Unity - Completed - Paradise Lust [v1.1.5c] [Flexible Media]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    It is a hell of a good game. The game is exciting, thrilling, and fun to play. The artwork, the scenes, the characters, and the gameplay all of them are at the top level. The quests are fun to finish. The puzzles are perfect. The most amazing was the painting job. I enjoyed the game. I definitely would recommend others to try it at least once. Good job developers. Keep up the good work. I am definitely looking forward to the next game to release.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    One of the best in this site, definitely top 10 western VN on F95. Everything is great, my only issues were for the most part technical in nature like crashes and an iten related bug that can lock you from completing the game. 9/10 - Recommend.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best out there. Great writing. The girls actually have depth to them. In a porn game? Unthinkable! Each girl is unique, and you get to actually know each one's motivations, hobbies, etc. Cant wait for their other games!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Paradise Lust is hands down one of the best games I've played on here. I was pleasantly surprised because I had read some reviews beforehand and thought it would be a good read. But let me tell you, this game completely won me over with its captivating characters. The main character is relatable, not a jerk, and knows how to stand his ground. He has his own insecurities, just like any other guy.
    I also really enjoyed the humor in this game. It had me laughing out loud with its clever puns, references to my favorite games, and jokes. Even if you're not familiar with the references, you'll still find it funny somehow.
    Now, there were only two things that bothered me a bit about this game, and they're pretty minor. First, the grinding. Unlike other games where grinding feels like a never-ending chore, it wasn't that bad in this one. However, it could still take you a few in-game days to get certain items, especially the flowers, bananas, and coconuts that take time to regrow. I'm not a fan of grinding in sex games, but at least it wasn't too lengthy here.
    The second and final issue I had was that I felt the game needed a few more sex scenes, particularly threesomes. We romance around 10 or 12 girls in the game, yet we only have 3 or 4 threesome scenes. It's frustrating when multiple girls, especially the best friends, talk about wanting to have a threesome with the main character. It would have been nice to have more bonding moments with the girls together. However, I'm glad to hear that a second game is in the works, and I hope we get to continue with the main character and the original girls, maybe with a few new additions to keep things fresh.
    Lastly, the ending or epilogue felt a bit abrupt. We finally get rescued and have this big celebration, only for it to end on a cliffhanger and show pictures of them partying. I would have liked a short cutscene afterwards, showing where everyone went after being rescued and maybe even seeing the main character become successful since he's basically Erik's protege and owns an island. It would have been a nice setup for the second game.
    In the end, this game truly left me feeling down that it had come to an end, and it's rare for games to have that effect on me. If you're still unsure about giving this game a try, I highly recommend playing it. It's impossible to hate this game; it's just that good! I'm eagerly anticipating what the future holds for this series!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Paradise Lust is a good game, real good, maybe even the best.

    Despite this rating, it is a good game with competent mechanic and workable plot...but I just hate some of it so much I can't give it a higher score.
    This might be my most objective review, and that is saying something.

    Anyway, Paradise Lust is a point and click VN hybrid, and is probably the best game that I hate because of something that happen in the plot.

    The premise:
    You, the player character, are a bartender on a yacht that sinks due to a storm. Now you, serval hotties, and some rich cunts are stuck on an island. You must find a way out this rock, along with your brother who is also onboard but went missing.

    It is simple enough premise, in fact I am into this "stranded genre" and wish there is more adult game base on it.

    The Gameplay:
    It is a point and click most of the time, unless the story happens then it is VN format.
    Mostly about finding stuff that character wanted to advance the plot, it works fine.

    Tho sometime it also suffer from the usual syndrome: Either everything is too linear and you can't go explore, or later on shit become too complex, but most of the time what you need to do is spell out rather obviously, so there ain't too many puzzles that will get anyone stuck.

    Also, for a stranded genre, survival is never something you have to concern about...which is interesting, don't know if it counts as a negative though.

    The Artstyle:
    I mean, it is good. Just look at the title pic.

