Unity - Completed - Paradise Lust [v1.1.5c] [Flexible Media]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    old chicken

    i like how much content is in the game for each girl. firstly, the 2d art and sprites already do look pretty, but the sex animations bring it up another level. one thing I appreciated is that as someone who knows a lot of about Filipino culture, I was really impressed by how the writers handled Reyna. the plot is nothing special but serviceable in this type of game.
    i would say the only big negative are the fetch quests and the grind.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a terrible experience and I was pretty hooked for a while; even with all the grinding and fetch quests I had a good time. The flaws outweigh the positives however and you'll eventually grow tired of some of these characters and the weird pacing that throws you off a bit.

    Girls are pretty, the game is well designed mechanically and feels very smooth and modern. Animations aren't too bad either but the story, grind, writing, and pacing aren't worth it.

    There's a girl that talks about herself in the third person for a majority of the game... and it's the black chick... like come on.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This gave is a lie. It claims to be about an abandoned island full of hot chicks to seduce. Then you get the, the first two you run into cuck you. Then you run into a Karen that wants you to be her slave. Denying her cuts off multiple paths. The 3rd quest involves you finding out that some dude has already setup camp and forces you into capitalist servitude. You have to work for him for money. If I wanted to work for it I would get a 2nd job.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    There's 100 reviews so it's difficult not to say what has already been said. To keep it short, this is probably h-game of the year. The few negatives for this game don't ruin it in the slightest. They're things that I believe could've been handled better, but they don't harm the game enough to matter (to be honest, they're more so complaints than negatives). With that said, you should definitely buy this game. For note: I'm someone who played it after the full release and I did not follow this game during the many years of development. Additionally, I'm pessimistic so I hope that this review being the first 5-star rating I've given to any game on this website (out of like 70 reviews) holds some bit of merit. The negatives section of my review contains spoilers as I can't really talk about the negatives without directly mentioning certain things.

    1. The main one is that despite being the most important girl story-wise, the "first girl," the girl in the most h-scenes, the only girl with a unique bedroom transfer scene, and one of the few characters to have a threesome (tied for the most as well); Cath probably has the most neglected h-scenes. I know, that sounds odd with everything I just stated but hear me out. Her BJ scene is reused with 2 other girls, her from-the-back scene is reused with Gabby (it's also unlocked right after the Gabby scene is unlocked), her waterfall and lake scenes are fairly tame and borderline lame porn-wise (they're good for the story, just not the porn), and in her threesomes it feels like Gabby is the focus of both scenes. That just leaves her cowgirl scene, which itself is really good. Cath is the most developed and important female character in the story, so she should have had equal treatment in the porn department. Instead, she shares numerous scenes, has some of the worst unique scenes, and feels like a side character if you just look at her porn treatment. Hell, Karen is treated better on the porn front.
    2. One other blemish is that Grace and Rachel don't have a threesome scene despite the story and basic h-game logic alluding to that eventually occurring. I was genuinely shocked when I unlocked the third threesome scene and it was Reyna and Maria. In the same vein, Reyna and Jenny were alluded to having a threesome as well via Jenny's dialogue, but nothing came of that. It's a bit odd.
    3. I also feel as though the end game features less of the puzzles and other fun activities that were present in the early game. The early game just feels better, but that's not to say that the end game isn't fun as it's still a good time.
    4. In my (likely unpopular) opinion, if this game cut out a couple of girls in order to increase the amount of h-scenes with the remaining cast, then it would've been more beneficial than having such a wide cast. It would have also given more time for greater character development of the rest of the cast. Many of the girls feel like they're just there for the porn, while others are there for both the porn and story. Those who fit in the former category could've easily been replaced with girls in the latter category. So the negative is that this game is a little too wide with the amount of women.
    It's easier to focus on the negatives rather than the positives. Other than those things I mentioned, everything in this game is a hit and it is definitely h-game of the year. There is never a dull moment, grinds don't feel like grinds, the numerous mini-games are all fun, all of the girls are great, the dialogue feels human, there's not an overbearing amount of "sex text," and there is a lot of high-quality h-content available. All of this among many other things. In spite of my earlier negative, the girls are a nice variety of different ethnicities and backgrounds. It's a rarity in h-games (I also want to point out that this is one of the few h-games in which a black character properly looks like a black person). I've played many h-games over the years, honestly a sad amount... regardless, the amount of genuine 5-star games that I've played can be counted with my fingers and this game is one of those few. I wish every h-game was this good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    For the people looking for a nice free roaming experience, cheesy but endearing dialogue and good amount of hours of content, Paradise Lust can deliver all of that and more, for the good and bad parts of it.

