I work on average on my game a total of 5 hours a day. Sometimes a lot more, sometimes less, and for that I get a full salary of... 60 dollars...
People have no idea how hard it is to write and draw/model/render/etc good stuff. I have considered making a game, and came back to the idea a few times trying to remember why I dropped it. And the answer is writing. I also suck at drawing but I can probably make something that works with 3D software. Writing on the other hand can't be half-assed or improvised or whatever. And thinking about the amount of writing, the amount of art required by that writing, plus making all of that work together to create a nice game............ Yeah not gonna happen.
I'd love to work on the code, sure, and I think I could create some pretty interesting stuff with my coding skills, but there's no way in hell I'd do a good job writing and rendering stuff, and spending time on that would probably evenaffect my code. Makes me realize how amazing developers are, managing everything by themselves. Sadly, some end up abandoning their projects...
El Tanque take your time, just remember this game is far too amazing to die. If you ever grow tired of this game specifically, just make an ending before moving on to the next project, as the game is already pretty amazing, and if you decide to come back you can just write a sequel. It's a lot better than killing an amazing project, or leaving it on hold for years. But for now, focus on your actual work (I think you mentioned some time ago, if I'm not mistaken it was sculpting, right?). When you get back to it, I'll be glad to play the new releases.
Though, you could make the mini-games/missions/etc. a bit more flexible on the difficulty. I played this on a Notebook and really struggled a few times.

Not like that would stop me, the game's amazing. Really, thanks a lot El Tanque!