    The only true complain I have is sometime they cheap out on how pussies are suppose to look like, but otherwise, I like what they have here.

    The Story/Presentation:
    As said, it is about you and a bunch of people stranded on an island.
    Even though that sounds very bad, but this is the very lite version of that concept, since everyone can still keep their appearance somehow presentable and weirdly enough, food is never a concern even in story context. Like there isn't any time anyone really has concern about what they eat...now I know that is probably justified for those capitalist cunts, but not for you and the yacht club girls.

    Oh right, about that one fucking thing I fucking hate, to the point I only give an average score to this game:
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    In conclusion/TL;DR:
    To be honest, despite that spoiler tag that is probably as long as the rest of the review, this is a good game.

    TL;DR Paradise Lust is a Point and Click VN game about you stranded on an island with girls, and serval guys I want to murder.
    The art is nice, the gameplay is fine, except that one thing that just bring my blood to a boil for some reason.

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  6. 4.00 star(s)


    + Content complete
    + Long
    + Lots of good looking girls, with various personalities and backgrounds, tho the faces are kinda samey
    + H-scenes with animation
    +/- Low stake, no real antagonist
    +/- Kinda vanilla
    - The longer the game runs, the laggier it gets. Restarting the game should mitigate this.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A solid, long game over with good art and that isn't overly grinding. What's to hate?

    My main point of constructive criticism is that despite this clearly being a male fantasy harem game with a bunch of beautiful canonically bisexual women, there are actually very few group sex scenes and very little corruption as their stories advance (with a single exception, all of the girls are pretty slutty to begin with.) There's even a couple introduced towards the end that have literally zero scenes with eachother, which is just odd. There were numerous opportunities to have scenes on the main story paths when oftentimes several girls were interacting the MC at once, but it never happens. Also there's no ending scenes.

    These are small complaints I suppose, but the fact is that once you've found all 13 girls in the game there's little additional reward to continuing beyond seeing either vanilla scenes or some standard scenes across all girls (each of them have a lingerie shot, pool/jacuzzi scenes, etc.)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A rather contentious game, actually. Yes, the 2D art is splendid. The mini-games, while not elaborate, certainly add charm here. And even throughout the entire game, you can see that it wasn't made haphazardly but with a certain amount of heart. As for the scenes, I can't say a single bad thing because I can only imagine how much time the artist spends on creating even one of them. It all seems fine, but...

    The characters... They are the main problem with this game. There's no one who could genuinely interest you, not even a single one. They are all only dolls trying to pass themselves off as people.

    The creators, driven by the quantity of characters in their game, failed to develop any of them. In the end, they all turned out to be just whores who, by the second or third conversation, either invade your pants or ask you to help them invade someone else's. As a result, the dialogues are simply the same—lengthy and uninteresting.

    This game is still better than most of the others on this site, but still don't expect too much from it.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid game adventure game with sex scenes!:cool:

    Built in unity, with 2d art, it's like one of those sex comedy video game series created by Al Lowe. After the ship crashes, you have to get around the island, grab stuff, give it to the right person to advance the story and say the right things to progress relationships with the ladies to get sex scenes. Quintessential adventure game material.

    Lewd scenes are done in the 2d art and it looks decent. Lots of different encounters with the various ladies.

    Story is meh for the most part.

    And bonus points for the dev actually finishing this one. It's rare to see a game finished on here.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone not really fond of the 'dating sim' genre this one is actually pretty good. A nice creative but not too far out there story, coherent but not predictable. Humor that is fitting, some which could very easily go over the head of the less literate but not to the point where it would be an 'inside joke.' The artwork is nicely done, animated but not 'weeby' and generally fairly realistic. The sex is everywhere, it may take a little (<10m) of playing the game in between scenes which I find perfectly acceptable and balanced. The minigames are light and entertaining (thing among us level/type) not overbearing or annoying. My only complaint is the occasionally being forced to advance character B to move forward with A. While sometimes it makes sense story wise other times it just feels like a trick to get you to progress with the shittier characters (looking at you karen) which I would be perfectly happy skipping entirely.

    tldr; a surprisingly good game
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    It is an enjoyable game, with well written characters and plot but the gameplay itself is pretty restrictive which dampens the experience.

