Is there a FAQ for weird moments in the game where you have to do something specific? I could have missed something when skimming text, but I've noticed a lot of comments asking for how to progress during specific bottlenecks, and I'm hitting one early here (I just found this game). I have Cinderella and Aurora unlocked, I've hit the mid-point of sleep sex with Aurora and have done I think 3 dates with Cinderella? But I've also hit the point where (I assume) Maleficent has found out about the park and is cursing me with a bunch of random events that reduced park rating to 0. I grinded out pixie dust for all attractions but that didn't seem to remove the negative ratings for the park; how do I progress? I don't see any obvious way to advance Cinderella currently (done all available dates), and I can't go on any dates with Aurora because my Park Rating is 0.