people enjoy crap games, why?


Aug 29, 2020
Dude. You been talking about finding romance and personal connections in porn games, wondering why anyone would dare enjoy anything else, calling it crap. Honestly, you prop get more comments geared your way if you narrowed this topic down to vn games, instead of all games.

You are just not gonna find what you are looking for in all games.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
Im not asking for anything, Im saying most games are crap. thats my opinion.
if you enjoy most games, good for you. and if you want to reveal why, good for the thread and the discussions.
no matter what you are saying against me, it will not change that facts, most games are crap for me.
its not that I can just control my feelings and force me to enjoy games that are crap.
so, if you think otherwise, most games are good, well, write about that, that you enjoy it, and the reasons why and that Im wrong that most games are not crap, at least your opinion.
not sure why you try to change "me", when really, its not about that but to share your view.
please, can u be on topic and stop harassing me, the recent couple posts (mine included) are just "crap". gives nothing to the discussions.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Im not asking for anything, Im saying most games are crap. thats my opinion.
if you enjoy most games, good for you. and if you want to reveal why, good for the thread and the discussions.
no matter what you are saying against me, it will not change that facts, most games are crap for me.
its not that I can just control my feelings and force me to enjoy games that are crap.
so, if you think otherwise, most games are good, well, write about that, that you enjoy it, and the reasons why and that Im wrong that most games are not crap, at least your opinion.
not sure why you try to change "me", when really, its not about that but to share your view.
please, can u be on topic and stop harassing me, the recent couple posts (mine included) are just "crap". gives nothing to the discussions.
Except you've been told why most people enjoy the "crap," and why calling them crap is narrow minded, yet all you do is downplay it as you being more "complex."

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
why have any discussions at all?
Well, start to quote what you're answering to, and you'll find more people ready to discuss with you.
It's really annoying, and not really engaging, to have first to wonder what you are referring to in your answer. We all have a life, and few among us will remember what the fuck we exactly said that can possibly be what you're answering to. Especially since we can perfectly have had a full day at works, then a full night of sleep, before we come back to the thread and see your own answer. And obviously we have other things to do than finding, then reading again, what we wrote.

And it become worse when what we read is the answer to something that someone else said. We just see you saying a bunch of things, absolutely not knowing the context, nor the reason why you are saying it.
I mean, your post also contain this :
your post is "crap", gives nothing to the discussion. either you agree, or you disagree about the subject. dont try to with that superiority attitude like you have all the answers and we need to follow your policy and conduct.
Therefore, you're apparently talking to someone. But who ? What did this person said to receive such answer ? Only you know it. But not only you're expecting the person you're talking to, to understand that you're talking to him, but you're also expecting that kind of understanding from people who will just read you.
Discussing with you is like talking with a 1 or 2 years child ; the age where they still haven't understood that everyone is different, and then still think that whatever they see/know/think, everyone else see/know/think it. It's not a discussion, it's a "guess what" game. But the fact is that we have other things, more interesting, to do with our life than guessing what you're
answering to ; and obviously more interesting that searching what it can be.

It's the kind of problem that lead RedPillBlues to answer this the way he did (not without reason), simply because he have missed that you were in fact answer to someone in particular. Or is it me who falsely understood your post that way ? Only you know the answer, and it's not how public discussion works.
How do you expect people to want to invest in a discussion with you in such conditions ? And I insist on the "with you", because there's discussion on this thread, it's just that they don't involve you. People discuss between them, talking about the subject of the thread your started. And it's obviously something totally natural in a public discussion.

Im not asking for anything, Im saying most games are crap. thats my opinion.
Excuse-me, but you named your thread "People enjoy crap games, why?". So you ARE asking for something.

If effectively all you wanted is to say that most games are crap, well it's your opinion and I have a news for you, we don't care at all.


Aug 29, 2020
if you dont care anne O'nymous why bother to post? this is exactly a "crappy" response. instead of staying on topic u need to argue about something else. that for me is boring and uninteresting. if you enjoy trolling. good work, u made it!
this is not the first time u post like that. not sure whats your issues, but I don't care either way.
Yet you still respond, calling it a crappy post.
I'm starting to think this is pot calling the kettle black situation, except we are missing the kettle.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
if you dont care anne O'nymous why bother to post?
The answer is really simple and totally obvious: Because you aren't the center of the world.

You are just the guy who started this thread, nothing more. We own you absolutely nothing, and we have perfectly the right to participate in the discussion you started, and to do it without caring a single second about your existence.
We read things, and it happen that sometimes we have things to say about them, dot. Even when you (impersonal) are the person quoted, you (still impersonal) aren't the person to who the answer is addressed. There's some exception, but globally when someone participate into a public discussion, he isn't talking to someone in particular, but to the whole public ; what imply that he don't care about the opinion of one person in particular, just sharing his own opinion, for the readers to have another point of view regarding the subject.

not sure whats your issues, but I don't care either way.
"if you dont care baka why bother to post?"