    You can go to most places and talk to most girls(eventually) but their progress is interlocked with other girls and MANY key places are hard coded to block you out unless you do follow a VERY specifc chain of events.

    I personally tried the game multiple times but my interest fizzes out halfway through, not going to deduct stars but just pointing out my experience and issue.


    - Nice diverse group of girls
    - Character and plot are well written
    - Art is great
    - Great replayable scenes with trackable romance system

    - Tedious "gameplay" which gets boring unless you are the type who enjoys reading and following instruction manuals
    - Linear gameplay despite the option to "free roam"

    TDLR: It is a callback to long form 90s style point of click puzzle games of old like Sam & Max with additional mini puzzles inside.

    If you enjoy those style of games, you'll like this game. Worth trying out just for the story and see if the game clicks with you. It didn't click for me, but I rate it highly since I can respect stylistic choices and limitations imposed by the devs.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Tremendous game and one of the funnier games on this site, a few quibbles here and there but nothing that would keep me from giving it 5 stars.

    A really nice looking game, the art style changes a bit for the lewd scenes and some of the bonus pics into a bit more of realistic style but overall the artwork and models are varied and pleasing to look. the only small issue i have is with the porn animations which can be a bit jarring. The animation in general is kind of like paper dolls moving together which can be a bit off-putting in certain scenes imo, it may be a preference thing but I think I'd prefer if the animations were a bit more fluid. This isn't to say the scenes aren't arousing because the are but they could be even better imo

    The game itself is well put together. Anything that isn't renpy tends to get a lot of hate on this site, but there really shouldn't be any issues with Unity here. The UI and controls are intuitive. There are a ton of mini-games some i like and some i could do without but the great thing is they are all skippable with no real effect on the game's progress.

    The writing is the real star here though, the characters, while are all kind of stereotypes or archetypes if you prefer are still well fleshed out and there are a lot of different ways to interreact with them and to get to know them another small nitpick though is that the chat option is so superior to all the other interactions for raising affection that the only real reason to use the others is to see that content.
    The MC is well done too and he's a nice mix of believable traits: caring, insecure, but also take charge when he needs to, both in the bed and out. The lewd scenes are all very well written and range from sweet, to hot as hell to wacky and funny.
    There is a lot of humor in the game overall and it is well done and there are some really funny jabs at commercialism, capitalism and the "ugly American" type. It all lands pretty well imo.
    The narrative is good too and provides a nice backdrop for implementing a believable (for porn game rules) "harem". The game also deals with polyamory in general in quite a bit more detail than most games which is a nice plus.

    Overall a tremndous game that I'd recommend to pretty much everyone, there is a ton of content lewd and otherwise. It's engaging, funny, feel-good fun.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    So this game is an absolute gem!
    The characters are fun and unique, the story is great, the art is amazing and you get a lot of content!!!
    It is very grindy, but that's what makes it so awesome, you get to experience the island and its environments. SOOOO GOOD.

    I am coming in after it was in development for a bit and cannot say how the update process goes (good amount of content or weak), but what you get right now is far more than what you get for most completed games.

    This game is a piece of art. When you have time and you feel like diving into a new mysterious story with a beautiful art style, this game is for you.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of version 0.18.0a:

    Nice art with a lot of content
    Decent animated scenes
    Wide variety of girls

