There is no wrong way to play a game. (Any game, not just PQ...the OP said they were asking for cheats for some other game.) Some people like playing a game as intended, no cheats or exploits. Some try different in-game choices to see what changes. Some use any built-in cheats but nothing else. Some manually edit stuff. Some don't edit/cheat but abuse the bejeebers out of exploits. Some just want the story and/or lewds.
Some players do bork their game(s) with manual edits and ask for help. Pretty sure most of them are both new to explicit games and also not very experienced with editing, searching for existing answers, and asking for help. Getting annoyed with them is unfair.
Getting annoyed at the ones who SHOULD know how it works, or who lie about having edited when asking for help, is totally fine in my book...