Each month the Devs asks us to wait at least one week before was leak to this site. Most games have much longer wait times before they are leaked. Instead of going for a more restrictive route, he's going to attempt a more reward based strategy for achieving this. If no one leaks the game early, he's going to include an additional scene as "thank you" for not leaking the game early available via a patch. The scene will be between Jasmine and her brother, and it will be exclusive to that patch. If the game is leaked early then the scene will never be added.
I know you guys are excited for the new update, as am I. I'm also for Devs being able to pay their bills! This is a pirate site, but the majority of games have a delay before their supporters leak them. Hopefully the supporters will wait a few days, dev can make some money, then we'll all benefit from getting more content going forward.