    -There are long dry stretches where you are just running around doing menial quests all to get one little image (had a 3 hour play session that got me a couple photos of tits after dozens of quests)
    -The quest system isn't very intuitive and often feels like the next step isn't proccing for a time.
    -While it's humorous that they make fun of the capitalism, having to get chips for basically every quest which involves redoing boring mini games over and over is and absolute chore
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I started playing this game since something like v0.12. As of the current v0.22, I can safely say it's the best free-roam harem game I've ever played. The writing skill level is apparently above and beyond standard porn games. The actual amount of interesting information contained in these dialogues shows some serious effort put into writing, whereas dialogues in a lot of other games are lengthy, tedious, cliché, hollow and skippable. The sense of humor is also quite enjoyable.
    Character building is fantastic. Every girl has her own personality and psychological activities that are actually not stereotypical and feel very unique. In the meantime, unlike typical harem games where girls are weak, insecure, immature objects who suffer Dependent Personality Disorder and/or serve only as prizes for conquering, girls in this game are actually some awesome strong, independent and liberal females who know what they want and are not afraid of pursuing it. They're not some damsels in distress needing help, well occasionally some of them could be when they're having a hard time, but certainly not always. The point is, every girl in this game is mentally healthy (except, you know, one of them), independent and certainly unique individuals, which make them realistically much more attractive, at least to me. I love them.

    Some other aspects of the game:
    - The art is great. Personally comic style art is a minus, but this game outperforms my expectation. Just see for your self.
    - The animation is not perfect, but still good enough.
    - Audio experience is good too.
    - Gameplay can be slightly grindy, but acceptable by me. It doesn't take long to trigger events. Minigames are short, not annoying and always skippable. Just use cheat code to get chips for swimsuits and lingerie, or whenever you feel too grindy.

    Overall, a very enjoyable piece. Please consider buy the game on steam if you love this game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the game. Yeah, the minigames are pretty simple, but I like that. I definitely don't hate the story. And I really like how each of the girls is different, like not just different body types, but different kinks and styles of interaction.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated review for Paradise Lust v1.0.0G:

    Overall: 4/5 - The game had a lot of growing pains, but it has now grown on me. If you like the artwork and you speak English, you will probably enjoy this game. It's not a masterpiece, but it is good-quality entertainment.

    Story: 4/5 - The story isn't great, but it's a good setup for a porn game. It has some humor, too. The MC is a pushover, which is cliché in porn games, but probably the biggest downside is the author's references to current events/politics and slang that will eventually cause the game, and especially the humor, to become dated.

    Writing: 4/5 - The writing is pretty good overall. Sometimes, I think the author is trying to be too witty or to stylized, and the slang is sometimes just cringeworthy.

    Art/Renders: 4.5/5 - The art is great, the only reason I don't give it a 5/5 is because of the inconsistency. I assume there is more than one artist because a few of the girls are hardly recognizable as the same character between some renders and animations.

    Animations: 4/5 - The animations aren't the smoothest, but they fit really well with the art style, and there are quite a lot of animations in the game.

    Sound: 4/5: - The background music is OK, but definitely gets old after a while. Sound effects are good, too, although some of them, like the walking or swishing sounds when moving between areas, seem unnecessary, and algo get old after a while.

    Gameplay: 3/5 - The gameplay is where this game is kind of a letdown. It's all over the place. The game is a mix of sandbox, point-and-click, resource/time management, and minigames. I imagine a lot of players are turned off by at least some of the gameplay.
    • Sandbox: It's not terrible, but it's more tedious than it needs to be. Getting to some areas requires too many screens to click through. It needs a more granular map. Thankfully, the map can be used from any location, which is rare in sandbox games. There's also the fade-out/fade-in that happens every time you move between map locations, which adds to the tediousness.
    • Point-and-click: This part of the gameplay minimal, so it's not bad. It does have inconsistencies where sometimes, the game has text to click on and sometimes there are hot spots in the graphics.
    • Resource/time management: This is the part that adds grind to the gameplay. There are 4 times slots per day, but one slot is useful only for sleeping. The other 3 slots are also limited in how they can be used (e.g. resources can be gathered in the morning or day, but not evening).
    • Minigames: The intellect required for the minigames ranges from kindergarten (match the flowers and painting), to grade school (Strppr app on the phone) to junior high (Woodle app on the phone). The only thing adult about them are the pictures and some of the cringy words in Woodle that you would only find on urbandictionary-dot-com (seriously, WTF?).
    • Probably the worst part of gameplay is the time/reward trade-off for the most tedious and/or grindy parts of the gameplay: Woodle, Strppr, and repeating activities like swimming with the girls. They all lead to a reward of just a single render. To be totally fair, Woodle, Strppr, and swimming are optional, but damn, you'd think that you would at least get a whole scene instead of one render.