    I'd like to take the bad stuff out of the way first, some of the faces from the girls in specific moments througout the game can look bad, sometimes it feels like they draw over a picture of a real person and settle with that, sometimes the anatomy during the sex scenes can look ver wonky. The writing in their worst aspects can be very cheesy and dorky, and the development of the main conflict can feel very inconsequential, theres a few problems in the performance of the game that may affect you experience depending on your computer so be aware of that.

    Now, I have to say that I love this game very much, the art style allows for a wide variaty of designs for the LI. yes, all of them are conventionally atractive, maybe the ones who weren't peagent models could be on the chubbier side, but I can live with that because the writing and effort in developing the character of the girls is very good, for them and the MC. The conversations you can have with them, the events and the settings bring a lot of charisma for this cast. Theres a good amount of variaty of for the sex scenes, althoug more positions during them could be an improvement, but what there is serves very well. I specially like that you can save the photos to your computer from the game, that's nice.
    I feel the breaking point for many people with this game will be the writing, you either love it or hate it, if you can pass that then I can confidently say this game can be one your favorites.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The 2D Art and the soundtrack are excellent. Beautifully done.

    Unfortunately, the fetch quests are tedious and repetitive. Also, I'm okay with having a lot of dialogue as long as these are engaging and help me be immersed in the story. The game has SO MUCH dialogue but these could have been tightened up and edited better.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite simply one of the best porn games I have ever played. Fun characters, good writing, sexy scenes. Looking forward to the sequel being finished.

    There is a little bit of grind to get the girls maxed out for the proper ending, but it's not too bad, and that's really my only complaint with the game.

    Every scene is animated, which is always a plus, and the characters are likeable and funny. A definite recommendation
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I followed this game from start to end and i wanna say amazing like sure theres some problems here but other than that this is a completed game and believe me brother thats really rare to see here or even i can say that that a impossible tast to authors to make believe me i am not joking after seeing many games thast left to die here.

    Art good.
    Story good.
    Mc is good.
    Girls are good.

    I like it if you have time play it.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Postives are the art is nice, and the game runs smoothly. It's got a nice premise.

    The downside is the game's schizophrenic pacing. Things move incredibly fast and slow at the same time. You get whiplash. The first love interests you meet are already deep into relationship/commitment drama before the first day ends.

    You get introduced to a bunch of love interests in rapid succession, then you have to grind up your relationships with them by slogging through endless banal dialouge. One love interest has sex with you within real-life moments of meeting her (in game a few hours), then you have to continue to grind up her relationship anyway.

    The setting suffers from this too, you are all shipwrecked but turns out there's a fully functional luxury resort that needs a little cleaning. You just let two assholes set up a bullshit capitalist empire on a deserted island instead of just knocking their teeth in so the game can have a money system.

    So you're off to run errands and go back and forth and back and forth, grinding through dialouge and doing some basic minigames. It's just unsatisfactory.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    So, I am not a good rating person. I am just not excellent at it. I am giving the game 5 Stars so it moves up to around 4.5-4.7 Because that's how good it is in my opinion. It isn't a straight 5 it has minor flaws, but a lot of good things that outweigh the minor bad things.
    1 The characters are pretty much all different and have different traits and likes. I found Tamara/Olga to be a bit under-written, if you will. She didn't have as much felt back round and interaction as the others. But a side from that the game is really fun and the Chars grow on you.
    2. the renders are a mix of cute Type characters to Beautiful in the xxx scenes. The Animations are decent so not mind blowing but fun to watch and a lot of verity depending on the girl and type of her likes.
    3 Story the story is decent and isn't the most bland. The game also doesn't take itself to serious, and makes jokes about itself.
    4. You could even say there are a few side punches at the Elites and politics in the game, and doing so kind of to both the left and right side. Like the MC criticizing stupid aspects of Capitalism, and being lectured on the good aspects of it by a second Side Character. So this game has more then you would think.

    Overall I spent around 30-35 hours and i was always hooked and always thought ... just another 30mins.. So give it a try I hope you like it as much as i did.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is woefully in love with pointless fetch quests with miles of banal dialogue to fill the space between sex scenes. The writing is plentiful and completely devoid of charm. Characters will just vomit out factoids about radio technology or gaming culture on and on. Even holding Ctrl to skip the whole time I played took forever to get through this fuckin tome. And then why am I playing it in the first place? I cant relate to the characters if Im not reading the story, and I cant read the story without getting bored.

