People who like futa on male are gay?

Do you like futa on male and you are gay?

  • I'm gay and I like futa on male

    Votes: 48 5.5%
  • I'm not gay and I like futa on male

    Votes: 486 55.4%
  • I'm not gay and I don't like futa on male

    Votes: 326 37.2%
  • I'm gay and I don't like futa on male

    Votes: 17 1.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
Watch out, that kind of concept might be impossible to grasp for his limited mind, so be ready for him to resolve to calling you gay anyway
Honestly I'm more curious if he resorts to calling me French. :p

Most Futa content looks like the picture above only difference from what I can tell quickly browsing through Rule34 video is that most of what you see is Futa on Futa or Futa on Female.

Most Futa on male content seems to show the male doing something with that dick or getting something done to them with that dick. Simply put the male interaction with the dick is the focus, thus the point that it lands somehwere in the regeion of gay. Maybe not exclusively gay....but probably mostly gay, IMO. If you remember before this thread went totally off the rails. I mentioned that "gayness" is not really a binary, yes or no proposition. It is more of a scale from exclusively straight to exclusively gay and everything in between.
I don't talk a lot about futa on male to gays, but my experience is that they usually dislike it. The poll results of this poll are a little surprising to me, but let's be honest this is one of the crappier forum polls.

Anyway I agree with the scale idea (wouldn't call that "gayness" but whatever) but I think interest in futa, and probably futa on male too, peaks with bi and pansexual people, and then with mostly straight people. That's just a theory tho. Also.

I think the bigger issue here is honestly, so what if it's gay? A lot of you seem real defensive about the issue, which would imply YOU think there is something wrong with being, or admitting to being, gay. I don't. I just think people should be honest - with others and with themselves.
I don't like the idea of letting the most insecure straight dudes define what "gay" means. Doesn't sit well with me.

And you can't convince me that many from the other side of the issue aren't defensive themselves.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I don't think Mr. Sherlock means it as a compliment.
It's because you've an advantage over him, you think. But should words said by such people be took as intended, or should they be took as what they actually means ?

You have two hours, it will count for your final grade.
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2023
So, what the person in is ?
She's undoubtedly a woman since she was pregnant with her third child, yet when you look at her chromosomes, she's as much female than male, carrying both XX and XY chromosomes.

It's reassuring to imagine that everything is either black or white, because it remove all uncertainty and avoid us to search the answer by ourselves. But the fact is that nothing in life actually follow that basic dichotomy.
In addition of the example above, touching the X or Y chromosome aren't this exceptional. (XXY), (XXX), (X), and so on, including all those who are unnamed, are known and perfectly documented cases of sexual aneuploidies that break the minimalist lessons people get in school.
With just the three cases I named, you cover around 1 in 1,500 birth. It's both small in regard of humanity, ~0.07% of it, and big when took at life level. Between school then work, and including our neighborhood and leisure, in our life we will all know at least 1 or 2 peoples who are, to some extent, intersex, and therefore do not follow that minimalist dichotomy.

And what about hermaphrodism, since it's not a modification ? Whatever how efficient are their sexual organs, the fact is that those peoples have them both.

It's your opinion, yes, and you perfectly have the right to have it.
But where you're wrong is by believing that it's as valid as his. It's now decades that geneticists have started to explain, and to demonstrate, that your opinion do not correspond to the reality they observe. And when I say "decades", I'm nice. Turner syndrome was described for the first time in 1938, while Klinefelter syndrome was identified in the 1940's. Therefore we aren't far to them being a century old. And, obviously, the more we advance in our understanding of the human genome, the more surprises there's to expect.

You are turning the table here. The issue isn't in the fact to admit that one is bi-sexual or not (because, sorry, but having two kids and really liking sex with women, I can't be gay, just bi-sexual at most), but in the meaning those peoples put behind "gay".
Not much are fighting against the fact that they've been called "gay". In fact if you look more closely few even said that we are all partly bi-sexual. What they fight against is the latent homophobia carried by those peoples and, more globally, by threads like this one. This precisely because, by nature, humans are all partly bi-sexual and because, as you said yourself, there's nothing wrong in your sexual orientation, whatever it can be. Therefore the question shouldn't even be one. At least unless yourself (the author, not you personally), are insecure regarding your own sexuality.
I get what you are saying but here are a few thoughts.

