instancabile and
M3ntir, I think the language barrier and lack of knowledge about DAZ3D assets led to some misunderstanding of each other. I don't think anyone was trying to be rude intentionally.
M3ntir, a little background for you. DAZ3D is a free modeling program that has lots of free content to get someone started on rendering scenes. They also have a paid asset store where you can get more models and locations and clothing and hair... There are several other asset stores with combinations of free and paid content including better naughty bits for your models.
When you know the original model and the morphs to the model, you can recreate the model yourself and pose it the way you want. That's what gets posted in the fan art section of the discord. So when
instancabile asks about the assets, they may already be in the asset library and it becomes a starting point. If not, it becomes something to buy or grab from the assets section of this very forum. A lot of developers have released the "instructions" for building their models, like
WillTylor who has released the recipe for his characters here in a fan art thread.