It was, alright? There's no buildup to anything or character building either. It's just porn. NTR games function better if you actually care about the characters (by building them up enough to make you care about them). This doesn't do that. It's just guy spies on girl and old man together. And it jumps right into it, instead of letting it slowly take shape.
You can tell they took a lot of this from Indecent Wife Hana. Just switched out the teenager for an old man. Except in that game, it is a nice slow build up and the characters are more fleshed out to make you actually feel the NTR feeling. In this one, no characters are built up and it just rushes the whole NTR, making you not really care about anything.
Like I said, it's just porn. As I mentioned, it feels like the developer just wants to make Indecent Wife Hana, but with an old man instead. But they cut all the character development and just went straight for the porn. Oh, and there is no choices. Don't know if that will change later, but right now it is a kinetic novel.
Either way, best of luck with your project still and thanks.