RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
I had a lot of hopes for this game but it needs to stop forcing NTR and Sharing onto its players. It let me avoid the gangbang of Shakala in the goblin village but I have to Share Ziva with the retarded giant Grug??? What the fuck?!?!
Please give us an option to avoid this. Or hell, give us the option from an earlier version where it let us just murder the fucking giant after we beat him getting to the temple first!

Seriously, though, this really pissed me off after i've seen multiple times the NTR was suppose to be optional.


Mar 31, 2020
there are ways to go around, there is an option to skip the sex scene with Shakala and the goblins, and you can fight Grug, so i don't know why you are complaining about it, the NTR stuff can be skipped.


Jun 7, 2020
Meanwhile i love Shakala very, she is sweet, she is cute and she is soooo beautyful. And she is pregnant. Also Frida is pregnant and the damn Scene with the Well and Liandra wont show up, even if i am already very far in the Story and on Lv 16.
Than the Dark Elf Woman, the very Domme like is pregnant, but she is not an Succubus, she is a Darl Elf!
A Succubus has Wings on the back Horns on her forehead and mostly an Crossbow!


Jun 14, 2019
Seriously, though, this really pissed me off after i've seen multiple times the NTR was suppose to be optional.
While I may not be a fan of that particular three letter fetish, all the scenes have a very real place in the story and make sense in the Peasant’s world.

It's a matter of perspective. Give them your sloppy seconds, or not.
there is an option to skip the sex scene with Shakala and the goblins
The other goblins in the tribe loose either way.
female births are 1 in 100 of course the dudes would make it tradition that newly wed brides gotta bang the whole tribe... they horny as f***!

[...] outright skip the werewolf (I like killing him afterwards tho)
Mia being attacked by the werewolf is one of those instances, where you are able to further strengthen your claim and assert dominance. It’s a dangerous world and literally nobody is going to f*** with any of your girls if you make it crystal clear you are willing to dish out death sentences to protect them. Personally, I went with the shapeshift option, as soon as it was released. There really was no reason story-wise, for me to be offered a chance to reclaim Mia at that point. I’ve been spending a lot of time in her part of the forest, killing and gathering, meeting my elven sidepiece and generally having a splendid time talking with the kids about my not telling mommy about aunty Gwyn.

Well Tinkerer has said he has a "soft spot" for Grug the giant.
I don’t like Grug. He’s Frida’s ex (?) and a bully: giants get dumber and meaner the bigger and older they get. He needed to be taken down a notch, because none of the MC's partners and offspring deserve to become a giant’s dinner or c***-sleeve, when going for a walk in the valley.
Grug is relevant to Zivahs story so killing him shouldn't be an option.
It was a rather strange surprise to find him working with Zivah later on, but trusting her and letting her do her thing is the only sure way to making her a valued ally.

Can’t speak for all, but any naughty scene in general is nice addition to the game. Better yet if it serves the story.
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The ArcKnight

Nylon enthusiast, Harem enjoyer.
May 19, 2018
there are ways to go around, there is an option to skip the sex scene with Shakala and the goblins, and you can fight Grug, so i don't know why you are complaining about it, the NTR stuff can be skipped.
When you dedicate Zivahs temple, the MC is forced to have threesome with her and Grug.

As for others who've commented, the reason why I personally use the NTR label so broadly is because there is no other catch all term for "MC's love interest being fucked by another guy." Its the closest thing that fits as typically in games, this action falls into NTR territory. Not always mind you, I have also seen plenty of Devs try to include the Li/other male content while skirting the literal definition of NTR, with statements like "well no, its not NTR because they arnt in a formal relationship with the MC, you can't get mad at NTR because its technically not." Like come on, its the same damn thing, you're putting the scene in the game of another male fucking the Love interest to invoke an emotional response of jealousy from the reader, quit splitting hairs here, that's NTR in everything but name.

I'm not a fan of sharing love interests with other guys. Whether it is sharing, swinging, group sex, or straight up NTR. I just don't get why he'd Tinkerer wouldn't include a choice to avoid that scene like he did with Shakala and the goblins or Mia and the werewolf? This game would be fine if he just included a choice like he did with the others.

