how do you activate cheats, since I can't even fight anyone, I gained some money from saving the girl and then selling trash I pick off of the floor.
EZ XP&Money. a Doggo [For work at blacksmith] and get a Dagger.
2.Kill Goblin for Farmer [For work at Farm].
3.Every morning work at BS 3 times[First] and work at Farm...Sleep at nearly barn and repeat.(Keep doing until You got level 3- 6.)
4.Rent a room at inn or work at farm(for free rest) and........
4A. Start to kill some goblins to get coins and XP
-Talk to the drunker[Inn] to get info about female goblin.
-Receive Goblin ears quest from Mayor.[20 coins for each]
-East from the town is goblin forest.
-You will found Goblin corpses across the map and get free ears but be careful of female goblin [Save before interact] .
4B. Become a Farmer to focus on coins. [You can do 4A first in get some money.]
-Rent Farms [Northwest area] from farmer.(Every week need 100 coins)
-Plant pumpkins [All 4 area for maximum income] don't forget to get some wild pumpkins first.
-wait for 1 week.[Free times....You can get some XP&coins or do the Quest]
-Harvest Pumpkins and sell at shop.