people enjoy crap games, why?


Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
What can i say i'm 100% with you on that, but everything is the extremely toxic anti-NTR community fault, A LOT of games has even been modified because they can't stand another character being with another character even if it's not MC's girlfriend/wife.

They have extreme insecurities and they have toxic behavior, like spamming the dev, threatening to remove their patreon sub, or even reporting the game to patreon.

But yeah it's a shame the majority of the devs don't have balls big enough to ignore them.

Deleted member 3145675

You could really input anything in your question ie:
People enjoy crap food, why?
People enjoy crap movies, why?
Quality does not necessarily correspond with enjoyment. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
in this world (ours) Quality requires more to be achieved - (efforts - money - time) than "crap"
i.e. you want to have a quality meal in a place of high standards with people equally inclined - that will require a LOT of efforts - for you to have money - good clothes - be clean - education ... to eat at McDonalds you need nothing more than a few bucks and not to be a filthy hobo.
Now, People are in their vast majority (statistically speaking) are either too lazy or too stupid to achieve a higher status than their current one - they'll go for the "crap" as long as it inexpensive (or free) that is commonly referred too as the
Principle of least effort

it may sound sad - but reality is rarely funny.

if you do not appreciate a "quality" product - either it is not quality or not the kind of quality you really want - i.e. Cuban cigars are of the highest quality as I don't like cigars I don't care about them.

(3rd edit - I knew I had read that before somewhere)

Give me a good script, and I'll be a hundred times better as a director.
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Mar 11, 2018
>complains about lack of character development in sex games
>posts in sex content exclusive hub

But seriously, it's more about "ball busting" for others than to enjoy the actual "game" content. You mentioned incest route always repeating on itself and how people desperately suck it all up without caring for side traits that these characters are made of. I actually agree, I was on the same verge when it came down to this kink. Nowadays, as I'm more mature and in my mid 20s I constantly search for sympathizers, instead of finding a new list here with the "incest" tag included, jump into it and suck it up all like an addict. The reason why I haven't quit this kink is due to me generally preferring older woman in real life (though rarily playing any porn games nowadays, because I'm burned out on those). One thing you must realize though is that this fandom is made up either:

1) teenagers with raging hormones, because who gives a shit about age captcha nowadays? I bet my current flat, most people here are literally underaged.


2) simple creeps, because people didn't "grow up" and moved on from their fantasies.

Either way, they're more active consumers than passive evaluators. Think of like video game addicts whom tryhard to consume latest releases without a purpose.

Another useless opinion of mine is probably these people don't enjoy what I call a "static" porn, which is the ordinary video or comic based format porn portrayed by linear pace, instead they seek that interactiveness with the in-game world. Once they finish all the "gems", they hop into another cart only to mine silver pieces (aka the "crap" entertainment), because that's the only available content at hand.

Frankly, I can't even recall what was the last game I passionately enjoyed apart from Dual Family exploring the characters motives, instead of aforementioned "lets bang, ok?".

Edit: before you judge entertainment, learn that it's subjective material on all cases. I may enjoy shrimps on a pizza, but you may despise it.


Jun 23, 2018
I think there's a big difference between a story that's over the top or somewhat unrealistic vs one that's bad....
Totally agree with this point. I think the problem is that most of the games are with bad stories and character development. You can't get attached to any character and enjoy the story. It makes the game just a slide show with stupid dialogue because the characters are stupid and you just wait for the next sex scene which could be visually pleasing and what holds you playing the game.

You can create story with over the top and "unrealistic" scenes if they fit the tone and theme of the game, if the character development was believable enough for the player to convince him that the character in the scene was pushed to act as he/she acts. It is pretty hard to do and requires some thought and time but who has them, better just make the character a brainless bimbo and what not to progress the story.

