Unity - Completed - Peeping Dorm Manager [v1.1.0] [HornyDoge]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    For me, this game was a bit of fresh air after the recent VNs and RPGMaker games I played. It had unique artstyle and relatively nice exploration options at the beginning until you reveal that most of the exploration is very shallow and most of the maps don't have anything to them except of some 1 interactive actor.

    - The exploration part of the gameplay is really refreshing compared to all other games. Especially with the nice art style and the smooth animation, in pixels and the drawn. A lot of work was put into it and it is shown.
    - The clues gathering and researching is interesting game mechanic but sometimes it could get frustrating because you have no idea what you should do, so for that a hint system is implemented to be part of the game. Where you need to earn your hint through gameplay

    - The characters - the game has 2 shallow characters with not much behind them
    - At some point the mini games that generates money becomes boring and annoying and it starts to be a bit grindy but nothing too bad because you acquire all you need pretty fast
    - Almost all the H scenes are vanilla with the same fetishes but the game isn't that long for it get boring
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Peeping Dorm Manager is a puzzle-like game in which you take the role of a manager whose purpose is to spy on two girls and slowly discover key aspects of their life by spying on them and then searching on the internet the correct key terms in order to further get closer to them. I don't see why this game has the praise it has because the gameplay in the first place is composed of three mini games about cleaning the dorm to grind for money and then some very simple detective action that is pretty much just googling names on your computer. Meanwhile you go to a couple of different locations that have almost nothing to interact and serve just to advance a couple of quests. And besides this repetitive and quite boring gameplay style, the art is average to below average. The very detailed art you see on the cover is not what you get ingame. The scenes are very static with that elasticity to emulate motion and the quality is not great, lacking depth, shadow, and gloss, unlike the cover picture that sells a much more detailed artstyle. Beyond the two dorm girls you so painstakingly do quests in order to finally get the game to properly start with the scenes, you can find a couple of extra scenes with outsiders, but they are very simple and aren't developed at all. I don't think this game has any strength to be considered above average. After finishing it, replayability is almost non-existent.
    But one moment in the game caught my attention. After the quests to get close to the girls you need to increase their status. And that is done by using a small mini-game about touching. This mini-game has one of the best pixel art and animations I have ever seen. It shocked me at how different from the overall design the game has. If the game and its scenes were made in that quality, this game would easily be in a much higher standard. Also, as of version 1.0 there is a bug in Ai's progression. To solve it you need to change the language to non-english, and then check that other girl's facebook page to see a key word that is not properly marked in the english language.
    I don't think this game excels in what it was supposed to do, all the scenes are, as said before, made with average art and they are all very vanilla, non inspiring, somewhat boring for a game whose theme is this. Sincerely I would recommend only if the tags really work for you, otherwise, it's a pass. At least it's not censored.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    SalemStyle Jutsu

    It has the perfect mixture of horny and gameplay plus the minigames are fun. Things don't feel tediously hard and the investigation gameplay reminds me a lot of Orwell.
    It's porn-flavored writing with its scenario but not in a way that feels so cringe that it ruins the mood nor does it have any of that edgelord alpha male stuff that takes itself so seriously that it also ruins the mood. (like bro, we're all on a porn forum, I don't think any of us are the apex of society, calm down and be a horny civilian like the rest of us)
    Basically, it fun perverted-ness.

    Plus, I've never played one of these games where the male MC you're playing as looked attractive himself so that's a bonus.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good compact game. Minimal amount of grind, beautiful art, good story. It feels that there was some content that was cut from it - there is definite lack of 3rd main girl, there is lack of scenes with the girls that are there, there is only 1 scene with each of secondary girls. I especially disappointed in fact that there is no paizuri scenes, despite such promising and fitting character designs.
    Nonetheless, this is a good game. You're likely to enjoy it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 4/5. A peeping / spycam / voyeur themed game that playes more like a puzzle game. I believe its the best in for its theme, however if compared to other top games, it doesn't have enough.

    Gameplay 4/5. A feature packed game that is too limited. Gameplay is figuring out what to do next in order to dominate the 2 FMCs, making it feel like a puzzle game. The puzzles however are sometimes so poorly designed that you can never figure out the answer without hints from the game. Cameras feel underutilized and the mini games for money get really grindy

    Characters 1/5. All characters even the 2 FMCs have personalities that are very bland, very shallow, and have no progression. Interactions are so limited and by the end you never really care about them.