    The women are beautiful but also kinda too similar to each other. The sex is vanilla and the animations used are a little too unpolished to make up for the shortcomings in all the other areas. If it was sexier, or better written, or had some kind of interesting gameplay hook then these problems would not be so glaring but here we are. There are much better games worth your time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like this style of game (visually) - I think this is 5 of 5 easy - Lovely scenes and evolving story. So happy for a Follow up Part 2 as this has room for so much more. Enjoing the approch vs. all the Renpy VN games (as much as there are some good ones there too) This reminded me of all Larry Leisure Suit games.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5
    I couldent really get hooked on the story, MC is out sailing, storm happens, boats end up on a island, then you find a few girls where the first 2 are lesbians/BI and you find them playing with one another, then they send MC out to find some shit while they stay behind to have some sex, yep great game so far right?.... so thats 2 girls i couldent care less about out of the starting 3.... i dont care much for lesbian stuff unless MC is taking part then its fine, but other then that it feels more like the start of a NTR game then anything else when LIs are having a sexual relationship behind MCs back.

    What feels even more idiotic is when one of the two girls tells MC she isent gay and MC now starts talking her into being gay? what? and this keeps on going to force a 3-some on you at some point which you might not want, i cant really stand the 3rd person talking from one of them but forced to be with her as well....

    To make matters worse MC is pretty much just a submissive servant that does whatever hes told, even when Karen and yes shes a Karen and the dude comes up with the idea of them running the place making everyone else work for them including MC to earn chips as currency MC just accepts it.... like the submissive good boy MC is....so the dude and Karen does 0 work but holds all the power? why? its idiotic and i just hate brainless MCs, like who wouldent want a true Karen as a boss? ....just no....but MC thinks "maybe Karen isent so bad...."

    You can probely see where its leading, kinetic story where MC has to fuck everyone including those you hate or just dont like, its pointless and boring and extremly idiotic since you have a relationship system but it means fuck all since your forced to gain points to progress storylines and fuck em all, its just not my thing and why even have a system if its pointless and cant keep scores low, its 0 freedom, all forced LIs, mindless fuckfest game.
    And if your wondering then yes the idiotic quests are linked so you cant skip a girl that way either, might as well slap a kinetic tag on to warn people.

    When game wanted me to get closer to the bitch Karen thats when i stopped playing, so yeah i dident make it far into the game really, i hate forced LIs it ruins the hole game when you have to be nice to one you hate.

    Girls 2/5
    They are mostly not my type at all, theres a few nice ones but when everyone is forced it just ruins any fun getting to there with the few you like.

    Animations 2/5
    They just arent that good, some times MCs dick is to big for the girl so it looks like half hes dick is in her other half out just looks weird.

    Music 3/5
    Standard background stuff, nothing special.

    Choices 0/5
    There arent any, fuck all girls like it or not, pointless and boring, game would have been a million times better i you could say no.

    Sandbox 1/5
    Its mostly just running around map, theres no real feeling of freedom since if you try something that arent the thing your supposed to do for a quest, MC just says "i can do that later" which gets a bit annoing that you cant even explore anyting or do anything outside questlines.
    The worst part is the quests are linked so you cant progress untill you finished with what game wants you to, so in other words pure kinetic and to force LIs on you.
    Mini games are boring and you just sit and wait untill the timer fills up to skip them, just a waste of time and shouldent have a timer to skip its stupid.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorites of all time. The girls are gorgeous and hot. Game is complete with a sequel currently in development.

    Gameplay can be a bit grindy and repetitive though.

    It's definitely worth a try. Hoping the sequel will be just as good if not better.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very solid game. Well written. Well paced.

    For a game with a sandbox style format, it has minimal grinding and much of what you grind is interesting (the fishing and bar tending minigames for money grinding are pretty fun, and the chat grinding for relationship points is a cool version of that concept, with lots of different questions to ask the girls).

    Hot scenes are pretty hot and pretty well written. The overall story is solidly developed. The anti-capitalist rants get a little boring, but whatever. The girls had well developed and differentiated personalities. The cultural details of the different girls were really well done.

    Lots of good content. Well executed. Definitely worth my time to play.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Paradise Lust is a game where you play as everyone's favourite errand boy on tropical island filled with beautiful ladies.

    Seriously, you're doing everything in this game: build houses, bridges and gardens, dismantle electronics, fix some stuff, pick up flowers, catch fish and many other things. Many, many fetch quests and a lot of grind. This is not really interesting. What's worse, the rewards were getting for all this work are not satisfying. There are 13 girls in the game, but only 55 sex scenes. That's just not enough. One of the girls didn't even had any new scene past 50 relationship until recent update. There are far more just basic pictures with girls we're getting on our phone than actual sex scenes with them. Only 3 threesomes scenes. Whats funny here is that there are two girls which are pretty close with each other, they even explicitly say in the dialogue they're a "package deal" but guess what? No scene with two of them together. The cast is solid, but ultimately many girls feel pretty generic like: typical italian lady, typical mexican lady, typical irish lady or asian gamer girl. Game ends pretty abruptly (after very boring line of fetch quests) and we dont get any nice end scene or anything. We have 13 girls, they know about each other and are fine with sharing, yet we don't get any harem scene at all. With this many girls there should be crazy amount of group scenes and big harem scenes. It feels like at some point developer come up with a brilliant idea: to make a sequel instead of adding more sexy content here. And thanks to that, we're doing all this work and get very little in return. Game is too long with its "story", grind and fetch quests and at the end it just gets boring.