I'm sorry if I come off as an asshole because I word things strongly. At the end of the day, its just a game and I myself skipped past it as quickly as possible and moved on to fucking up the country side with the succubus daughter. I just have a strong dislike for that type of content when it's forced on me. I'm all for people liking what they like, so long as I don't have to deal with it.

Edit: Quick aside, I personally dont care if it makes canonical sense for a female character to cheat or sleep around, or have other lovers, ect. I'm just a territorial asshole who wants all the woman for himself. I hate sharing and no amount of rationalizing will get me to be okay with it. Hell, I'd happily murder every other male character in the game just to make sure there was no competition if given the option, friend or foe, story be damned. In the case of Zivah, I get she's a sacred prostitute, her religion is all about spreading free love to everyone. I just don't want to share so I personally would prefer to be able to just ignore her completely now she's proven she's fucking other guys. I'd also prefer to be able to get Calithe(sp), the young swamp elf we rescued, the hell out of that temple before she's forced to whore herself out. Set Cailthe up in one of the MC's many home bases. perhaps pair her up with our High elf lover near the well. I know it wont happen and both her and Zivah will be taking giant dick left and right when the MC is away, but she's a super cute character so I hold out the tiniest of hopes.
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Jun 14, 2019
As for others who've commented, the reason why I personally use the NTR label so broadly is because there is no other catch all term for "MC's love interest being fucked by another guy." Its the closest thing that fits as typically in games, this action falls into NTR territory.
Hm. I guess we’re all kinda arguing semantics and personal tastes, stuff we can kick around till the peasant’s kids go off to college. They grow up so fast, don’t they?

Now, the difference in opinions and preferences (and some rather toxic outrage, as I understand) is known by the dev. Just look at how the “critique” on the defunct hunger system nearly immediately killed it, after being implemented.

On the other hand, I’d rather have Tinkerer tell the story he wants to tell and placate the players by whatever bone he might elect to throw at us.

Another, more general thing:
[...] if you became a Patreon and politely asked Tinkerer to offer a switch to pass that one scene he might accept the request, same as he did for Mia and Shakalah
Not so sure about the patreon members (literally) giving their two cents regarding some game issues. Yes, sometimes even the polls are rigged from the start by a creator (i.e. seeding the choices with a dev’s preferred ideas, or really, really weird and stupid ones). But everyone knows of at least one instance, where creativity was stifled by money or where the mob embraced that one bizarre thing (remember “Boaty McBoatface?"). To a slightly lesser extent, Tinkerer shouldn’t even listen to people elsewhere on the interwebs, some who might turn out to be filthy pirates, too.

I'm sorry if I come off as an asshole because I word things strongly.
Don't fret. Better to speak plainly, than to skirt around the issue. (My bad for coming off longwinded and preachy, most of the time, by the way.)
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Raptus Puellae

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2020
As for others who've commented, the reason why I personally use the NTR label so broadly is because there is no other catch all term for "MC's love interest being fucked by another guy." Its the closest thing that fits as typically in games, this action falls into NTR territory. Not always mind you, I have also seen plenty of Devs try to include the Li/other male content while skirting the literal definition of NTR, with statements like "well no, its not NTR because they arnt in a formal relationship with the MC, you can't get mad at NTR because its technically not." Like come on, its the same damn thing, you're putting the scene in the game of another male fucking the Love interest to invoke an emotional response of jealousy from the reader, quit splitting hairs here, that's NTR in everything but name.
Zivah was just doing her sacred duties...i'm not a fan of that but i see the giant being duped into free work
spreading free love to everyone
technically not free, MC was asked for 80 gold donation for a bj...that's almost 2 vaginal sex from Gwyneth, and that's considering that the peasant risked his life to help Zivah...
as of Caleah, according to the lore (Theresa's diary), she doesn't have to perform her sexual duties and can be a simple healer, as long as Caleah has sex with the MC, Zivah shouldn't complain, and judging on how the inkeeper was willing to deposit Alice in there to have her made more chaste, it seems like pilgrims visiting the temple don't ask for that kind of service


