So... I guess I'm finished. Great game! This was my first time playing, and I loved it. Great artwork, the chicks are hot, the side quests are fun... I even dug some of the monster sex, which is usually not to my taste.
I did have a few misses. I skipped past the bit where the MC takes a bath at the Merchant's Inn and Oksana joins him. Didn't realize I'd missed anything until I'd saved over the old save and couldn't go back. And the "Pickyuprock" quest also just won't happen for me. I've been to visit the Giants on different days and at different times, done the Mead thing twice. Everyone is just wandering around.
But the big one was the "Her First Hunt" quest (and therefore the follow-up quests, "Be A Good Father" and "A Common Enemy"), which I've whined about in another post. I really think the "Not right now" button should delay a thing, not cancel it...
Fun thing I noticed: Every time Hilde is in the pond bathing, one of the guards at the gate of the Giant's village is missing. WTF is THAT dude up to, I wonder?
I'm gonna play the whole thing again, and do a LOT more separate saves, so if these "no trigger" things happen again I can go back and redo stuff. Maybe keep a little ledger to remember which save is which. But not today... my save file tells me I have 19:29 playing time on this game. Time for a break.