On the other hand, you can get away with unrealistic story with a different style. If story has a comical tone in it, sure you can get away with that and much more. You can easily make brainless bimbos and as a writer acknowledge they are bimbos and make fun of it, and I as a player can be in very different mindset while playing it and accept all of it with 0 problems, have fun with the cringe and funny situations and sex scenes because I'm not looking to be deeply immersed in it. It makes you as the player look at the game in a different perspective and expect different things which won't break your fun.

But if you try to write a serious drama and story to come up with this type of characters just because it easier to progress, that's where the "uhh, this crap again..." comes in.

.... I'm starting to think you are looking for fully developed characters with feelings, reason and consciousness in the wrong place, specifically a site used for porn/hentai games of varying quality [In both thoughtfulness in production and morality.]
Who said it's the wrong place for these stuff? On the contrary, it's THE place for this stuff - it's a site about porn and hentai games like you said, if the characters in those games are brainless it's the developers fault, lack of writing skills and lack of imagination. And baka is not alone with his thoughts, I think the same and I'm sure that many more with the same mindset meaning there is a big market for those types of games (you can see how PinkCake's and PhillyGames' games are successful without having over the top kinks or unrealistic moralities), but the problem is they require more work and generally people are lazy or lack the skills on the one hand, and on the other they need to work and pay the bills and who has money or time to put into developing porn game with such a production value that could end up generating low revenue. They are just doing if for fun, hobby or learn coding and new softwares maybe and not trying to make a career out of it.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
yeah, I think Khumak understood me well.
an emotional connection is the key here.
Emotional connections are nowhere near to be something universal.

We all respond to different stimuli depending of our culture, social class and past. And when it come to emotional connections for the characters, as expected to see them in a romantic way, our own affinity and taste also matter ; someone who really like redhead, by example, will need less to fall for the redhead girl than he'll need to fall for another character.

Love at first sight is the perfect example of that. We know nothing about the other person, yet we feel deeply emotionally connected to her/him. Sometimes it's just someone we cross, someone we will never see again, but that left a strong footprint in our mind. So strong that years later we still remember this moment.
This feeling would perhaps have disappeared if we stopped to talk to this person, or even if we have had more times to see her/him in detail. But there's more chance for it to be reinforced, because the emotional link make us more inclined to forgot the small annoying things ; we feel good and want to continue feeling good, therefore we notice what increase this feeling and discard what would reduce it.
This emotional connection happen because of criteria that fall beyond rationality, and that also apply to the emotional connection that happen, or not, with purely fictional characters in a VN. Criteria that even are a mandatory start in this particular case, because we know that the character is purely fictional ; by opposition with characters in movies, that are fictional but interpreted by a real person, what left a small chance that one day... We need to have this initial irrational sparkle, because we know that our feelings will be irrational ; we are falling for a none existing person.

But in the end, saying that "all" (relatively speaking, I heard it) games are crap, is wrong. They don't present characters that light up your emotions, it's not the same that being crap.
When you look at the reactions when the sister in Love and Submission was shoot, or the reactions after people past through Luna's past in The DeLuca Family, they clearly show that those players established an emotional connection with those characters. It don't apply for everyone, some people are totally indifferent to those scenes, and so ? It's perfectly natural. There emotions aren't triggers by the same stimuli, it's all, and it have absolutely nothing to do with the quality, or the absence of, of the game itself.


May 6, 2019
Do you feel the same way about, like, regular porn? I find I don't really get anything out of regular porn. It's like you said, I'm just watching two bodies fucking. When you sprinkle even a tiny bit of personality onto it, though, it makes it so much better.


Jun 23, 2018
Do you feel the same way about, like, regular porn? I find I don't really get anything out of regular porn. It's like you said, I'm just watching two bodies fucking. When you sprinkle even a tiny bit of personality onto it, though, it makes it so much better.
I kinda feel the same. I can enjoy it if its some fetishes I like and didn't watch for some time but over all that's why I think that people seek to play porn games. It lets you "be part of it" and forms some connection between you and the world/characters, gives you some interactivity and power of choice in most games, like you are not just a by stander but you are the one who leads the scene and takes the opportunity. It fun to see where it will lead to.
By default, when you interact with something long enough, you become invested in it for good or for bad and that projects into the game and changes how you see what is happening, it makes it more fun to be a part of or mess around with it.
Well, at least that's my thoughts.


