my former job had sucked all energy out of me at the end of the day that I could not focus on learning another programming language. So, it's just the basics. However, I am a writer. There are days when you can't even complete a chapter due to a plethora of reasons.
All that time and barely anything was added. Really wasn't expecting that extreme abrupt ending.
People who are not in the know how has no idea the effort, energy and time to create something out of nothing whether it is a game or book. They compare each content output not realizing that there are some games are done by teams and others by individuals. There are some who adapt a story already published to do their game hence it's way easier compared to someone creating their own story and coding. Each game takes a huge effort especially when one has a full-time job that pays their bills.
It's these kind of folks who chase the new developers away that do not know how well to coast through the mountains of criticisms. People forget that content creators are humans too. None of us are perfect. In fact, some developers do it as a form of escapism. So what happens when content creator X is thrown back into a life he used his game development to escape from? We forget the psychological impact of our misplaced criticism. And I'm talking from experience here. I was a publisher on on a web novel website that eventually caved in and it was negative comments like that which the owner eventually caved in under. He just wanted to provide a platform for budding writers to expose their work hence aiding them not only to promote their writings but gain experience as well. However, the "expert readers" out there who never wrote a book came down with hellfire and brimstone.
Anyhow, I've ranted enough. You have my support Jiggly along with the others who are impressed with the work you've done thus far. Keep up the good work.