That has absolutely nothing to do with what I put in my post.
She still won't leave her husband and as far as her kids will be aware it is his. She's made it clear she likes the MC but her kids will always come first and she won't upend their lives.
Sure, she'll sleep with the MC, she'll get pregnant but she won't ruin her family.
Regardless of anything else, her kids will always come first.
I know it's Domiek's story and in the end he will and should do as he wants, but reading this I just have to say, how is the family not already ruined?
What you are talking about is that she will keep up the facade of an intact family, when in reality it is already broken, and to be honest that is an incredibly stupid thing to do.
As if it wouldn't be far better for the kids to end a loveless marriage, where the father is nothing but a joke to his wife and her lover, and instead have their mother be happy with someone else (MC or not) and also give the father a shot at a better relationship.
I don't think any kid would ever prefer it that their parents are unhappy to a divorce, and if someone did, fuck that egotistical little dick/cunt.