Story 1/5
I couldent really get hooked on the story, MC is out sailing, storm happens, boats end up on a island, then you find a few girls where the first 2 are lesbians/BI and you find them playing with one another, then they send MC out to find some shit while they stay behind to have some sex, yep great game so far right?.... so thats 2 girls i couldent care less about out of the starting 3.... i dont care much for lesbian stuff unless MC is taking part then its fine, but other then that it feels more like the start of a NTR game then anything else when LIs are having a sexual relationship behind MCs back.
What feels even more idiotic is when one of the two girls tells MC she isent gay and MC now starts talking her into being gay? what? and this keeps on going to force a 3-some on you at some point which you might not want, i cant really stand the 3rd person talking from one of them but forced to be with her as well....
To make matters worse MC is pretty much just a submissive servant that does whatever hes told, even when Karen and yes shes a Karen and the dude comes up with the idea of them running the place making everyone else work for them including MC to earn chips as currency MC just accepts it.... like the submissive good boy MC the dude and Karen does 0 work but holds all the power? why? its idiotic and i just hate brainless MCs, like who wouldent want a true Karen as a boss? ....just no....but MC thinks "maybe Karen isent so bad...."
You can probely see where its leading, kinetic story where MC has to fuck everyone including those you hate or just dont like, its pointless and boring and extremly idiotic since you have a relationship system but it means fuck all since your forced to gain points to progress storylines and fuck em all, its just not my thing and why even have a system if its pointless and cant keep scores low, its 0 freedom, all forced LIs, mindless fuckfest game.
And if your wondering then yes the idiotic quests are linked so you cant skip a girl that way either, might as well slap a kinetic tag on to warn people.
When game wanted me to get closer to the bitch Karen thats when i stopped playing, so yeah i dident make it far into the game really, i hate forced LIs it ruins the hole game when you have to be nice to one you hate.
Girls 2/5
They are mostly not my type at all, theres a few nice ones but when everyone is forced it just ruins any fun getting to there with the few you like.
Animations 2/5
They just arent that good, some times MCs dick is to big for the girl so it looks like half hes dick is in her other half out just looks weird.
Music 3/5
Standard background stuff, nothing special.
Choices 0/5
There arent any, fuck all girls like it or not, pointless and boring, game would have been a million times better i you could say no.
Sandbox 1/5
Its mostly just running around map, theres no real feeling of freedom since if you try something that arent the thing your supposed to do for a quest, MC just says "i can do that later" which gets a bit annoing that you cant even explore anyting or do anything outside questlines.
The worst part is the quests are linked so you cant progress untill you finished with what game wants you to, so in other words pure kinetic and to force LIs on you.
Mini games are boring and you just sit and wait untill the timer fills up to skip them, just a waste of time and shouldent have a timer to skip its stupid.