I agree with the European aspect here as most of the things mentioned here about brothels and strip clubs are all legal in Amsterdam (Netherlands), the whole red light district as far as I'm aware is all fully regulated with health benefits for the workers and stuff, plus they have lots of different kinds of scenery from cities to small rural villages to beaches to woodlands so it kind of has it all, also marijuana is legal there too, you can buy it in cafe's and can also get what we refer to here as "Space Cakes" lol.... but pseudo European country would probably be the best idea, plus also they have lots of free hostels out there for backpackers and is a very popular destination for US college students during a gap year...I'd go with a fake pseudo-european town. Something, something that could be Mediterranean but doesn't have to be defined as such. That way you get some really nice scenery for a photographer, and stay western enough that your American sensibilities aren't completely foreign.