instead thank @mooch1e for the amazing game she did
That's the best sentence that could be said,
She has been doing very well for years,the renders are always improving beautifully,
each character has its own beautiful sides,the cuteness,the devilishness,the nerdy-ness,
They all have their own story,mysteries,that are connected to each other.
I've been following the game since the beginning,and it's really wonderful how Grace has improved in quality,
how cuter and more beautiful Rachel has become,
how Sakura's tragic story always moves me,and when i look at Fiona,
i see a broken,fragile girl that i would do anything to help,protect and love.
And finally the cute Skylar emerges from the background,
when i see her,my heart immediately melts,
she is cute,sweet and really wants do good for everyone.
That's also the good thing about the game,each character gets their own time,
you can choose how you want to deal with each character(love or corruption).
Like i say,the story keeps getting better,
the renders have really improved immensely from the start,
really one of the better games that i keep coming back to,
with one of the best devs,
mooch1e ,who is always there for the fans and to discuss characters and scenes.