Speaking about the dark elf's succubus daughter, I've got a feeling that she'll birth unlimited demons in the future but this is just a theory. Anyway, don't any of you notice that the mc's daughters have rather puny boobs?
Well we know she will birth Nergal's Champion. Would e cool if she starts popping out demons but I'm not sure ether lol.
I've noticed that on average Tink seems to design the size of the womens breasts based around there maturity &/or experience (with some exceptions of course)
Ziva, Victoria, Gwynneth, Jenny, Erevi, Maghda, Frida, Shakala, Seqouia, Hilde, Rosy & Alice are all ether young, but promiscuous or mature & experienced women. Rosy is more reserved but it's obvious she isnt prudish once she is in a relationship.
Girls like Mia, Caleah, Liandra, Oksana & the daughters are all ether young & naive or they are not very old when you measure the actual time frame they aged in. The only exception to this is Liandra who is openly sexual with MC.
It all seems based on a sliding scale of maturity, experience & age. The Succubus & goblin daughter have small breasts because ther elitterly the youngest girls MC can f*** right now. That's my observation anyway.