    The art style is pretty nice, both characters and locations are pretty nice looking. Its a nice change after all those DAZ3D games. But i can't say the same about animations. Many times they look very unnatural, very robotic. Many times we see something which is clearly not a human movement. Sex scenes overall are not bad but could be better. There are some repeatable sex scenes after reaching requaried relationship level with the girls, but they can be pretty immersion breaking when you have girl naked but when you choose position she has clothes on cuz she had them when you saw that scene for the first time in the story. That's just lazy. Music is pretty nice i think.

    Overall Paradise Lust is that type of game which gets worse the more you play it. There is a decent amount of things to do here but most of is a chore, where you constantly have to collect some bamboos, buy something from the catalog, grind points with girls. We're getting many photo rewards for some repeatable things and for playing Woodle. This is nice at the beginning but later on you won't even look on those pictures. It would be far better if like half of those photo rewards were brand new sex scenes instead. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad of a sandbox style game, if only the actual adult content wasn't pretty disappointing and not rewarding. This is 40 hours long game, it would be much better if we had less pointless talking and grinding and more actual sex. Less chore, more sex. Wasted potential.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly can't remember when or what version I started playing this , but i've seriously enjoyed most of the updates since.
    Admittedly some of the "Get X amount of Y for Z quest" might become somewhat repetitive, but the flowers and fish are more rare than the bamboo or bananas, which is good.

    The whole $EX chip idea is... well, intriguing., but sometimes pretty annoying. I'll admit to having used alternative methods to get a certain amount of those, so I might've avoided some of the grinding, but considering how many games it took me ingame to complete it, that might've been doable.

    The whole night and morning interactions to progress most of the stories and start a lot of quests is good, but a way to invite someone from the entire list without visiting them directly, to the jacuzzi / pool / go directly to someone's room might be appreciated, although I understand the coding might be difficult.

    The variety of characters is pretty interesting as well.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Harem Sandbox
    So, it's a catch'em all kind of game. It's pretty much simple, you follow the quests, grab various items to advance the story, raise stats with the various girls, and lewd scenes will happen.

    Silly porn. Lost in a paradise island with a bunch of top-models eager for sex. Well, you'll have to find a way out of the island, which will require to find and add each girl to your harem. It's funny, but it becomes quite boring. Especially the dialogues that are stretched to a point that they are no more funny at all.

    Graphics are pretty good. But it's also very repetitive.

    Overall impression:
    While the premise was quite funny to play, I ended up being bored to the point I had no more interest to finish the game.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll have to say what RandyPhoenix said, but with more emphasis. This is a grindfest, boring as dying in a desert. Most of the time you'll be scrolling cringey pseudo-story just to get a retarded blowjob or fuck. Some CGs are really good (and animated!), but most are terrible copy-pastes with just hair color change, and some GFX are outright terrible (mangled feet and hands, retard faces, you name it). The "minigames" are mostly abysmal and kindergarten-level (thanfully there's a skip... after 30 seconds!), the "story" makes no sense whatsoever, the harem idea gets burned by lack female character diversity (you'll get, e.g. but literally, a Texas blonde tomboy mechanic, a black pseudo-cheerleader geek tomboy EE, a Canadian beaver tomboy athlete, an eastern game geek camwhore... see the pattern? :) And yeah, I really wanted to like this game, because I effing like tomboys, but those are just soulless cardboard cutouts, sadly. I tried, I actually went through the entire game and all achievements... and it was certainly not worth it, being filled mostly by boring repetition of inane tasks (gather fish, gather bananas, gather coconuts, gather plants, win Wordle 100 times... LITERALLY)

    I mean, when it started, I'd give it 4/5. After a couple of hours, 3/5. After getting all the harem girls, 2/5... after suffering to the ending, it's 1/5, nothing can give me back the time wasted here, it's not LSL7, it's LSL-1: Boring And Ugly Deadface Protagonist Bones Cutout Girls On A Paradise Island :p
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This game does a lot of things well. Animated, 2d art, lots of content, serviceable gameplay, relatively bug free.

    So why the middling score? To put it simply, writing. The unnecessarily long dialogue segments in this game reek of reddit addiction. And the characters beyond their physical appearance are largely off-putting, if not downright unlikeable.

    Right off the bat the game makes the harem protagonist feel like a third wheel, a lubricant for someone else's relationship. And shortly after there's even a character designed to be a Karen literally called Karen. In a DATING sim. Cause that's who guys fantasize about dating. Karens.

    If you are a compulsive redditor, this game may be for you. If not, you will probably be disappointed.