Aug 29, 2020
Who said it's the wrong place for these stuff? On the contrary, it's THE place for this stuff - it's a site about porn and hentai games like you said, if the characters in those games are brainless it's the developers fault, lack of writing skills and lack of imagination. And baka is not alone with his thoughts, I think the same and I'm sure that many more with the same mindset meaning there is a big market for those types of games (you can see how PinkCake's and PhillyGames' games are successful without having over the top kinks or unrealistic moralities), but the problem is they require more work and generally people are lazy or lack the skills on the one hand, and on the other they need to work and pay the bills and who has money or time to put into developing porn game with such a production value that could end up generating low revenue. They are just doing if for fun, hobby or learn coding and new softwares maybe and not trying to make a career out of it.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having fully developed characters, They can be quite a treat and breath of fresh air among trite archetypes. I just don't believe character should be the only standard when there are various other things to consider [Doesn't matter how well written something is if the characters look like stick figures or if it's poorly balanced]. It would be like saying any book that is not Monte Cristo or Crime and Punishment level of quality is crap when you are in a penny dreadful store.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
to answer anne O'nymous I was also trying to make a point, to create a discussion, Im also the antagonist, so that you can give me a good answer why Im wrong. or you feel that Im right and you want to agree and explain your point of view.

of course its not black and white. all games are not crap.
but when the majority of games gives me a "bad experience" and that the same execution is found in most games I just wanted to lash it out and make a point.

a lot of you have given very good explanations, that I agree with. its not easy to please everyone, it all depends your views, your age, your kinks etc. I mean, I could enjoy meetandfuckgames flash games the first couple of years, and they are silly, very silly. but they didnt pretend to be more and back then, I didnt demand more. and as some of you said, a sex game and it was enough for the purpose.

today, I need more, Im more complex as a person, the stimuli I need is much larger. good renders are not enough anymore.
sure, as I write here and there, if Im horny I watch a porn flick, where I don't care about the emotions at all. just bodies.

for a visual novel, Im not looking for a fuck feast. I have my sources for that. I want to be taken into a reality and feel the characters. I see a good looking girl, and after a few scenes I realize she is just a dumb chick! she is not reacting, she is not feeling, she is not this and that. that for me can ruin it all. so, even if there could be "love at first sight", it can be easily destroyed with her being stupid. most games are not "character-centered", but MC and his cock centered. the devs try to make the MC have fun, instead of a MC that need to just deal with any character and can not do whatever he pleases, the characters need to be the focus.

even big productions, I can see sometimes, WTF is this, she would never do this. in 1 week she changed from a moral person to a slut. how is that possible? and where the progression?, how did that happen?, without any scenes where she travel inside her mind to understand what is happening to her. but of course, this is what the MC (or player) want without giving care of the character at all.

so, as ddakkal said, a fictional reality where the story is centered around that chicks are sluts, would be easier to take. if that reality it was common that you can turn a girl into a slut easily, well, why not? but when a game is centered around drama and try to be realistic, well, the writer need to be able to do such thing or we get a crap game. sure, depends who you are, you can dig a game like that since your focus is the renders and sex scenes, but does it make a good game just because people enjoy fapping? porn is usually not about quality, but about bodies and kinks. that part we can rate. 5 stars, her render is nice, big boobs, nice ass. but what about the story/plot, that also need to be rated, and thats my rating take place. and no matter if the game has 5 stars in renders, it can still be a 1 star story/plot for me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Do you feel the same way about, like, regular porn? I find I don't really get anything out of regular porn. It's like you said, I'm just watching two bodies fucking. When you sprinkle even a tiny bit of personality onto it, though, it makes it so much better.
Porn and adult games are completely different things to me. If the porn is hot, I can enjoy it without any plot or knowing much about the people involved just by watching the act, because by definition it's a video of real people doing naughty things and I like watching those naughty things.

