Do you have any idea, more or less, of when the next update will come out? (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) (days, months ...)
Sure, in around 30 days, last time I said that I was only off by 20+ days XD
Jokes aside, I am dividing first kingdom map into smaller chunks (provinces as I decided) so I won't be doing all events at once. Rather each chunk at the time with story events as last ones (I am not going to blueball anyone, so if I am going to do an event, it must be fully finished, even if working only with debug menu).
So for this area, I have 4 H events (amount can change), more than few smaller Non-H events/quests. Not sure how many ecchi themed ones I will add, maybe few to spice things up.
Other than that, 2 new underwear (one is done already), one weapon (almost done) and two sets of clothes (though, it's same cloth but available in light and armored/heavy version). For clothes it's generally 1-2 day per cloth. For H events... No fucking clue, depends on event XD
So yeah, let's say 30 days and see if I can get it faster, not make it or be on time.
Also, I am aware it doesn't sound good that I can't determine how much drawing time I need, but I would rather be out in clear with that than not fit in set time period and try making some bullshit up.