
Engaged Member
Mar 24, 2021
It's still possible that as a cult the Qeteshian priestesshood has fallen from their original roots & became purely focused on the pleasure & sexual liberty this life gave them to which they would be like a wayward faith. Perhaps Qetesh is using this new start to bring them back to their roots while also lining up the next generation of followers.
quetesh is the black sheep (doesen't the MC have a history with sheep? ) so perhaps feritility was her origniaal domain but thanks to her relationship with nergal she focused on sex and pleasure. But the last 20 years gave her time to think.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
quetesh is the black sheep (doesen't the MC have a history with sheep? ) so perhaps feritility was her origniaal domain but thanks to her relationship with nergal she focused on sex and pleasure. But the last 20 years gave her time to think.
Possibly... so hypertheotical plot idea based on what we know in 3... 2... 1!

What if Lord of Light (LoL from now on) has a siscon & hated Qetesh with Nergal, who was driving her further from fetrility & closer to downright sexual desire. LoL trigger Goblin Wars by orchestrating Nergal catching Qetesh with MC's father. Near the end of the war MC is born & "blessed" by Nergal to be their Chosen One, in their plan to fully stomp out Qetesh using her bastard child as an unwitting final steak to the heart in her destruction.

The end game could play something like this: the Nergalites & Qeteshians build their strength with allies, artifacts & knowladge in prep for war with each other. MC manages to get Qetesh & Nergal to stop fighting & LoL gets mad, attacking both sides in a final bid to make things go his way. MC then leads the now combined forces of Qetesh & Nergal against the LoL's forces (Purifiers & Angels) in order to defeat his main Priest (a ape-like figure). With his defeat the LoL is now in the same position he put Qetesh in.

That way we can unite the w factions & still have a big bad for the end game. What better being to be the big bad than the one who is the anti-thesis of BOTH factions.
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Aug 1, 2019
Is there any indication that your daughter from Erevi will continue growing? I honestly don't like her "Daddy" word spam in each sentence she has. I would like to see her as more mature, manipulative, intelligent and cunning rather than just a whore.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Is there any indication that your daughter from Erevi will continue growing? I honestly don't like her "Daddy" word spam in each sentence she has. I would like to see her as more mature, manipulative, intelligent and cunning rather than just a whore.
How you know she ISN'T manipulative, cunning & inteligent? Mabey the "daddy" stuff is her way of manipulating MC into what she wants :ROFLMAO:
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Active Member
Sep 19, 2020
Theres no NTR in the sense that MC can lose girls. Mia can get fucked (thinking its MC) by a werewolf. Grug the Giant can fuck Ziva. Goblins gangbang you're Goblin bride. All "NTR" is avoidable.

-Succubus Daughter
-Goblin Daughter
Too bad his cousin (the minotaur's mom) didn't join the ranks of his fuckbuddies. I know his stepmom isn't his blood relative but I can say the same thing about her too
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Active Member
Sep 19, 2020
Who notices that most of the mc's fuckbuddies have their fathers introduced in the game? It's surprising that the old men of these ladies make their appearances but not their moms:

1. Beth

2. Alice

3. Shakala

4. Mc's dad, who's also his half-sister's father whom the latter also happens to be his fuckbuddy

5. Liandra's dad didn't appear but is mentioned to be alive which makes me wonder will he appear as well

Now why is it their mothers never appear too?


Jan 9, 2020
Who notices that most of the mc's fuckbuddies have their fathers introduced in the game? It's surprising that the old men of these ladies make their appearances but not their moms:

1. Beth

2. Alice

3. Shakala

4. Mc's dad, who's also his half-sister's father whom the latter also happens to be his fuckbuddy

5. Liandra's dad didn't appear but is mentioned to be alive which makes me wonder will he appear as well

Now why is it their mothers never appear too?
Because if they make an appearence they'll ended up having sexy time with MC!



Jan 9, 2020
I keep on seeing this theory spread around and I just don't buy it.

If the MC really is the son of Qetesh, than why is the succubus daughter so thoroughly opposed to all things light?

While having the succubus daughter in his party during the Waystone quest:

  1. When the mc and the succubus daughter enter into the forgotten valley, she immediately expresses major discomfort.
  2. When the mc tries to go to the Temple of Qetesh, the succubus daughter outright rejects the notion.
  3. When the mc tries to talk to Oksana (a follower of the Lord of Light - the Lord of Light being declared to be Qetesh's brother), the succubus daughter refuses, telling the mc that Oksana is evil.

If the MC really was Qetesh's son, wouldn't his succubus daughter (being the grand-daughter of Qetesh and having Qetesh's blood run through her own veins) be at least a little partial towards Qetesh and all other things light?

Also, wouldn't have Qetesh made her relationship to the MC known by now?
You know, after all he's done to for the Qeteshian church and after all the "mass" ceremonies he's participated in.

Personally, the theory doesn't make all that much sense to me, even if it's quite interesting to ponder.
Maybe MC is Quetesh's and Nergal's child , because MC's father tell him ,that when he saw him in the basket he knew it was Quetesh son.
i'd played this game so long a go, so my memory is kinda fuzzy .


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Who notices that most of the mc's fuckbuddies have their fathers introduced in the game? It's surprising that the old men of these ladies make their appearances but not their moms:

1. Beth

2. Alice

3. Shakala

4. Mc's dad, who's also his half-sister's father whom the latter also happens to be his fuckbuddy

5. Liandra's dad didn't appear but is mentioned to be alive which makes me wonder will he appear as well

Now why is it their mothers never appear too?
Because you are all horny shites & Tinkerer probably dosent want to do a story arc for every mum as well. I mean we have see it already with Mia's grandmother, Makith & Molly. The second theres another female in the game (dosent matter about age or story) the fanbase starts begging for content involving them. Even if Tinkerer never planed for it. So that's why lol

•Mabey she left Gabriel for being a drunkard?
•She is dead, Rolf is a widow.
•Probably dead
•His wife died of consumption
•Most likley not as he isnt really a fatherly person. He only cares about trying to get a seat on the High Council.


Jun 7, 2021
In a previous playthrough I managed to secure the crown of sorcery for my own use but failed on subsequent playthroughs to do it again.
At last I think I've figured it out.
Screenshot (3496).png
When you enter the bat cave make certain you have no head gear in your inventary.
Remove your own helmet and just before leaving the cave change Erivi's crown for the helmet and equip yourself with the crown.
I've been using it for days now but I'm not certain yet what will happen when I return to Erivi, she may claim it back, we will see.
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