Tinkerer has mentioned a showdown on the discord, and that it wouldn't take long to reach if he focused on getting there. But he's working to tie up the various loose ends and dangling storylines before that. For example more Vixenatrix content (finally!) on the next update, Daiyu (and Cath) needs to be added, and so on. Like
DomWolf said a conclusion is probably closer than a lot of people think, but I suspect not quite as near as some might hope.
Of course, if there's still room after the Main storyline is concluded he could fill in with some of the other girls who have strong support. The orc girl would probably be in that category if not already in the game, maybe DomWolf's dhampir daughter idea, etc.
I for one would really enjoy a rebuild using the coding knowledge Tinkerer has gained along the way...there's a lot of clunky workarounds which could be done cleanly now, dialogue/grammar to be cleaned up, etc.