Hermaphroditism is incredibly rare. In the majority of cases, the penis on said individuals is tiny and/or non-functional. Remember this is a discussion about FUTA; a genre where a person is typically depicted with a giant raging fully-functional cock. But regardless, it's so incredibly rare it's really not worth basing your argument around. You simply can't form a belief, or govern a society, or anything really, based on an extremely tiny minority of individuals. If you did that, you would never be able to have any consistency, you would just be left with a list miles long filled with "but if exception 1 then do A, if exception 2, then do B..." on to infinity.

Everything is not black or white, but when you start basing your whole worldview on the shades of gray too much, you just wind up debating scenarios that will likely never occur for the majority of people in the majority of situations, which is counterproductive. The majority of people you will actually encounter in real life, who appear female but have a penis (which is already quite rare in and of itself) are going to be transgender people who were born male or female and decided to change their body. On top of that already rare scenario (encountering someone who presents as female and has some female anatomy yet also has a penis,) the odds that you have indeed encountered an actual hermaphrodite, are incredibly low - this will simply never happen to most people. This really just amounts to sitting around dreaming up and debating implausible "hey but what if..." scenarios which is just... counterproductive.

If I can say my opinion works >99% of the time... that seems pretty solid ground to stand on to me.

And regarding my point about the denial of things being gay - the term gay has become very broad so this issue gets murky. It's not the 1960's anymore. I would say a guy who has sex with both males and females is gay, and bisexual is kind of a subcategory of this. Again just my opinion. But in my view, a person who is straight exclusively has sex with the opposite sex. If you don't like this, look to the gay community itself, which has sought to band together lesbian women, gay males, transgender individuals, and 500 million shades of gray in between - they themselves have blurred the lines on that issue a whole hell of a lot.

And there is a LOT of evidence pointing to the validity of the issue that even today, in 2024, people still have some kind of deep set shame/denial/embarrassment about the idea of being labeled "gay" which is what I think we should really be trying to eliminate. My belief is it comes from so many years and culture of this being construed as a bad thing. (Some) people still don't want to admit to their family, friends, coworkers, spouse, etc. that they are "gay" so they seek out all kinds of alternatives to explain their behavior. Life would be so much simpler (and mental health would be way better) if they felt confident to just say you know what, yeah I like cock - so what? I can respect it, if you can respect it enough to just admit and and be up front about it.

I have a friend who is "bisexual" - I have known him for many years. He has had sex with TONs of guys. It's usually under really sketchy dangerous circumstances, because he is trying to keep it on the sly. He's married now, and his wife and family friends etc. mostly have NO IDEA. This leads to him sneaking around fucking dudes in cars and club bathrooms and shit like that, and taking massive levels of risk. All because he is so afraid of being labeled as "gay" and judged. It kills me to see this shit honestly, I have had a number of heart-wrenching conversations with him where he is terrified to go get tested after risky sexual experience #5,000, and needs someone to help him find the courage to walk into the lab and get his test done when he is terrified of what the results may be. Would his family honestly give a shit? Are they going to disown him? Of course not. Would his wife object? Um, hell yes. And that brings us to the other side of the issue - he deceives her to get what he wants, so he can have his cake and eat it too. This is really not fair to her, especially since he is constantly exposing her to disease risk without her consent. That's the dark side of all of this, and yet another reason why I keep saying a big part of the issue is the need for honesty.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Everything is not black or white, but when you start basing your whole worldview on the shades of gray too much, you just wind up debating scenarios that will likely never occur for the majority of people in the majority of situations, which is counterproductive.
It remind me the pre 80's-90's discussions about homosexuality ; "it's something exceptional", "less than 0.1% of the population is homosexual", "unless you go in places like 'that one' or 'this one', you'll never encounter one in your life", and so on...
Then they stopped to hide in the dark, firstly by choice, then by necessity (AIDS), and the world discovered that while being a minority, they represent around 10% of the human beings.