Edit: Thanks a lot for the facepalm, baka , I feared a second that you really didn't cared.
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May 6, 2017
Im not asking for anything, Im saying most games are crap. thats my opinion.
if you enjoy most games, good for you. and if you want to reveal why, good for the thread and the discussions.
no matter what you are saying against me, it will not change that facts, most games are crap for me.
its not that I can just control my feelings and force me to enjoy games that are crap.
so, if you think otherwise, most games are good, well, write about that, that you enjoy it, and the reasons why and that Im wrong that most games are not crap, at least your opinion.
not sure why you try to change "me", when really, its not about that but to share your view.
please, can u be on topic and stop harassing me, the recent couple posts (mine included) are just "crap". gives nothing to the discussions.
The problem with all of your "Statements" is they are personal conjecture that you are trying to push as facts. Your actions keep saying to people "YOUR TASTES ARE PLEBEIAN SHIT! ONLY LIKE WHAT I DO YOU STUPID FUCKS!" and that is not having a discussion. That is actively shutting the door on any and all attempts to discuss, by saying "I hate this and nothing will change my mind" you have chosen in no uncertain terms that there will be no discussion, it's now you raging at people for liking what you hate and being sad that people don't just blindly do as you say. Look at the name of this thread, this isn't an attempt at opening dialog, this is a petulant tantrum. It's like listening to some spoiled brat screech about not getting a toy or candy at the store, that the thought that other people have their own tastes and they are not clones of yours is so harmful to your fragile ego is, to be frank, a feat I thought only possible in fiction, yet here we are, watching you stomp and scream as you tell us we are wrong for not doing as you say.

Edited for typos
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May 6, 2017
Now, if you actually wanted to have a discussion you should have said things like "I don't understand the appeal of (X) in (Y) games can someone give me the 411?" That is a door opener, that is asking for opinions, that is not telling people that the things they like are shit.

You are a Mod for god's sake, act like it. Part of your job is communication and conflict management, not starting shit on the forums because your butt flustered at people liking what you hate.


New Member
Oct 20, 2020
The quality criterion is very simple. Tinto Brass Caligula is one of the greatest historical movies even if all the sex scenes were cut out. Because not glamorous, but cruel and depraved Ancient Rome, which is known from historical documents, is shown. Where a person goes crazy because his power as an emperor is unlimited.
Will the game be at least 50% interesting from the original if the fuck scenes are removed?
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2020
You ask good questions, sir. But I am afraid I must be blunt here. If you don't like the way most of the games on here are made and you can't find the type of game you want, than the answer is quite simple: make your own game. The tools are out there and there are a mass of people here that would be willing to help you get started. Post your game. See how it stacks up next to the games you hate. If it does well, then you have hit a gold mine and you cane make use of it. If it fails, than you should refrain from bad-mouthing people on here because of what they like in a game. Games are made by how in demand they are. Right now, people want games were they are in complete control. People want a good game that has good wank value. Now, if you make a game that if full of romance and such that you like, than maybe you can turn the tide of what the people want. But wank material is what is king here for right now.

C u n t

Feb 7, 2019
I must say i tried alot of games those with great graphics but shitty story and those with good story but shitt graphics i personal enjoy it if we get a story and not fuck directly arround but i shouldn't be so grindy either but i also understand some that just want sex scenes but than i don't get all these NTR cry kids....
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Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
harukisclone really? not sure if I should take you seriously or that you are joking.
we read a book why? well it will never be better than real life, so burn the book and get out.
we watch a movie why? well it can never be as real as life, so skip the movie and go out for a walk.
why play a 3d rendered erotic visual novel? well it can never be better than a porn movie, that can never be better than real life sex.
come on man. you are embarrassing yourself.

so, why write a post, if you can have a real conversation with a real human. quit internet and get a life.


Aug 29, 2020
harukisclone really? not sure if I should take you seriously or that you are joking.
we read a book why? well it will never be better than real life, so burn the book and get out.
we watch a movie why? well it can never be as real as life, so skip the movie and go out for a walk.
why play a 3d rendered erotic visual novel? well it can never be better than a porn movie, that can never be better than real life sex.
come on man. you are embarrassing yourself.

so, why write a post, if you can have a real conversation with a real human. quit internet and get a life.
Eyyy he's back and on an irrational attack! I thought he finally gave up on this thread lol

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
we read a book why? well it will never be better than real life, so burn the book and get out.
we watch a movie why? well it can never be as real as life, so skip the movie and go out for a walk.
why play a 3d rendered erotic visual novel? well it can never be better than a porn movie, that can never be better than real life sex.
come on man. you are embarrassing yourself.
Er... Really ? It's your answer to harukisclone saying, among other things and relatively explicitly, that characters building don't need to be perfect and/or real life looking, to have an enjoyable side ?

What he said is the exact opposite of the summary you made as attempt to mock him, and you're thinking that he's the one embarrassing himself ?