Jun 10, 2020
how do I get past the part where the player is with Alice trying on the wedding outfit? I am in this part and it is the fourth time that the error occurs, TypeError not detected: it is not possible to read the width of the null property. I am not playing the compressed version.
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Jun 14, 2019
it seems like pilgrims visiting the temple don't ask for that kind of service
The innkeeper doesn't seem that smart to begin with. Additionally, the MC did not disclose the exact nature of the temple and just advertised it as a convenient and nearby place to stash Alice 'til she pops.

And as I understand it the faith's whole shebang required at least some of the priestessess to service the pilgrims in exchange for donations. Otherwise they would not have to drink infertility potions and we wouldn't have to look for the advanced fertility potion.
Zivah doesn't call the peasant the "High Priest of Quality Control" for nothing.

Other than that, I agree wholeheartedly. Caleah as a lay-priestess and Alice as the resident novice (or postulant?) are probably not necessarily required to sexually pleasure the pilgrims.

how do I get past the part where the player is with Alice trying on the wedding outfit? I am in this part and it is the fourth time that the error occurs, TypeError not detected: it is not possible to read the width of the null property. I am not playing the compressed version.
A similar error came up for me, when my old PC couldn't handle the game. The engine is rather demanding and sometimes my 10+ year old CPU & GPU just want to take a break.
Maybe try the compressed version? You can always switch back. Backup your saves, though. Just to be ...safe.
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Jun 10, 2020
The innkeeper doesn't seem that smart to begin with. Additionally, the MC did not disclose the exact nature of the temple and just advertised it as a convenient and nearby place to stash Alice 'til she pops.

And as I understand it the faith's whole shebang required at least some of the priestessess to service the pilgrims in exchange for donations. Otherwise they would not have to drink infertility potions and we wouldn't have to look for the advanced fertility potion.
Zivah doesn't call the peasant the "High Priest of Quality Control" for nothing.

Other than that, I agree wholeheartedly. Caleah as a lay-priestess and Alice as the resident novice (or postulant?) are probably not necessarily required to sexually pleasure the pilgrims.

A similar error came up for me, when my old PC couldn't handle the game. The engine is rather demanding and sometimes my 10+ year old CPU & GPU just want to take a break.
Maybe try the compressed version? You can always switch back. Backup your saves, though. Just to be ...save.
thank you very much
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Zivah was just doing her sacred duties...i'm not a fan of that but i see the giant being duped into free work

technically not free, MC was asked for 80 gold donation for a bj...that's almost 2 vaginal sex from Gwyneth, and that's considering that the peasant risked his life to help Zivah...
as of Caleah, according to the lore (Theresa's diary), she doesn't have to perform her sexual duties and can be a simple healer, as long as Caleah has sex with the MC, Zivah shouldn't complain, and judging on how the inkeeper was willing to deposit Alice in there to have her made more chaste, it seems like pilgrims visiting the temple don't ask for that kind of service

The threesome was a deal struck with Grug by Ziva so he'll let her use the temple. He is also very polite to the MC if you never fight him so I personally can tolerate him lol, hes not out to steal my girls or make me look bad.

I dont think Caleah would ever have to do anything with Grug because in the qeteshian faith sex is about pleasure (Grug's giant cock would probably kill that lil' elf). And Alice is sent there to become the "perfect wife" meaning she is taught how to be sexually obedient & to please men. Its heavily implied the Rolf doesn't actualy know the details of the Temple, believing it to be a chase & pious place...
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Jun 14, 2019
Wouldn’t it be fun to learn this entire issue is exactly what caused the rift between Qetesh and Nergal in the first place?

“What thou eff, my celestial consort! Why are thou priestesses fucking around with random pilgrims? …I mean, really! I’m good with the occasional woman joining us for a threesome or watching you “bless” some horny high priestess. But this sharing of ordained females with commoners goes too far!”