Talking about the reality, whatever the topic and how low its occurrence can be, is only counterproductive for those who prefer to stay in their glass castle.
Take lead by example. It was already know as being a poison in the 19th century. Charles Dickens used that fact as base for one of his novel, A Small Star in the East, while Lewis Carroll used it to depict the hatter in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Yet, outside of people using it for their job, it's something anecdotal, and in the 60's paint in the US were still heavily charged in lead. And now, still in the US, , endangering their health because peoples preferred to not talk about it, and therefore to not face the reality.
And I don't talk about the lead added in gas, even more anecdotal since spread in the air, and so in astounding low level in the environment, at least before gas was so massively used, and that impact everyone's health and not only that.

Talking about the reality, whatever the topic and how low its occurrence can be, is what make the world a better and safer place for everyone...

But yeah, where Insomnimaniac Games is right, is that talking about the reality in such place is not as productive as it could be in better place. Yet, a reminder time to time, for the readers, never hurt, and they had it, so...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2021
It remind me the pre 80's-90's discussions about homosexuality ; "it's something exceptional", "less than 0.1% of the population is homosexual", "unless you go in places like 'that one' or 'this one', you'll never encounter one in your life", and so on...
Then they stopped to hide in the dark, firstly by choice, then by necessity (AIDS), and the world discovered that while being a minority, they represent around 10% of the human beings.

Talking about the reality, whatever the topic and how low its occurrence can be, is only counterproductive for those who prefer to stay in their glass castle.
Take lead by example. It was already know as being a poison in the 19th century. Charles Dickens used that fact as base for one of his novel, A Small Star in the East, while Lewis Carroll used it to depict the hatter in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Yet, outside of people using it for their job, it's something anecdotal, and in the 60's paint in the US were still heavily charged in lead. And now, still in the US, , endangering their health because peoples preferred to not talk about it, and therefore to not face the reality.
And I don't talk about the lead added in gas, even more anecdotal since spread in the air, and so in astounding low level in the environment, at least before gas was so massively used, and that impact everyone's health and not only that.

Talking about the reality, whatever the topic and how low its occurrence can be, is what make the world a better and safer place for everyone...

But yeah, where Insomnimaniac Games is right, is that talking about the reality in such place is not as productive as it could be in better place. Yet, a reminder time to time, for the readers, never hurt, and they had it, so...

Hey Anne, glad to see you 'round there. Hope you're doing alright !


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
I have a friend who is "bisexual" -
That's not bisexual... that's a gay pretending to be straight. Bisexuals DO exist, and they are, FAR more numerous than us gays (you won't see them though... there is a lot of biphobia, both in straight AND gay communities, especially for men), but this one is just the classic closet case who ended getting a woman as a beard (this is a classic in Latin America, where being gay is still a taboo). Sigh... back in my university days, I had the chance with a girl, but no, not in hell (besides, how could I fake it? I can't get hard with a naked woman, that's a fact). So I ended friendzoning her, and she got over this rather quickly. I didn't come out of the closet though, but I'm gonna wrap it here because it would need an entire thread about it.

I always refused to date girls, even under the heavy pressure of my family and co-workers (back then) to get one. It's not fair to rob a girl time and years for a fake relationship that is doomed to fail. Of course, my honesty put me in kind of glass closet, everyone seemed to see my gayness, except me, who I refused to come out definitely until this year. But at least I have no regrets on that regard.

This is really not fair to her, especially since he is constantly exposing her to disease risk without her consent.
He won't change, he's deep on his lies, until he's finally exposed. But can you talk to him about ? It's a method to protect himself against HIV (and I think there is PreP for the other STDs too). If he's in USA or western europe, it can be easy to find out about it. There is also another kind of PreP, specific to the other STDs, giving the wife at least a bit of assurance (a bit. Is less effective than the HIV one). That is, assuming he's not HIV+ already, which will bring a lot of trouble on his marriage.
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Dec 26, 2020
Oh noes, my cover is blown !!!

Damn you !
no worries idgaf about you being gay ;)

So, following your logic, all gay people are French?
Fuck, the country's population increased drastically
thats why they needed to import black men from africa and tusken raiders to boost their population lmao
Right, makes sense. I think jokes where you pretend to misunderstand something are kinda "risky" with this fellow tho.