    Playability/Bugs: 3/5 - When I first played this game at v0.21, it literally crashed every 15 minutes, but that was fixed by v0.25 and I haven't encountered any crashes since. Here are a few "bugs" that are still in the game. Unfortunately, these are design/architecture defects that are unlikely to ever be fixed.
    1. The Quest/Hint system very frequently says "Get closer to <character>" to advance that character's quest and players can keep trying to improve the relationship, but nothing happens because there is actually something completely different needed to progress the quest. Typically, it is the progression of some other quest because there is some arbitrary dependency between the two quests.
    2. The GUI has some broken features: When a dialogue is active, the GUI buttons for inventory/map/phone/clock are not functional, however they do highlight when you mouse-over them, which is supposed to be indication that they are functional. Conversely, the player can open the inventory or the phone which takes up nearly the entire screen, and still manipulate the map, or the clock, which seems wrong. At a minimum, the buttons that don't work should be grayed-out and not highlight when the player moves the mouse over them.
    3. The game frequently indicates that the MC's relationship with a character is increasing (e.g. the game will display "relationship +3") even when there is no change in the actual relationship points because the relationship is at maximum or temporarily capped for some other reason. On top of that, at times where players want to check if the relationship is actually increasing (e.g., during conversations), they can't because the only way to check is with the phone, which is not available, so players have to save and reload the game just to see if they're making progress or wasting time.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well-paced game that creates a sense of consistent progression, as you won't really have much time where you're grinding without reaching any new scenes.
    The minigames are creative and engaging, with the option to skip still appearing for those who aren't in the mood. The currency system is also done well enough to require a little bit of effort to earn money, but quick and engaging enough to prevent it from being annoying.
    The scenes are fun, the characters have interesting personalities, and the game overall has a really nice atmosphere.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Another brilliant game which proves this is not sex scenes that matters the most but tension building and whole plot leading to them. Simple and brilliant game in its porn comedy sub-genre.
    - you like silly sex humor
    - you are completionist (you hate choices, routes, missing content, timers etc.)
    - don't like when every character jumps on MC cock in the first hour of the gameplay (you like slow or medium burners).*
    - you like when characters have their own personality and background
    - you like when characters interact with each other and not only with MC (in my opinion it helps to better show their personalities).

    then this game is for you.

    *Pacing is better than in 95% lewd games, but still little too fast for my taste. As a fan of slowburners I would gladly see that some girls are harder to get. I also think that girls overall are too friendly to Jack from the start. For example, Mi-Sun has a sex scene almost immediately and Jenny for example almost from the start suggests that maybe they can become "something more". Also I wouldn't mind to see 2-3 girls who simply don't like him or they are indifferrent to him in the start. Maybe some girl who is disgusted by the fact that he is building a harem? Maybe some girl who thinks he is an idiot?

    Nevertheless this is 5-star game for me.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Yeah, it’s a porn game, but does this writing have to be brain dead? And the puzzles… click on everything to sort it out. It’s like they made games for six-year-olds and then decided to make a pr0n game. You even have a colouring mini game. Colour matching games, just click stuff to make it disappear till you clicked on everything.

    Stranded on an island after a heavy storm. One of the first things she wonders, is her hat. Not the crew or other guests, no, her fucking hat. Another girl, her clothes are missing, and the MC offers his, but she thinks it’s ugly and don’t want to wear it. ‘No you can’t take drink water from a standing body of water, the big waterfall behind us is just for show, let us go downstream, were you can’t see any water movement to get something to drink. The writing is so dumb, it hurts.

    The game may looks good, but everything else is awful.