ALL the likes..ALL!It's definitely going to happen, mostly because I want to see bloated tits Amy.
As much as I'd like to take credit, this girl was made by @OZ (TeddyBear) . I just gave her a slutty outfit.DAMN!!!![]()
Watch at previous post before yours ; It's not a disease to read sometimes...Got any rough date for new update?
Oops my bad, didn't look at the post date.Watch at previous post before yours ; It's not a disease to read sometimes...
Well, what time does Sophie come home from work on Friday? So if you wanna know what's going on, where should you be, when, and at what time?stuck hint: why's sophie been coming home so late on fridays
While true, Maria could also be very much open to it - and Amy would probably be considering more along the lines of "I want a baby from a guy that actually cares about me", would be my thought.well with daily Amy cuminsides available is apt that she would be the first one @Domiek says get knocked up..i mean..its a tribute to our stalwart splooshings!!! Mamma Maria on the other hand..seems well learned in the art of seduction and boink and probably is well protected against the demon seed..LOL...Amy was a lost waif and probably didnt think much about the ramifications of boinking around..HAHA.
So you told me nothing I didn't know, However to prove you wrong I figured it out. Don't leave house from 4pm on and visit every room and interact always.Well, what time does Sophie come home from work on Friday? So if you wanna know what's going on, where should you be, when, and at what time?
You could have just searched this question as it's been asked a few dozen times already. Just wait in the living room late at night before midnight to see her walking into the house. Like when we were teens, trying to sneak into the house late at night and seeing our mom or dad sitting in the dark by the door saying "where the hell were you?"So you told me nothing I didn't know, However to prove you wrong I figured it out. Don't leave house from 4pm on and visit every room and interact always.
1600-living room to advance time.
1700-(Sophies Home...No pormotion)-AutoAdvance
1800-Sophie room...better not bug her-click Advance
1900-Sophie shower..keep looking..-AutoAdvance
2000-Sophie Kitchen...deepthroating cucumber-clickAdvance
2100-Cant find her-This is where I have always given up,but since I decided to prove you wrong i stuck around-click to advance time
2200-Sophi shows up again and advances story
That's a little specific..."Sorry Mom, I was watching all of the Lord of the Ring at Jimmy's and lost track of time. Nope, wasn't drinking... Why you ask?"
Hey, I was trying to think on my feet. It didn't work. I still got "the talk" from Mom. Aka don't stay out drinking with girls because bitches will poke holes in the condom to get preggo and trap you for life.That's a little specific...