Alderian news!
Hey guys, work is still well underway for the latest update, (and the continued revamp work we're also working on). I don't have a great deal of news to share, its just more 'business as usual' here for now, but we will have some exciting annoucements and things coming very soon.
Some have asked about the revamp stuff, what we'll be doing is commissioning a rework of (most) of the old prologue sex scenes and some of the old backgrounds and such in order to bring them more into our current style to hopefully make the game more artistically cohesive, as well as tinkering with the prologue's interactivty and things -
For those of you who like the prologue sex scenes, we'll try keep the old style sex scenes in game as collectables or something perhaps,
keep in mind as you play the prologue in the next build now, things are gonna be WIP as we move around and fix/tinker with some stuff in prep for our steam launch.
-We're still looking into both improving combat and the saves issue, but that's really all I have to say on that for now.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below or over on the discord!
As always, thank you all so much for your support,
without you guys, none of this would be possible,
The Damned Studios Team
'...I hope you didn't think it was just humans you could impregnate.'