And Qetesh be like: “Nergal, honey, sweety-pie: Qetesh is the goddess of ecstasy and sexual pleasure. And she never ever complains when YOU shoot your divine seed up some dark elf slut’s sacred pipes. She even thinks it is kind of hot."

Yes, Qetech talks about herself in the third person. It’s a holy trinity threesome thing.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Wouldn’t it be fun to learn this entire issue is exactly what caused the rift between Qetesh and Nergal in the first place?

“What thou eff, my celestial consort! Why are thou priestesses fucking around with random pilgrims? …I mean, really! I’m good with the occasional woman joining us for a threesome or watching you “bless” some horny high priestess. But this sharing of ordained females with commoners goes too far!”

And Qetesh be like: “Nergal, honey, sweety-pie: Qetesh is the goddess of ecstasy and sexual pleasure. And she never ever complains when YOU shoot your divine seed up some dark elf slut’s sacred pipes. She even thinks it is kind of hot."

Yes, Qetech talks about herself in the third person. It’s a holy trinity threesome thing.

That would be funny but Ziva said that they had a fall out when Nergal found Qetesh in the arms of a mortal man. His goddess GF cheated on him with a MORTAL... for a god who rules over the demonic hordes that's gotta be a huge kick to the ego.

Also I can't be the only one that wants to bang Qetesh by the end of the game... I feel like that's the ultimate goal here.


Apr 20, 2019
A similar error came up for me, when my old PC couldn't handle the game. The engine is rather demanding and sometimes my 10+ year old CPU & GPU just want to take a break.
Maybe try the compressed version? You can always switch back. Backup your saves, though. Just to be ...safe.
same shet bro
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Apr 20, 2019
well tinkener didnt have story with caleah and grug.So they are just thoughts of some very kinky cuckold users-players of the game.
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Raptus Puellae

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2020
To a slightly lesser extent, Tinkerer shouldn’t even listen to people elsewhere on the interwebs, some who might turn out to be filthy pirates, too.
fun fact: one of the mods in Tinkerer's discord is a filthy pirate, an Tinkerer is keen to suggestions when they aren't demanding and entitled
Wouldn’t it be fun to learn this entire issue is exactly what caused the rift between Qetesh and Nergal in the first place?

“What thou eff, my celestial consort! Why are thou priestesses fucking around with random pilgrims? …I mean, really! I’m good with the occasional woman joining us for a threesome or watching you “bless” some horny high priestess. But this sharing of ordained females with commoners goes too far!”

And Qetesh be like: “Nergal, honey, sweety-pie: Qetesh is the goddess of ecstasy and sexual pleasure. And she never ever complains when YOU shoot your divine seed up some dark elf slut’s sacred pipes. She even thinks it is kind of hot."

Yes, Qetech talks about herself in the third person. It’s a holy trinity threesome thing.
That would be funny but Ziva said that they had a fall out when Nergal found Qetesh in the arms of a mortal man. Her goddess GF cheated on her with a MORTAL... for a god who rules over the demonic hordes that's gotta be a huge kick to the ego.

Also I can't be the only one that wants to bang Qetesh by the end of the game... I feel like that's the ultimate goal here.
don't you find it interesting that Nergal's curse befell the priestesses of Quetesh on MC's birthday? what if Quetesh is MC's mother?
and sorry for the correction of the pronoun but according to Tinkerer Nergal is not entirely male...

well tinkener didnt have story with caleah and grug.So they are just thoughts of some very kinky cuckold users-players of the game.
I think Caleah used her NTR limit when she stabbed the orc in the head.
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Apr 20, 2019
fun fact: one of the mods in Tinkerer's discord is a filthy pirate, an Tinkerer is keen to suggestions when they aren't demanding and entitled

don't you find it interesting that Nergal's curse befell the priestesses of Quetesh on MC's birthday? what if Quetesh is MC's mother?
and sorry for the correction of the pronoun but according to Tinkerer Nergal is not entirely male...

I think Caleah used her NTR limit when she stabbed the orc in the head.
hhhmmmm mc mother??? good thought


Engaged Member
Jan 15, 2017
When you dedicate Zivahs temple, the MC is forced to have threesome with her and Grug.

