You guys are so smart! You know some people are not genius like you.. I know some people dont do some search i know some people ask the same things again and again but i dont think it's why they desserve harsh comments.
I'm sorry,
We are not asking for something impossible, we are not asking for them to create a game, to build a rocket or to make a cure for a disease.
This is a 18+ site, and from "adults" you can expect some logical thinking and common sense, so using a search button for gods sake shouldn't be out the realms of possibilities... No.. It should be common sense.
If you don't know that and you are not 18 yet ... You have no place anyway on this site...
If your English is so bad that you can't understand the word SEARCH, then my apology....
My apology that you haven't heard of google, bing, yahoo or anything like that in your life.
Like previously mentioned by a lot of people on this site.
We don't mind asking questions, not at all .. it's a forum and on a forum you help each other.
But when asking the same questions over and over and over again when you can either
-Look a couple pages back and find your answer
-Use the search.
Why should we make an effort into helping you when you have clearly no intention of doing that yourself, why should we put in the time to help you when you are clearly to lazy to find it for yourself.
Don't get me wrong, it's not a personal attack at you.
But this is one of the examples why the world goes to shit
... Thinking that everything will be solved for you without breaking a sweat yourself : )