You must be really eager for that deerstalker. Didn't know about Hindi though, all other ones were old hat.

His position isn't that tu is a hard word, it's that Latin is a difficult language.

That's rich from you. Bruh, every single comment from you in this topic has been totally moronic. Maybe even every comment you made. But I won't go so far as claim you think they're all good jokes. :Kappa: Even you must have some standards.

And then you made a retarded comment intended as a joke in the same post. That's Trumpian levels of self-delusion. :unsure: I bet even the crowd in the futa-on-male thread would kneel in awe for that.
he literally said its two hard words :WaitWhat:
youre the pleb who didnt master the art :LUL:

The one thing most people seem to misunderstand is idk how it can be gay to like giant dick and watching a dude getting railed man idk i really dont know. It seems like you need to study quantum mechanics or something to see how that is or is not gay. :KEK:


New Member
Nov 20, 2023
I recently saw a poll here where a large majority liked futa on male. And I found it curious. As a straight guy I understand someone can like futa on female, futa on futa, or male on futa but not futa on male. And I wondered, are they all gay, or why would a straight guy like futa on male?
I mean it is literally just pegging but with flesh, really not that weird in the grand scheme and not particularly gay


Jul 27, 2023
Dude, I like plain yaoi (although a very specific one) and I'm definitely not gay, but for some weird reason, I find effeminate skinny boys who get cucked by their girlfriends and ultimately become the bull's femboy slave extremely sexy.

Why do I know I'm definitely not gay? Because I don't feel like having sex with a guy or getting fucked by a guy. I'm not even attracted to men whatsoever. It's just that specific scene of 'a skinny boy lacking masculinity getting humiliated and cucked by his girlfriend and ultimately being fucked by a manly stud' that's so weirdly sexy to me, I can't even explain it. But I never imagine myself in this situation. I'm not even skinny; I'm tall and muscular. As I said, I don't imagine myself having sex with any man either.

This is a subject I've wanted to bring up for some time because I see people relating a lot to hentai and porn. All my life, I've never seen porn like this. I've always seen it from a distance, and very rarely I do enjoy stuff that I would actually want to do.
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Aug 12, 2017
I would say a guy who has sex with both males and females is gay, and bisexual is kind of a subcategory of this. Again just my opinion. B
And here is the proof you have no clue what youre talking about. Being gay is a clearly defined value. So is Bisexual. So is being straight.
They go pretty much like this:
Gay: Turned on by same sex only
Bisexual: turned on by both sexes
Straight: Turned on by opposite sex only

These arent bendy rules. Its what they are. They are definitions of sexuality. Not suggestions.
That you have an opinion is just that, an opinion. But these above are facts. Your opinion on it doesnt matter, nor is it valid.
Its just you being rather dumb and drama prone.

Noah Neim

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2020
I can't even explain it. But I never imagine myself in this situation. I'm not even skinny; I'm tall and muscular. As I said, I don't imagine myself having sex with any man either.
The answer should be obvious dawg :KEK:

This entire thread has hall of fame level statements


Jun 19, 2017
The question is misleading because "futa on male" implies that the futa is fucking the male (presumably anally) which is assuredly gay.

But "futa on male" may be interpreted by some users as any sex between the two (e.g. man fucking futa pussy; "male on futa") which is not necessarily gay and could easily be enjoyed by straight people.

Responses are probably colored by which interpretation people took upon reading the title.


Aug 12, 2017
The question is misleading because "futa on male" implies that the futa is fucking the male (presumably anally) which is assuredly gay.

But "futa on male" may be interpreted by some users as any sex between the two (e.g. man fucking futa pussy; "male on futa") which is not necessarily gay and could easily be enjoyed by straight people.

Responses are probably colored by which interpretation people took upon reading the title.
Futa on male is always and every time the futa fucking the male. Thats the entire point of the tag and how its named, on every porn site.


Jun 19, 2017
Futa on male is always and every time the futa fucking the male. Thats the entire point of the tag and how its named, on every porn site.
In that case I don't understand OP's question. Being sexually aroused by a cock penetrating a man's asshole is obviously gay.
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