    Story 1.5/5. At best it is slightly interesting and even then it doesn't have any payoff. There is nothing good really, its just there to move the gameplay forward

    Art and Visuals 5/5. Sprite work is really good. Character CGs look amazing

    H Content 3/5. Mostly voyeur themed. Its the usual stuff carried by its artwork
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    — quite interesting gameplay: you have to find out some things to progress the game
    — nice mini-games, they are not too easy and pretty fun
    — good art, even small figures of characters differ depending on what happened
    — well-designed sex scenes, you can adjust the speed and some other aspects

    — although gameplay is interesting, there is too naive approach to implement it: you can find someone's acc on social network by their name and find out personal info
    — characters are really flat, even main ones
    — main plot mystery is at the same moment stupid and obvious
    — I'd put this point into features section, but in my opinion MC is outstanding bastard and degenerate even for adult games, so I find it impossible to relate
    — ofc, the game is linear and you can't influence the plot
    — you have to click to interact with things, enter/space won't work

    — game is relatively short
    — rape
    — voyeurism

    conclusion: game is not about interesting dialogues or complex plot, but it is quite short and there are enough good h-scenes. considering fun gameplay, it is worth to spend several hours to finish it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun story, dashing beauties.

    But the comedic atmosphere was what drove this game. I finished the entire game before I realized that I forgot to jimmy my changa to the CG.

    I completed 100% of the game in about 5 hours, but it can probably be done blindly a lot faster.

    The animations are great, and the few Pixel lewds are also great. A lot of people here seem to complain that the game lacks more girls to bang, but I personally think you get your fill from this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Let me make it clear: this game stands out as one of the best I've ever played! Having explored a few Mango Party titles, I've consistently found them to be amazing, and this particular game easily secured a spot in my top 5 favorites (with Kamidori Alchemy Meister holding the coveted top position).
    In essence, you assume the role of a manager tasked with addressing residents' issues, and the game rewards you for successfully navigating these challenges.

    The pacing of the adult scenes is well-crafted, taking its time to build up and providing a satisfying experience. The two heroines are not only adorable but also stand out because they genuinely enjoy the actions, in contrast to the common trope of characters reluctantly participating. This aspect has been a refreshing change for me, as many adult games tend to depict characters in a more forceful manner.
    The gameplay itself is enjoyable, involving the discovery of clues and solving puzzles. The rewarding aspect comes not just from the explicit scenes but from the effort invested in overcoming challenges. The animation quality is exceptional, making the experience feel more like watching a show than a slideshow.
    One noteworthy feature is the absence of grinding, provided you're aware of the game's mechanics. Discovering a self-found exploit within the first five minutes allowed for a smooth and enjoyable experience, eliminating any unnecessary tedium.
    I'm so taken by this game that, after initially trying it through other means, I promptly purchased it on Steam to support the developers. As for drawbacks, there's very little to complain about. The only aspect that doesn't resonate with me is the inclusion of NTR, a personal preference that makes games like Kamidori and Take me to the dungeon align more closely with my tastes.
    In summary, this game has left a lasting impression on me in just six hours of playtime. It's a splendid experience that I wholeheartedly recommend, especially to those who share similar preferences.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The TLDR; Excellent gameplay, great story, solid erotic scenes.

    I’m always a big proponent that the gameplay mechanics should match the concept being focused on. The usage of limited sight, Internet stalking, and sabotage really plays well into the concept of being a perverted voyeur in a position of power. Mechanics make you truly feel like a perverted stalker. Giving the player incomplete information but forcing them to commit acts of invasion to get more was really cool. The online investigation mechanic was awesome as it almost all felt intuitive as to what you could look up. It was also cool to see online versus real personas which again play well into the stalker fantasy. Sabotaging things also allowed you to feel active in the voyeurism. Planting evidence, stealing items, placing fake coins, slippery floors etc. all utilize the power given to you as dorm manager while adding your agency as a player.

    The story is good. The two main storylines play out different fantasies. One of a revenge against a brat fantasy and the other of a “alpha” seducing a woman away from a cuck. There are three things that hold back the story department. One, the streaming girl storyline is significantly more fleshed out and deep than the dissatisfied girl storyline as it involves a wide variety of characters, different mechanics, and updates to social media pages. These aspects are lacking from the dissatisfied girl arc. Two, there were several points where I felt like I had all the information I needed but I actually needed more but wasn’t told how to. Three, the side plots are VERY empty. Really boiling down to nothing more than purchases from the main vendor and then a well-times conversation. Totally distracts from the feeling of being a perverted stalker

