Take away about 1.5 months for vacation + migration to a new rig and it's not as gloomy.
For the love of Satan, people have boners! It
is gloomy, there's limit for replays for some handshaking!! You're Dom Iek, so dominate us with something new. I'm quite sure your wife haven't sucked it thoroughly next to unseen. (and if so, shave, and you'll see that third nipple again.) Yeah, you got some new toys in your box of toys but, I, for one, would think you'd have get, if not explicit then implicit, permission from your better half to better serve, if not the paying but at least more criticizing and more entertaining, audience. After all, and all those savings spent, she's still shaking her head, so what you have to to lose? You may be still a disappointment, but at least here'll be the whole cult banging their foreheads to the floors
(but not to Floor Jansens as there's only one ;D).
So: Personally Train Us!
Or people will find some better Dom
me Iek to fill their needs. Want that? Well, you can avoid that simply by
spoiling: Send something red-haired & arousing to Avaron's girlfriend:
Avaron's girlfriend and
whole rest of dirt-in-your-shoes will be satisfied for some time. Send anything and 250.000+ will be satisfied until you release that Amy POV sausage swallowing / clamdiving .[add file format] with extras for all 'Zoner plebs to spread...
(and if that fore-written didn't make any sense: Shut Up! First International isn't my first language and I'm drunk as a scotch in same room with a bottle of highland single malt...)