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
of course u hold his hand, since he go "against" me, as you also are. u dont give a crap about what he says, just that he is.
this me against you mentality is so pathetic and also show your age and maturity. no point on having any argument since you actually dont care. u just want a win and feel good about yourself. but that for me, is just so low, Im not sure how to respond since you will never understand. I will take harukisclone suggestion "high horse", so drop your superiority complex and get real.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
this me against you mentality is so pathetic and also show your age and maturity.
I wonder how an imaginary situation, that you totally made up from absolutely nothing, can show you something that I've told surely way too often for your own taste, my age ; I'll be 50yo in few months.
As for my maturity, it's still a debate in progress. But honestly, when you become a widow at 39yo (yet something that I've told surely way too often for your own taste), you stop to take too seriously what don't need to be took so seriously.

u just want a win and feel good about yourself.
Do you really think that, at so near to having lived half a century, and probably more than half of my life, I don't already feel good about myself ? And this for achievements way more interesting and important than winning an argument on internet ? I've two wonderful children, and I've had the unbelievable chance to encounter an amazing woman that loved me until her last second on Earth. Just those two would be enough to make me feel really good about myself, and they are far to be the sole achievements in my life.
Be noted that the same would apply if, at the opposite, it happened that I had totally messed up my life. Then, it's not winning some arguments on internet that could have been enough to compensate all the bad I would have thought about myself for those 50 crappy years.
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Dec 15, 2018
Im not asking for anything, Im saying most games are crap. thats my opinion.
You can extend the same logic to any form of entertainment medium, most of them are "Crap" in some metric.
What you need to appreciate, is there is a difference between a story that is "Good" and one is "Entertaining". You can surmise a metric as to what compromises a "Good" story, but being good does not make it something anyone would enjoy. Entertaining is a much more subjective term, as it depends to the crowd you are catering for.

Sex sells. X Incest game did well, so why don't I just copy that with my own graphics? And there you have a game that does well. Similar logic to why AAA companies re-release the same game over and over (Call of Duty etc) rather than "Experimenting" with newer stuff. One is guaranteed to do well, the other is a risky endeavour that might result in a waste of Time, Effort and Money.

Why do so few games give any real semblance of choice? Most games really just limit choice to "What sex scenes you see" and sometimes "What people you can fuck" but the story remains the same from beginning to end, with perhaps a slight variance to the last scene based on choices made earlier. Every path you create opens more choices, but greatly increases the work involved yet gives no extra reward.

If your standard game has say, 10 hours of content. Then if I give you 2 full paths, am I giving you 5 hours for each? Or 10 for each? No matter how I do it, I'm either giving you a lesser amount per path for the same price as a 1 path game, or giving you more time if you do multiple paths yet I don't receive extra benefits to make it worth it.

Crap games are easy. They "Satisfy" people overall, give some entertainment and aren't too difficult to implement. Good games are hard to make, intensive and may not work out at all, hence why people are hesitant to get into them. They also require a better team, especially for writers. Even well established works, such as Star Wars, have an almost universal agreement that George Lucas writes TERRIBLE romance, despite how much they may like the movies.

Avengers End Game was an entertaining movie in my books, though they still flout every rule about time travel they established in the movie for the final scene. People will cater to what is entertaining, and give up logical conclusions for emotion, and there isn't anything you can really do about it, because Artists and Creators have the freedom to choose between "Making something I want" vs "Making something people would enjoy", with most leaning towards the latter to make their work profitable, few people have the funds or time to make a (potentially) unpopular and intensive game for the purpose of "Self Enjoyment."


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
I agree with all that lazymunchlax, quality novels that require more time to make tends to take forever to make, as we can see from a couple "slow burn" games in f95. and those games are well appreciated by many, so that means people enjoy "good" games as well. examples of those as: a wife and mother and jessica o'neil's hard news.
other games (unfortunately abandoned) that I think have this "quality" feel are: project sage and our fate.
but, those require dedication and experienced devs with a good writer with good English skills.
its a risk to start a game like that, but its not uncommon.

the copy/paste method is simpler and you know that it will get you supporters almost immediately, even if the first update is "quite bad" it show 5 girls with some nice boobs and ass. and people tends to buy the movie by its cover and not the synopsis.
and its always harder to create a 5 girls game since that will require you to split the work in 5 and you need to cut out drama that would let you get to know the characters. that is why I feel its just carnal, no soul in those games, even if I would like to play a nice dating game that offers 10 girls and that I can focus on any or everyone, but with enough content that each girl has a personality and history that makes sense. but most often I get a boring story (reused), same models with some color or hair modification, same personalities and make-no-effort get the girl, preferable mother as incest seems to work well. the Mc is often a preteen in a young mans body. often a looser that next day he is a casanova, without any story that tells how this "transformation" happened. like the 80' movie "can't buy me love" that gives u this outcast > popular transformation, at least theres something that made him popular, or attractive that allow you to score the girls.
for me those details are important, its the context and the hows and whys Im in a specific situation.


Dec 15, 2018
at least theres something that made him popular, or attractive that allow you to score the girls.
for me those details are important, its the context and the hows and whys Im in a specific situation.
I'd say one final thing you need to consider, is that there are no rules or definitions when it comes to love. Some people need years or decades to build love, while others can feel it begin with a single look.

I read countless novels, and any time romance is involved, there are plenty of people that feel it is badly written, yet I almost never see anyone accept it. Love is particularly illogical.

Don't limit yourself to a particular definition of love, such as two people meeting and dating for a while before it develops, and open yourself up to "Sometimes it just happens".