In adult games it's different, static renders of uncanny valley 3D characters fucking isn't hot by itself to me, I need context, I need characterization, I need good writing to make it actually hot.

Deleted member 3145675

Porn and adult games are completely different things to me. If the porn is hot, I can enjoy it without any plot or knowing much about the people involved just by watching the act, because by definition it's a video of real people doing naughty things and I like watching those naughty things.

In adult games it's different, static renders of uncanny valley 3D characters fucking isn't hot by itself to me, I need context, I need characterization, I need good writing to make it actually hot.
Considering that a Lady requiring assistance should never be ignored.
there you are:
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(no need for thx)

Deleted member 3145675

I think I'm missing something here. What does that diagram mean Chelielz?
A Context Diagram is a focused view of a system boundary and the user roles that supply information and materials to and receive information and materials from the system boundary.

(it gives a context) (tho actually I am quite puzzled by it myself - must be some sort of evil sorcery magic!) ;)

Deleted member 3145675

Where is the lady?o_O You are responding to a dude.:ROFLMAO:
Lady... Dude... does it really matter nowadays ?
I simply consider the "metrosexual" avatar and handle but should their possessor be offended by being called a Lady - I'll gladly switch to Dude - Bro - Paesan - Tovarich - Sweetie or else ;)


Jun 15, 2020
I think that depends on your point of view. For example, for me a romantic game is a crap game, why? Because love and heartbreak, compete for a girl and betray are thing that almost we all live since we are teens, is something normal, that is in the day to day, besides that toxicity and romance are words that usually come together (speaking of genres in books, movies, games and so on). I also think that words like "stolen" or "choose" are bullshit in terms of love, but that is a debate for another topic.

As to character quality, we agree, almost all are empties.

Speaking of genres for example, I like to see uncommonly and unreal things, like slavery in fantasy/sci-fi contexts. And I prefer gameplay than story. For me, if you give me a good gameplay, and a bad story, I am very happy.


New Member
Mar 29, 2021
I can totally relate to that. I also don't want to play games that put me in situations that are too close to real life. I play VNs to relax/unwind so I don't necessarily want emotional baggage thrown at me in the game.

BUT I do think there's definitely a lack of variety out there. I wouldn't go as far as saying all games are crap, but many are not for me.

I'm kind of tired to play the same MC with the same prototypes of braindead bimbos. Most games I play, I can enjoy if the quality of art/writing is good even if i'm not into the scenario, but I often find myself running into a big turn off and dropping out. Games that have a promising start fall back into the same tropes quickly. And games I really liked often were older games that have long been abandoned/left unfinished :(
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I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
God, another one of these posts. Like do you even think about this subject the tiniest bit before posting, or are you just looking for confirmation?

Just like you like sharing your girlfriend some people like games where they place themselves into the role of a main character that has what they don't. A MC that can get all the girls they want without the need to try, women that will live them unconditionally. To them why relive the same world they already live in? They'd rather been in a feel good fantasy world that caters to them, since real life is generally unfair and unforgiving. And guess what, its not going anywhere soon, this is the fantasy that most people tend to want in games.

Also +1 to the count of people complaining about the lack of realism in harem type games, yet liking NTR games that are generally anything but.
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[Industry News] Weird behavior (c)
Game Developer
Dec 16, 2019
Actually very interesting subject.

There is many examples when crap selling better and making more money then products with quality (sometimes even without marketing)! Hard to explain why.

L8ERALgames making 145$ per month by having best renders by far here. :)

Mexican soap operas and Bollywood masterpieces making billions. "American Hustle" (2013) movie with superb production and art value having army of haters on imdb. :( "The Treasure of Sierra Madre" (1948) flopped at box office. Even Futurama wasn't very successful at beginning.

So there is something to think about. :)

upd. I didn't think escapism movies or books have to be bad too. :)
Still can't understand why 'A View to a Kill' considered as worst at Bond series. :)
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