As for others who've commented, the reason why I personally use the NTR label so broadly is because there is no other catch all term for "MC's love interest being fucked by another guy." Its the closest thing that fits as typically in games, this action falls into NTR territory. Not always mind you, I have also seen plenty of Devs try to include the Li/other male content while skirting the literal definition of NTR, with statements like "well no, its not NTR because they arnt in a formal relationship with the MC, you can't get mad at NTR because its technically not." Like come on, its the same damn thing, you're putting the scene in the game of another male fucking the Love interest to invoke an emotional response of jealousy from the reader, quit splitting hairs here, that's NTR in everything but name.

I'm not a fan of sharing love interests with other guys. Whether it is sharing, swinging, group sex, or straight up NTR. I just don't get why he'd Tinkerer wouldn't include a choice to avoid that scene like he did with Shakala and the goblins or Mia and the werewolf? This game would be fine if he just included a choice like he did with the others.

I'm sorry if I come off as an asshole because I word things strongly. At the end of the day, its just a game and I myself skipped past it as quickly as possible and moved on to fucking up the country side with the succubus daughter. I just have a strong dislike for that type of content when it's forced on me. I'm all for people liking what they like, so long as I don't have to deal with it.

Edit: Quick aside, I personally dont care if it makes canonical sense for a female character to cheat or sleep around, or have other lovers, ect. I'm just a territorial asshole who wants all the woman for himself. I hate sharing and no amount of rationalizing will get me to be okay with it. Hell, I'd happily murder every other male character in the game just to make sure there was no competition if given the option, friend or foe, story be damned. In the case of Zivah, I get she's a sacred prostitute, her religion is all about spreading free love to everyone. I just don't want to share so I personally would prefer to be able to just ignore her completely now she's proven she's fucking other guys. I'd also prefer to be able to get Calithe(sp), the young swamp elf we rescued, the hell out of that temple before she's forced to whore herself out. Set Cailthe up in one of the MC's many home bases. perhaps pair her up with our High elf lover near the well. I know it wont happen and both her and Zivah will be taking giant dick left and right when the MC is away, but she's a super cute character so I hold out the tiniest of hopes.
Well, the term for things like that are traditionally "sharing" and "group sex", especially if the people aren't romantically involved like Zivah and the MC. Also I don't know how long you've been active on the forum but the reason why people who complain about NTR get shouted down is because people who don't like it used to take over threads and just turn them into off topic bitching about NTR, so much so that they had to change the forum rules on derailments/kink shaming, and the mods would have to delete whole pages of crap so games could actually be discussed, so personally I get a bit testy whenever I see people complain about NTR, whether the traditional definition or otherwise, especially if it's clearly a part of the game's story. I was always neutral on NTR before I joined this forum but frankly the vitriol I've seen here has made me defend it a ton more than I ever imagined I would. So while you weren't being an asshole I just get worked up whenever I see people start complaining about NTR and try to say something before other people chime in about how much they hate it and start a derailment.


Apr 20, 2019
Well, the term for things like that are traditionally "sharing" and "group sex", especially if the people aren't romantically involved like Zivah and the MC. Also I don't know how long you've been active on the forum but the reason why people who complain about NTR get shouted down is because people who don't like it used to take over threads and just turn them into off topic bitching about NTR, so much so that they had to change the forum rules on derailments/kink shaming, and the mods would have to delete whole pages of crap so games could actually be discussed, so personally I get a bit testy whenever I see people complain about NTR, whether the traditional definition or otherwise, especially if it's clearly a part of the game's story. I was always neutral on NTR before I joined this forum but frankly the vitriol I've seen here has made me defend it a ton more than I ever imagined I would. So while you weren't being an asshole I just get worked up whenever I see people start complaining about NTR and try to say something before other people chime in about how much they hate it and start a derailment.
Please stop the political conversations.We will enjoy our likings in the game.Tinkener is a little neatrual in politics as i see it.
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4.20 star(s) 206 Votes