    This is the only thing that made me consider giving it a 4. Sex almost feels empty and without consequence. Characters don’t comment on when you fuck them while they’re sleeping nor is there any sort of gameplay improvement from sex. It almost feels like sex is optional until the last scene with the girls or if you’re just collecting the scenes. Erotic games should reward the player for having sex or have sex as a reward to players for progressing. But as it stands you have to pay for abilities to have sex which trades off necessary abilities to progress. This is a matter of personal taste also but I found the scenes and the girls fairly boring as they all seemed fairly generic and almost copy-paste with few exceptions (streaming at the end, cucking at the end, and washing machine)
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ Fun gameplay
    ✅ Fairly good quality CGi & pixel art animations
    ✅ No time limit for this type of game is a big plus
    ✅ If stuck, game has a feature where you can get essentially progression tips
    ❌ By the time you unlock “skip minigames” unlocks you have finished the game
    ❌ Not much of CGi variation
    ❌ Character “development” is pretty pointless
    ❌ Side chicks aside CGi have no value
    ❌ Wish game would have fully mouse only gameplay support
    ❌ Some game breaking bugs
    Binged 6 hours pretty much. Unlocked pretty much everything legit until I hit game breaking bug where I hard locked myself with content thus being unable to unlock some missing scenes… Anyhow, kinda like NTR legend and similar games. It’s pseudo point-click adventure game where you do various activities to eventually bang chicks. You do minigames to earn money and buy gadgets to progress, gather information on various time frames about characters and eventually bit by bit by information gathering unlock new progressions and things to do.
    Thankfully game has no time limit so you forever test and search stuff and 100% both girls and find side stuff. For the most part it’s fairly easy to find what you have to do, but on some point it get’s kinda grindy and specific so you will be sitting in room, skipping time, finding stuff to do. But hey, game at least offers progression tips system.
    Nevertheless, game as a game was pretty fun just wish I could do everything with mouse. Think I had to move with WASD/arrows and use mouse to interact with stuff on screen. So, no 1-H gameplay for players.
    CGi and pixel quality was pretty neat for most part, not too much variation though, mostly just some subtly animated CGi loops with voice acting and few expression changes.
    Although with both main character stories and “development” I felt very underwhelmed. But characters are just get-go hoes. But eh... I’m fan of corruption genre, so seeing already “corrupted” girls just being hoes with someone else feels like “….whatever”. Streamer girl at least had kinkier scenes.
    I mean all things considered it was pretty solid game, but pretty average when it comes to H-game. H part felt pretty weak. Also, game has some game breaking bug, 1 requires changing game language to progress and 1 can permanently lock you out on getting some scenes.
    So kinda conflicted saying it’s “good”… but It’s better than a lot of stuff out there. But what makes this H game good, is the gameplay part. What makes this H games weak are the H aspects. So 8 for the gameplay and 5-6’ish for the H ?
    Total Score: 7/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Long and grindy game. I found a few bugs as well. The main one was when I spent 3 hrs trying to figure out a clue that I didn't have all the pieces yet. Turn out One of the clues isn't given to you in English language so you have to change the language to something else to get the clue. Sex scenes were nice I guess, Light animation over and over again with words added to it. The art was good. Another complaint of mine is the mini-game/ puzzles. Its how you earn money in the game and the pipe-fixing one is super annoying. My brain to small for times puzzles like that. Couldn't get passed 1000 points. Thankfully once you reach gentleman level 3 you can buy things that do the mini-games for but that comes at the end of the game. So lots of grinding on mini-games till you get there. Strong NTR legend vibes here but a different art style for sex scenes. Wish there was at least one more main girl to woo. Only two main girls seem a little light and their stories are a little too long sometimes. There are some side girls but they have one sex scene and that's pretty much it. All in all, it was ok. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 cause I'm feeling generous and other than a few minor annoyances it was a fun game to play.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    New game with high ratings so I had high hopes. My experience? Meh.

    Story 4/10

    You're a pervert whose dream is to be the manager of a female dorm. And you achieve it, sort of. You're the apartment manager near a college and all (two) of the residents are female students.

    That's pretty much it for your backstory.

    The two girls, Misaki and Mirai has some backstory which you get into to progress the game, but it's kind of shallow.

    Misaki has a shitty boyfriend who plays too many video games while Misaki is really horny. You sneak some panties into the boyfriend's man purse and break them up so you swoop in and make her your sex slave.

    Mirai's backstory is more confusing but not really in a good way. She's a streamer who framed the previous apartment manager with her friend who lived next door so both moved away. You find out and blackmail her into sex after you see that she was planning on framing you.

    The ending/epilogues were somehow worse. After you got both girls into your sex slaves you sex them out as prostitutes.

