according to in-game lore, a chieftain must have a wife or the gonlins won't follow him, the mine has a second layer, maybe the true boss is there, with his females.
keep in mind that after the for,er goblin king was slain, the stronghold facilities were occupied by only MC's children, maybe later they will learn how to smith weapons and there will be some variety in the regiments.
when MC was trying to access the temple, the daughter said there's something evil ahead. what if it's as
Evangelion-01 said and Zivah's daughter would be a warlike champion of Quetesh?
I doubt it, I was talking with Tinkerer (he gave me a moment of his time) and apparently the huntress is a follower of a different deity.
let's not forget Vixenatrix, the dragons gem is at the temple, so if things would go sour, she would fight to defend it.
the render shown in the main menu gives me high hopes for that ending