Quic question to you folks, just for fun
If you could pick ANY type of mythical creature & Tink would 100% put it in if u asked what would wanna f***? No wrong answers we all have kinks lol
Mine would be a selkie
In myth the selkie is a beautiful woman (can be male but I like chicks) that is kinda like a shapeshifting mer-seal. The selkie maid looks just like a normal seal UNTIL she removes her pelt. The pelt allows her to shapeshift into what seems a normal seal. During this time a person could (if sneaky) steel the pelt so she cannot change forms & return to the sea. She will be forced to stay with you until she retrieves or is given the pelt back.
I was thinking if Tink does add more kids with Victoria & introduces a nanny to care for them, might be a fun idea. See a group of girls playing in the shore, a seal turns into a girl & joins them. You sneak over to the hidden pelts & take one. You tell her you need her to help look after you're kids & you'll return the pelt once there adults. She has to agree & during her time on land you can seduce her...
So what about you guys? What would you love to see in this game?