    Gameplay 5/10

    Just kind of middling gameplay. "Standard" roam the map, earn money, and piece clues together to advance the game. It's done in unity so it's novel in that sense.

    This game is pretty slow to start. You start with basically nothing. 0 dollars, no entry to their rooms, and no real clue what to do. So basically no h. In an h-game.

    You slowly make your way into their room, find out their issues, and do some shady shit to make them yours. All the while playing some recycling minigame because you need money. Money's not very grindy, but it's there and you have to do it.

    The googling thing was pretty novel, but not that well fleshed out. There was heavy googling in the beginning but mid-late game there was nothing really to look up.

    The gameplay felt like a newish take on an old formula but it wasn't amazing or anything.

    Art 7/10

    The art's pretty decent. Both girls are hot and decently animated during h scenes. There's just not a lot of h-scenes, maybe 5 each girl? Maybe a little more but not that much.

    Overall 5/10

    Solidly middle experience. The quality and polish is there. But the gameplay just wasn't that fun and the h-density was kind of low.

    You're a female dorm manager and it's just not that raunchy. There's 2 girls in the apartment and first off, 2 is ridiculously low, and second off, they barely interact at all. The "dorm manager" part just didn't really play into the game at all.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is quite good, it is not very long, the "story" well, I would not say that it is null because it has lore there but you go with what you are going to do, the animations are good but they are very short, repetitive and there are few of them. It also has some bugs that without asking (like having to change the language to get a clue) you wouldn't know how to move forward, and I think the voyeurism system is used but I think it could have been taken out even more.
    The best thing the game has without a doubt are the character designs, the "mini games" where you have to touch the girls, although they are very short and few
    Still, the game is nice
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not terrible but it doesn't live up to the expectations of what it first appears to be.

    The story does not hold up and is rushed. You have sex soon after you start without them knowing about it, as if that were possible.

    There is a lot of grinding and it gets tiresome.

    The cameras are underutilised and the mini-games it has don't have much to do with the overall theme of the game.

    My recommendation is to get a full save and go to the gallery, the gameplay is not worth it.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Evan Jelion

    • Art (both pixel and regular illustrations) is very good, animations pretty smooth
    • Story is very unrealistic but in a humorous way, keeps that sense of humor throughout
    • Corruption aspect is nonexistant, all the girls are basically already sluts and you just are trying to catch the right timing
    • Minor bugs for English text with a critical plot link not working (can be easily fixed in game by swapping language quickly, see the walkthrough), its still a bit annoying though
    • Minigames are annoying after the 2nd or 3rd time, should be easier to skip them
    • Money is largely irrelevant after a certain point, begging the question why its a part of the game progression at all
    All in all, a very good member of the "NTR Legend" genre (tan blonde man fucks every woman he sees), a few hours tops of content but that's really all it needs.
    Likes: Asuka
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For me, this game is very good, similar to Handyman Legend and NTR Legend, but with 3D graphics which are very pleasing to the eye, the downside of this game is that it doesn't have much sex content for me.
    but overall very good 5 stars
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The art is great, and to be honest the plot is okay, just enough to establish a game and get things going. Unfortunately I don't think it's hot enough for me to use as material. I started this game, ready to beat the meat but I ended up finishing the game and the deed was left unfinished.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The Game is relateable to the I've played problem is not a NTR enjoyer but sex scenes ok very good cheated nope so I was saying this game is 9.5/10 uhhh still missing . One person Mitsui Aya Threesome Miazuki and Mirai scenes brothel and other kinks to fap with ;anyways hoping this game in the future still waiting the better version 2 people, been trying about a lot for real the game is still new depends on the author of developer itself.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best H games out there.
    Cool pixel art with full drawn out, animated and voiced scenes!
    While you trying to figure out how to make girls from your dorm into your "playthings", you learn a bit of their background, they characters and what happened to previous dorm manager.
    Even though the game is very grindy, and it takes a lot of time to figure out how to progress, you can improve the grind by cheating money. And to be honest, most non-VN H-games are very grindy, so I see no point here to take away stars for it or see it as highly negative. (You can also find a full walk-though on the Steam on in comments here)
    At the same time, only few games provide animated, fully voiced sex scenes of high quality.

    Once you're done with the grind and made girls yours, you actually unlock a lot of scenes, that you can have in different locations with them. As neat bonus, there are also 3 side characters that you can fun with.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game with good mix of art. The minigames are fun and not over bearing.

    The girls are fantastic and the gameplay is fun.

    The only downside is the default control scheme is not great one handed.