Was really excited about this AVN, since it combines incest, a crazy sister, and a very young daughter among my kinks.
Sadly, after a few hours of playing, the experience was ruined by horrible writing. The developer thought that getting the MC shitfaced drunk while away with the youngest daughter, and then taking her virginity while drunk (with only 2 totally blurry screens shown to the player, and no text) would be a fun way to cheapen the experience. Personally I wanted to see the expression on her face her first time, take our time with the experience and really enjoy it, and was utterly robbed of it.
Due to the limited number of LIs, it totally ruined the VN with that crap move. It was trending between a 4.3 and 4.5 for me, but after that it's down to a 2.0. Future note to all developers: DON'T rob the player of unique experiences that they may be looking forward to in your game(s). It sucks ass, and makes your games suck ass as a result.
Edit: Finished the game, and the rest actually got better (and didn't cuck the player again). So despite the scene I was looking forward to the most being lost, the overall was okay in the end. Still, major letdown in writing and scene planning. If you go the Harem route, be prepared for a disappointing Ada encounter. 2.5 stars for the effort, despite mangling the presentation.